ikr they were lol so randumb and kino hey bro
we both know this thread is more important
When they went full DUDE WEED LMAO
I loved it when they had to come up with scamming schemes unrelated to drugs, they were basically an adult Ed, Edd ‘n Eddy.
that running groceries scam always comes to mind. so simple, yet perfect
Seasons 3-5 are peak. The netflix ones aren't as bad as most of Yea Forums says, still lots of funny moments despite the story telling dropping a bit.
did anyone else get lowkey revolted by their lifestyles? not the crime part, just the overall way they lived. Ricky must smell so fucking bad
Yes they are. At least 8 and 10, they’re fucking tragically bad. The rest are ok to decent at best
>basically an adult Ed, Edd ‘n Eddy.
That's the best way to describe this show kek.
The season with the celebrity cameos and those fat dykes is fucking horrible
the cartoon