
They already admitted they were talking about Toy Story 4 then they deleted their tweet.

>brutally reviewed
>poorly received

Can still happen in series with harcore fans. It will be the X-men movie, no doubt about it.

Interesting if true.

I assumed this was a furry before looking him up.


Definitely Dark Phoenix. Disney should just bury it now that they own Fox and reboot the X-Men again in the Avengers universe. Why release this turd and waste all of the billions they spent to buy Fox and acquire the rights to X-Men?

>major blockbuster

Attached: 1483569538821.png (877x391, 280K)

It was fucking Hellboy. Jesus, 20 threads about this every day because you cunts can't search.

>has nothing to do with the

He's stating it as if it's fact. We see through your words, old man.

this. it's a cheesy and pretty chill Batman film.