Here’s your Yennefer of Vengerberg Yea Forums

It's just pathetic effort wise, same as the way they handled Danny's Targ traits in GoT. When fucking cosplayers are out dressing the stars more authentically to written character traits in a multi-million dollar show, it shows just how soulless the production is

Yes resident big brain, but you goddamn know they won't bother with that or even a CGI spark of violet when she actually uses magic. The Nilfgaardian armor already showed the minimal creative effort they're even putting in

Fucks sake they even look more like they belong in the Wild Hunt

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JJ is a show where theres not a single likable character in the cast.

They won't bother with it.

I watched season 3 this week and found it to be really good.

It's very common for actors to have issues with colored contacts messing up their eyes (Daniel Radcliffe was originally going to wear green contacts, Emilia Clarke was going to wear purple contacts)

Ultimately the wrong eye color is a lot less of an issue than the wrong skin color

fuck you I like Foggy

he was in the show for a few episodes he counts

If that's the case, Luke was the best character in JJ. I dont know any thing about the JJ comics, but is everyone supposed to be an unlikable cunt?

Meant for

>is everyone supposed to be an unlikable cunt?

yes, it's basically edgy noire

>Luke was the best character
He was a main character in S1 so that's fair

Though I did find it funny that they made Marvel's first black TV superhero a criminal in his last season

I'm also pissed that Matt never showed up in JJ3