Was a tape rewinder a common household item?

>tfw porn pirates got caught and your friend acquired their double slotted vcr and would record all of the rental movies

Ive actually done this before... I could have swore I was the only one.

>t. seething zoomer
You have no idea what you are talking about, do you?

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>look at me, I'm a oldfag
Go to bed boomer


I had one as a kid. Family was middle class. The rewinder just seemed like some cheap little thing; granted VHS tapes themselves were expensive, so maybe it was more expensive than I think.

>Only richfags had them
dumbass born after 1995
bitch niggers in their early 20s are so arrogant
they think they know everything

See Who's VCR didn't fucking rewind? It's like having a car that doesn't go in reverse- doesn't seem like a problem till you need it

Is that the stupid, spaghetti-slurping cretin from Last Action Hero?

Whats this off lol?