when did it go to shit, Yea Forumshuanians?
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The first episode that focused on bubbles.
When Cory and Trevor left
he really had his zenith in the first season, a flavourful side character who only appeared when the narrative structure demanded it
1-5 GOAT seasons
probably when it started becoming the bubbles show and started going off the rails
the conky episode or steve french episode
Fuck off OP I got work to do.
Season 4/5
First Conky ep and the Steve french eps are top tier you tasteless pleb
god conky was so fucking annoying
>inb4 that was the point
I know it was, still made the episodes unpleasant to watch, especially when the jokes don't land
ikr they were lol so randumb and kino hey bro
we both know this thread is more important
When they went full DUDE WEED LMAO
I loved it when they had to come up with scamming schemes unrelated to drugs, they were basically an adult Ed, Edd ‘n Eddy.
that running groceries scam always comes to mind. so simple, yet perfect
Seasons 3-5 are peak. The netflix ones aren't as bad as most of Yea Forums says, still lots of funny moments despite the story telling dropping a bit.
did anyone else get lowkey revolted by their lifestyles? not the crime part, just the overall way they lived. Ricky must smell so fucking bad
Yes they are. At least 8 and 10, they’re fucking tragically bad. The rest are ok to decent at best
>basically an adult Ed, Edd ‘n Eddy.
That's the best way to describe this show kek.
The season with the celebrity cameos and those fat dykes is fucking horrible
the cartoon
That one was prob the worst but I still laughed m8
Anyone got link to the police car chase where they flip a car and Julian climbs out still holding his fucking drink
it was garbage long before that, the cartoon was basically them openly admitting that they could care less about the quality as long as the show stays on the air
When they bought the rights from the writer and started writing it themselves.
got a big enough joint there rick?
Season 3 was the absolute peak, season 4 is where the show jumped the shark, and every season after (aside from season 6 which is pretty mellow) just tries to emulate how over the top seasons 4 and 5 were. I really like every season of TPB, (not counting the animated), but I really think it doesn't get better than Season 3.
smokes lets see em
Season 5 has the most Ray though
you make an excellent point.
Season 1-5 were kino
Season 6-7 were alright but noticeably lower quality
Season 8-presents are garbage
Disclosure: I haven't watched anything past season 8
>part of the comedy comes from the fact that their entire lives revolves around weed and they're losers for it
>newer seasons go full DUDE WEED LMAO
forced sentimental shit with bubbles makes me want to die
>I haven't watched anything past season 8
then you don't get to have an opinion on those seasons.
but you're right, theyre shit
The part where they share bacon grease and stale bread outside of Ray's burned down trailer almost made me cry.
a helicocksucker
Best character/ Worst character?
Best- tie between lahey and ray
Worst- Terry and fucking dennis
Excuse me, we are la/tv/ians.
What season where they were growing pot in a drive way?
Anything after that is shit tier.
>didnt spill a single drop
Fuck off i got work to do
Jacob is worse than Terry and Dennis and if you include Netflix seasons Don/Donna is the absolute bottom of the barrel.
Hash driveway is the best season. Change my mind
The treasure of Nova Scotia
4=5. Ricky as the trailer Park supervisor is just too good
RICKY, I'm liquor
fuck off lahey why you gotta start the thread with negativity you fuckin drunk
It's honestly the camera man and the boom mic that make all of this
i still cant believe lahey is gone
>why are you grabbing so many bananas dude?
Ray=Lahr>Ricky>JRoc and the Roc pile>S1-3 Bubbles>Randy>Cyrus>Corey and Trevor>T>Everyone else>Human Feces>S4+ Bubbles
They weren't growing pot, just disguising the hash in the driveway until Sexian can find a buyer.
>no hash in the trailer, Ricky!
It’s such a small line but that’s probably my favorite in the entire show
>*looking at 100 kilos of hash*
>where are we hide it Julian we can’t keep it in my dads trailer it’s not fair. Unless it’s cool, dad can we keep a couple grams of hash here
>adult Ed, Edd ‘n Eddy.
im going to use this.
thanks user i love you
>they're all eating banans in the car after the robbery
Best-randy or ray
Worst- That fat Mexican bitch that hung out with barb and Donna and acted all tough
when they moved into the park they built just for the show. it lost the charm and character by allowing them to be even more over the top and unreal.
been watching some while eating meals pure kino
>tu eh brute?
>our greatest kinos are Corner Gas and TPBs
>we can only make kino when it's making fun of how shit we are
W-were cool guys come visit
It honestly made me SO mad that Barb and the bitch squad never got any kind of comeuppance for how they treated Lahey that season. Definitely the show's lowest point. I also think that keeping Don as Donna permanently was a terrible idea, Donna was alright in small doses only when Don was able to come back and do his goofy weirdo shtick. I really liked the dynamic Don had with Randy and Jim as well, he was a more positive vibe mixed into their constant downward spiral. Instead they decided to ruin his character by making him an unrelentingly selfish megabitch
>Cuz bro, weed is for good people, you cant be a loser when you use the plant that solves every problem known to man!
this. i cant stand that retard
kinda weird how her and Donny just sorta disappear after all the shit they stir. I wanted to see what retribution would come from how bad they were to lahey.
>Corner Gas and TPBs
love both of these kinos. i want to visit you leafs in saskatchewan someday.
basically the most famous actors from canada are all comedians. candy, fox, myers, Aykroyd etc so it kind of makes sense.
and norm! don't forget norm
The worst season by a country mile
The bit where they "killed" Sam Losco was the only redeemable part.
odd lookin duck
I stopped watching at the end of season 6, I was still enjoying the show, but the season finale did a great job of wrapping things up imo so I thought it would be best to stop. Did I make the right choice or should I press forward?
everything after the swayze express