>You're going to pre-order my bluray right user?
You're going to pre-order my bluray right user?
shut the fuck up
That's not a nice thing to say user.
Yes, my queen.
i'm going to pirate it, but that's cause i'm poor and i want to experience the movie. pls forgive me.
Have sex
I'd preorder a helium tank if it meant seeing you again but I don't have a blu ray player. Stream release when?
>Giving money to Disney
>Disney makes money off Alita
lol no
kill yourself
>state of the art cgi
Stream release is July 9 and Disc release is the 23. There are deals out there to get the bluray, a dvd and a streaming licence for like $20.
Prepare yourself for more Alita threads.
no, im gonna download from YIFY, super compress
aaaaaaah I'm so lonely and horny
Just passing by to ask if I got the likeness well enough?
No god no. I saw your movie last night. It was enjoyable but otherwise utterly forgettable.
kristen ritter?
They do though. Disney owns Fox and Fox distributes Alita. I'm not falling for your jewish tricks.
Nope you ugly freak cunt
And I’m glad your movie bombed you leftist spic bitch
Sounds good to me
no, thanks.
You can go, now
Seethe. Dilate then seethe again. Kek
fuck this waifu shit and fuck this shitty movie
stop obsessing over some fictional ugly fucking tranny
based yify poster
Fuck off you already have a thread for god sake. Go back to already. And stop copying the insults directed at you. Its pathetic
A lot more threads coming soon. Pucker up, buttercup
YOU'RE pathetic
Less than one day to Cutelita!!!
No I don't watch garbage.
Dont worry well be there to shit on your waifu
Imagine opening a thread about something you really hate, solving the captcha (twice) then posting something that doesn't change even a single person's opinion on the subject. That said, I'm glad the generals are dead forever and all the comfy fags are gone for good.
Of course my love !
No, web-dl tomorrow.
R cut when
>mfw comfy alita thread
Oh, i thougth it was a bad alita drawing. But its a realy good drawingif its ritter
You have to realise at a point with the amount of backlash you got that its not only one user shitting on you
Dumb spics
>"We are legion! Fear us!"
Bro, you just posted cringe, bro
Looking forward to all the haters realising how wrong they were when they finally see the movie.
Already did!
>>i didn't have time to post it
based. fuck these spics
Yes, i didnt have to post it in this thread, you fucking faggot. What do you think you got on me ? Im not delusional like you to the point were i would pretend i never posted this picture before. Youre really reaching trying to get me lol
That's like saying Pinocchio is Capeshit. Alita is anti capeshit.
You are obsessive and autistic enough to spam a shitty compilation of discord screenshots about a fanbase you hate.
>Alita is anti capeshit.
because it's unpopular and flop?
Never saisd that, your threads arent accepted here. Theres no legion nor fear, only things i do is shit on you. Stop deforming everything all the times. It never works
You are obsessive and autistic enough to spam shitty pictures of your waifu on a board that doesnt tolerate you. I mean you got banned and never talk about the movie in a relevant way and keep getting trolled but you insist to post here and im the one obsessing ? I always respond with this picture to alita thread, never did the initiative of posting it first for no reason. If i post this picture its because you keep making your fucking shitty waifu threads. You want me to stop ? Go back to your discord. I dont understand you can be comfortable with your frens and all but you insist to come here and get insulted
>doesn't get (you)s in other threads
>Has literally nothing better to do with his time
Damn. Crazy how we'll always be here no matter how hard your assburgers fare up!
Haha bro, you're still in here """"protecting"""" Yea Forums from the all-consuming menace that is Alita?
Partially, yeah. Did you really need me to break it down for you?
>this isn't a pasta
Imagine writing all this.
>If Alita: Battle Angel does indeed exist as a one-and-done movie, its franchise dreams dashed with all the grace of the Tom Cruise-led monster-movie universe quietly scrapped after his reboot of The Mummy flopped, then it deserves to be memorialised as an odd triumph, with a go-for-broke weirdness and depth of sincerity that was always going to be too freaky for its own time. Not as a reflection of everything scary and destructive about geek culture and the internet today. Egomaniac he may be, but James Cameron deserves better.
Based shut the fuck up poster
I hope these threads are made ironically because everything about the movie has been discussed by now.
am i the only one that finds that pic terrifying?
Not everything. Besides, how would you know? You been following us around, mister?
>Am I the only one
Sub 70 iq post desu
Finally torrented and watched it. Is this it? Is this the movie you were daily talking about for months?
Yes faggot, everything.
waiting for the torrent desu
Man shut the fuck up, i dont care about you or recognition or anything, you keep shitting on me too, what do you think it matters. I only want to expose you, im not stupid to believ only (you) matters, you know we can easily assume the majority of people on this website are lurkers. I dont care if people dont read me as long as at least one user avoid your thread
>this repels the annoying Brie fags
whats wrong with that?
Based. Fuck Alitatards
You're never the only one, user.
i'll pirate the 1080P 2 gig YIFY at most
This. Thank you!
Well I'm sure it's a free country where you live but you could really spend your time participating in a thread about a show or movie you enjoy instead.
Take your meds user.
Of course I will sense im alf-right
You keep assumiong my life. You dont know what i post or what i enjoy on this website. Why do you think i want you out of here if i dont want to discuss movie ? ou know im not really monitoring your thread constantly
Waifufags are much worse
>What are Briefags
Are you guys even trying anymore? I miss Jerome already.
Name ONE cgi character that is cuter than Alita
Cast her.
My biggest gripe with the movie is some of the design choices. She looked SO much better in the Manga. Anyway, Lupita.
what rip are these high quality webms from?
>the face that strikes fear into Yea Forums
How does she do it so effortlessly?
Did they expect us to believe that the old man lasted this long with a rocket hammer when he was completely useless in all the battles shown?
Unfortunately, yes.
Great for OC, but it has some audio issues so not watchable.
is that a girl in the red cyborg body?
Its not fear but disgust
Its not fear, its disgust
>everything scary and destructive about geek culture
>and the internet
When exactly did it become acceptable for someone to write publicly that they were afraid of geeks who use the internet? I seem to recall a time when that would have been ridiculous.
recently leaked bluray footage
do they even sell 3d tv´s anymore?
>smaller than the other rip
fucking based
is that Brock Lesnar?
There will never be a 4K HDR 3D standard
Hopefully, in less than a decade there will be 8K HDR 3D
is the yify rip out yet?
Kill yourself
that group stopped working like a decade ago. you might as well be asking for the aXXo release
i was just memeing, but now i'm serious, i was waiting for the blu-ray rip or any other decent rip to watch this movie, if there's any leave a magnet link please
Zazie Beetz as Zazie when?
There isn't a great one yet, but is watchable. Ideally wait one more day for a 4K web-dl.
give me a hq version of this please
thanks m8, maybe i'll become an Alita-fag after all
ahem... when can I rent the dvd from Netflix?
Does anyone else get Netflix dvds?
nm just looked it up... it's available on the 30th.
Now if everyone would please delay their posting until after I've seen it... thank you.
Retard. Get the webrip tomorrow.
>author: gamergate misogyny reeeeeeeee
This is what "rent free" truly looks like, lads.
b-but that would be breaking the law!
Yes, and?
breddy gud user
I will torrent Alita just for you.
Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.
right. im just asking cuz the film is aviable in 3d but searching for 3d tvs on amazon and cant find any.
She has a sword in her arm?
shit, he looks just like me
except young
and healthy
and with the will to live
also I'm blonde
>there are people who want to destroy this smile
If I preorder the Blu-ray from amazon does that give me access to streaming tomorrow?
It's detachable.
I'll pirate it, if I like it I'll buy the bluray.
Rosa is prettier than Alita tbqh
Put this up against the one from commando
>triptychs of quality
Based mi amigo
Not gonna lie. Didn't watch Alita but shit like this is my fetish.
S-s-should I buy the Blu-Ray?
>Yea Forums shits on capeshit
>jacks off this mediocre weeb capeshit flick
Pirate the 4K rip tomorrow, then if you like it preorder the blu-ray.
webm man remake me this one please
To all you Alita haters:
Hold hands.
Alita attack hug
>I have already acquired every edition available
Working on it, but a webm that long won't look amazing unless I upload it somewhere else.
you should still buy a physical copy.
What the fuck is with this board obsessing over mediocre movies?
no way whore, i'll pirate it, get bored halfway trough and play some videogames while your shitty flick plays in the background
Just watched this flick, it was surprisingly not shit
>of course!
>Only blu-ray player I own is a shitty early gen one that often doesn't work
>Pre-order bluray
>Then immediately torrent it
does germany put the age restriction stickers on the tin box itself or on another case if I wanna buy the steelbook version
>attention whore cosplays the embodiment of an NPC
>Extended Alita: Battle Angel Scene Online for Digital Release
It literally is state of the art CGI
Already had
Reminder that buying copy-protected digital media is cucking yourself. Pirate the digital release, buy the blu-ray.
Darling, I've pre-ordered the 4k+3d for you baby
So what are the rules of motorball anyways?
>Rules of the Game - A high-octane “crash course” in Motorball, introducing the rules, game-play, and the top-ranked players and their arsenal of weapons.
Guess you'll have to buy the BD to find out.
you get points for getting possession of the ball and for the duration you hold onto it and you win by having the most points at the end or by eliminating all your opponents
Have sex
Kill yourself
this will never be you holding her like that
No one makes 3d tv's anymore user. It was a scam to jew out shekels from normies. Just as meme as curved screens
imagine being worse than bronies
Because she's CGI you autistic retard
The absolute STATE of alitard samefags
Your shitty flick sucks, tranny
>liking loli
>liking loli with scary big eyes and a creepy smile
Spics can't see the tranny jawline on their waifu. Why are spics the biggest weabs?
stop seething this hard bro. put some pain relieving cream on your butthole
>tranny jawline
that's a new one
More like Asneeda: Battle Farmer lol!
discord niggers btfo
big yikes from me spic alita has a sickly AIDS jawline
it is
AIDS doesn't change your jawline and there's nothing wrong with hers anyway
>spic dna can't see the genetic dead-end in this abomination
probably why the movie flopped
clearly people ITT like it so why don't you fuck off to your marvel circlejerk thread
>8th highest grossing movie of the year
>the only movie that made more money that wasn't part of a franchise was the biggest movie ever made in China
ok user
>a dozen californian (mexican) incels on Yea Forums are all there is to defend this flop
even capeshit can afford shills. Sequel never lmfao
We're getting a sequel.
Fuck, those eyes look retarded
Will Alita be available at midnight? I need my cute fix. :(
She is gonna hit the wall hard. She is already starting to
With the Alita bluray release pending I see you're making threads again How amusing. The mods will never let you get away with this you know.
I like this post I give it a B+
Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.
>what are you looking at user?
this is why Cameron made the character CG, she will never hit the wall
all you plebians didn't get it
>muh bug eyes waaahh
he had it all planed
Alita cute
Did you do that drawing? It's very good.
>that ass though
ok now that's hot
>So what's your favourite line from my movie user?
is there a sequel soon the ending pissed me off
I feel so bad for anyone who missed seeing this gem in imax 3D.
one of the most boring movies ive ever seen
alita remake confirmed
black alita inc
Why are the fans of this shit movie is always some old disgusting retard.
>I’d do whatever I had to for you.
>I’d give you whatever I have.
>I’d give you my heart.
>Take it.
no because it flopped and sucked
IMAGINE being a mod and being this bad at your job
A janny protect these threads
it was a fan from this board who drew it
It was janny and mod vs janny and mod. Funny how the general put the Yea Forums administration against itself.
>Get over it.
I'm sorry ali I'm too poor. i pirated the movie. I love you.
Somehow, against all odds, Janny manages to get a date with a real girl
"So, tell me about yourself? What do you?"
>Well, have you ever heard of Yea Forums?
"Oh, of course! Let me guess, you're the owner? Hahaha!"
>No, but I do work for them.
"So you're like a programmer then? That's cool."
>No, I'm a janitor.
"Oh, well we all gotta start somewhere right? Look at me, I work at Walmart, but I'm going to school for nursing too. And I bet you're meeting all sorts of people, making contacts and everything, right?"
>I'm not a custodian. A janitor is someone who monitors the message boards. I delete cunny and off-topic posts.
"Ah. Well, a job is a job, right? At least you're getting paid!"
>I do it for free.
"Oh my god..."
That film looks cringe.
It's a bit cheesy in places but in a good way
It's out PogChamp
how alita have sex?
My 12 year old son loves this film. He’s fucking obsessed. I’ll get it for him.
Oral only
>That will be enough user.
no because they fucked up your signature weapon
>using the word cringe unironically
>Why yes, I have pre-ordered an Alita Steelbook.
Have sex
>how dare you mark yourself like Alita
Please tell me this is a shop. This is so fucking pathetic. For the love of god, go outside
>u mad?
Best movie ever
Already did
>ywn wake up to this face
>what do you mean never? you know you can just sleep next to me right?
I have the Evolution Gift Set pre-ordered already as well as the Best Buy exclusive SteelBook and I also pre-ordered the Japanese version from Amazon Japan since Amazon Japan has an exclusive bonus disc.
Thank you.
is the japanese version sold out
Still available, at least for the 4K.
It's coming out in 9/11 in Japan, which is late compared to America and Europe.
>tfw your birthday is 9/11 and Fox Japan is offering you a birthday gift to not make you feel bad for being born in 9/11
Thank you for your service.
>Amazon Japan has an exclusive bonus disc
I hope you'll rip that and share it with us.
lmao you shills are pathetic
Yeah what’s in the jap bonus disc?
An exclusive 20 minute interview with James Cameron and Robert Rodriguez.
which version did you get?
Stay away from me, goblina.
I pre-ordered the Japanese 4K release, the Amazon Japan exclusive one with the Japan-only bonus disc.
I do live in America so I also pre-ordered the Best Buy SteelBook and the Evolution Gift Set.
>tfw we wont get a proper uncropped 16:9 ratio version in high quality.
I WILL fuck Alita in the ass
what do you mean?
>300+ replies
Uncropped version has porn at the edges
The theatrical aspect ratio for the movie was different
>Great for OC, but it has some audio issues so not watchable.
how bad?