

Attached: 4klmr2f9jp721.jpg (898x508, 59K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It was Dark Phoenix. They went on to describe a scene with Mystique/Jennifer Lawrence being killed by a falling train and the audience laughing/applauding.

Gojira with that stranger things kid. It's laughably bad, ed wood tier

Batman & Robin is the most kino Batman film though

Attached: bane.jpg (1199x630, 197K)

Both of these franchises have established hardcore fans that will keep these movies from being commercial or cultural failures.

Sonic has hardcore fans but not in its Hollywood iteration. Out of the most hyped blockbusters coming out I think Sonic easily has the most potential to be a joke. It already is just from the trailer.

Pretty sure it's that new X-Men movie. By all accounts they've been desperately trying to salvage it in post.

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I don't think it matters much though, does it? I was under the impression that it was the last film in this current series.

It's both sad and hilarious how there are so many movies that could all potentially fit the bill this year.

How does this trash get made?

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Dark Phoenix or Dark Fate

They already admitted they were talking about Toy Story 4 then they deleted their tweet.

>brutally reviewed
>poorly received

Can still happen in series with harcore fans. It will be the X-men movie, no doubt about it.

Interesting if true.

I assumed this was a furry before looking him up.


Definitely Dark Phoenix. Disney should just bury it now that they own Fox and reboot the X-Men again in the Avengers universe. Why release this turd and waste all of the billions they spent to buy Fox and acquire the rights to X-Men?

>major blockbuster

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It was fucking Hellboy. Jesus, 20 threads about this every day because you cunts can't search.

>has nothing to do with the

He's stating it as if it's fact. We see through your words, old man.

this. it's a cheesy and pretty chill Batman film.

It still cost a shit-ton of money and is going to leave the franchise with a black eye.

>Toy Story 4
Ooh, that's far more interesting.

No please. /ourgal/ Sophie doesn't deserve it

lol what
i get the capeshit audience, but godzilla? its as niche as it gets

>big budget
>believing no names on twitter

i swear threads that start with a twitter screencap should be scrubbed

Hellboy isn't a big-budget major blockbuster, dumbass


He was talking about Hellboy. This Dark Phoenix/Toy Story 4 shit is not true (though they probably will be shit.)

The big spenders at theaters nowadays are families. Millennials and Gen Z, if they go at all, will look for anyway to make it as cheap as possible, e.g. sneaking in food. Kids don't give a shit about good films, so they lick that cape shit up. Dad doesn't care cause it's two hours he can nap in the back row of the theatre.

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they can't since it's already mostly done, they'll probably use it as a write-off

Indicia of reliability for this skunk kid?

These batman movies are my "relax and snack" movies even though I have no interest in other Batman media.

hellboy is not even a blockbuster, everyone knew it would tank

>Major blockbuster

pick one

I'm pretty sure it's Aladdin

Godzilla 2

I'm not here to argue what is and isn't a major blockbuster with you incels, I'm just letting you know that he was talking about Hellboy. Look up the fucked production history for reference.


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Jewish nepotism in hollywood=SHIT DIRECTORS AND ACTORS AND WRITERS what a surprise

Rise of Skywalker.

Chaos Walker?

Star Wars will be annihalated

Aladdin obviously.

Will Smith will be it's saving grace
Just like Carrey will carry Sonic

How fucking retarded are yoU? Did you not watch this?

Will Smith is precisely the most awful part of that entire train wreck.

You were right till "Carrey caries Sonic". He won't. It will die

Hopefully not this

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thats not to bad, except I was surprised will smith had such a bad singing voice

>fat nigger butler

I highly doubt it will be good.

I wouldn't be surprised

>Will Smith will be it's saving grace
Will Smith has become more meme than man and after Suicide Squad and Bright critics are more than happy to shit on him
I mean look at this. They had the entire movie to pick from and THIS is the scene they choose to get people hyped. I can only imagine how shit the rest of the film is

What the fuck does he say after "Show some respect?"

It's definitely Dark Phoenix. All sorts of buzz about how terrible it is.

>Ctrl+f terminator
>0 results

Men in Blacks not looking good.

We all forgot it exists

Why are all the Blockbusters this year looking so shit? I can can count even the remotely passable one son one hand

>never heard of a 2019 terminator
>google it
>see pic related on imdb
This has to be a fucking elaborate meme

Attached: Screenshot_20190519-110214_IMDb_1.jpg (1080x1859, 192K)


nothing will ever exist outside the original and the very well made but non-canon fan made sequel Terminator 2

hey lets give this grandma sunglasses

then she will look coool!!!!!

He's not in the new one, doesn't work.

Call me dumb or a James fanboy, but he said he will ignore everything made past 2 and conclude the trilogy here, and the actual director can work on a small-ish budget, so while I dont expect it to succeed, I feel that it will be the third best one

Definitly a mouse shill trying to bring X-men down.
The mouse wants X-men to fail so by the time they make their own X-men movies, it'll look good.

It's Dark Phoenix. This is not a secret.

Don't think they'd mention capeshit if it wasn't capeshit.

Rip queen slags career.

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money laundering for child slavery

They cast Butler as a black guy?

Incredibly disappointing. He was obviously meant to be vaguely european of some sort.

>boy genuflect