>state of the art cgi
You're going to pre-order my bluray right user?
Aaron Torres
Liam Hughes
Stream release is July 9 and Disc release is the 23. There are deals out there to get the bluray, a dvd and a streaming licence for like $20.
Sebastian Cook
James Fisher
Prepare yourself for more Alita threads.
Christian Fisher
no, im gonna download from YIFY, super compress
Nathan Mitchell
aaaaaaah I'm so lonely and horny
Just passing by to ask if I got the likeness well enough?
Kayden Rivera
No god no. I saw your movie last night. It was enjoyable but otherwise utterly forgettable.
Lincoln Robinson
Angel Kelly
kristen ritter?
Nicholas Powell
They do though. Disney owns Fox and Fox distributes Alita. I'm not falling for your jewish tricks.