Was a tape rewinder a common household item?
Was a tape rewinder a common household item?
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Nah, it was a novelty. Only richfags had them. They were cool items disguised as cars and whatnot.
I had one when I was a kid. Pretty comfy.
I live in a fucking modified trailer and I had one
you could just rewind it with the vcr. I saw rewinders at all the schools though.
Tape rewinder? Did your guy's VCR's not rewind for whatever reason?
Are there really kids on Yea Forums too young to have ever owned a VCR?
Fuck this shit
it was like a super quick rewinder, few mins tops
Pic related
The one my grandparents had.
good old times
>tfw porn pirates got caught and your friend acquired their double slotted vcr and would record all of the rental movies
Ive actually done this before... I could have swore I was the only one.
>t. seething zoomer
You have no idea what you are talking about, do you?
>look at me, I'm a oldfag
Go to bed boomer
I had one as a kid. Family was middle class. The rewinder just seemed like some cheap little thing; granted VHS tapes themselves were expensive, so maybe it was more expensive than I think.
>Only richfags had them
dumbass born after 1995
bitch niggers in their early 20s are so arrogant
they think they know everything
See Who's VCR didn't fucking rewind? It's like having a car that doesn't go in reverse- doesn't seem like a problem till you need it
Is that the stupid, spaghetti-slurping cretin from Last Action Hero?
Whats this off lol?
no source. sorry user
there were places (like schools) where you needed to rewind videos between classes so the next kids could see what the jews had in store for sex ed
>tfw i had a programmable VCR
>record Batman TAS and Darkwing Duck M-F
>record late night anime on scifi channel
>only child don't have to share it
Rewinders were only for rental stores and idiots.
let him be man, he just wants to fit in
Not worth it. I trashed the VHS copy of Titanic so I could watch the sex scene with Leonardo DiCapprio
that sounds like a sweet childhood
>all these zoomer larpers
Early players couldn't rewind or was too slow hence the need for the rewinders.
LARPing Gen Z fag, richfags had laserdisc players or actual film reels
I was literally fucking homeless and had one
do you have the Yea Forums version of tourettes or something?
All you dumb ass zoomer bloomer doomers itt who never owned a vcr, lol. If your vcr didn't have a rewind button you just put the tape in backwards and played it forward so it'd reverse it. Dumbassholes.
Damn you were poor
its so you could just pop in another tape and watch, while the last one was rewinding. They were slower than some VCR rewind functions but fast rewinds meant a lot of strain on the tape.
No. They often snapped or warped the end of the tape because they wound too fast.
We had a betamax in my household.
It wears out the mechanism. Cheaper to get a rewinder.
what is the modern version of "i have to return some video tapes"?
yeah it was great
only downside was my mom is a crazy ass tiger mom and my parents are both in a weird new age christian cult
Yes. What about it?
Who else had one of these?
I had one shaped like a car
I did, worked every time.
Post the last VHS you bought.
I had hours of kids in the hall and liquid television tapes
>tfw you'll never beat a woman with a vhs of master and commander to try and make her uhderstand
iam not sure but i think it was matrix
I have to pay for netflix.
>that glorious feel when you figured out how to record your favorite cartoons before you could even know how to read just by looking at pictures in your Samsung vcr's manual
Fucking zoomer, get the fuck out.
This is a new wave of nostalgia I've never felt
I have the Bela Lugosi Dracula on VHS. It's the only VHS tape I still own.
Dogtooth. The only Greek movie I've ever seen.
dry-cleaning is evergreen.
Every pre 1985 Disney's animated movie. Too lazy to take a pic
I actually think it was this in the early 2000s. Pic not mine.
>i-its a joke gift!
>i knew people who bought them for themselves unironically and used them religiously, because they understood shit about technology
its then I realized literally everyone is retarded
Can someone tell me what the FUCK a VCR is?
Might not have been the last, but the one I remember is The Mummy 2. It had a holographic insert at the front. Still got it in a closet somewhere just for the nostalgia of that holographic.
Pretty sure this was my last, or I guess my mom's. She didn't want to pay extra for the DVD.
Video Cassette Rewinder. Duh.
>tfw the only VHS I bought was the phantom menace
>not this bad boy
damn so close yet so far
>paying a fee because you didn't rewind your blockbuster tapes
No, most people just used rewind on the VCR.
I remember renting The Fellowship of The Ring on VHS. It came is two fucking tapes.
>tfw watching lawrence of arabia on vhs
What a fucking faggot you are.
It's the only reason I still have the vcr/dvd combo i bought 15yrs ago
>tfw you were a rentcuck
>During the summers as a kid and you and your siblings would just watch cartoons and unsolved mysteries...then whatever the fuck else was on
this so much
>be kid
>rent movie
>put tv at 3
>insert vhs
>oh fuck it's at the end
>gotta rewind it
>must not watch or it will spoil movie
>go grab snacks
>thank god it's over
feels good
I remember when we had 2 VCRs in my home, boy oh boy, we rented lots of movies and duplicated them all, i watched spawn lots of times, i loved that movie, i could draw him and his awesome cape by mind, i was a gangster, that fbi warning at the start, i done that , i am an outlaw, "sorry babe, if we don't do this today we may not have a tomorrow" i told my cousin and we banged, it was awful and i regret it but it was all thanks to 2 VCRs and lots of pirated movies.
fuck, just realized I took the spanish version off google
I've done both and I'm 19
They only had them (dedicated rewinders as opposed to VCRs) at video stores in my middle class midwestern community growing up. The town's main rental joint (essentially a Blockbuster-modeled store but just the local chain) had a little rewinder on the employee's counter right next to the exit gate/return drop box.
>tfw you used your vcr to convert composite to rf to play consoles on your ancient tv
I'm sure there's a bunch of dusty vhs tapes in my parents basement somewhere with 120p quality animes like Macross Plus and Ninja Scroll on them that I recorded off YTV.
Someone should set a friendly Yea Forums stream of this.
Looks awful and i want to see it.
Oh fuck
>you will never know how it feels to accidentally push the cassette as it's being ejected and it gets stuck and you have to sort of pry it out
>you will never know the feeling of getting the belt for fucking with the tracking
this happened to me with a copy of It from blockbuster. we couldn't get the tape out without fucking it up so my dad had to pay to replace it and I wasn't allowed to rent video games for months.
>He didn't have a VCR with auto tracking feature
and you now remember inserting and ejecting a tape to make it output the signal
I was born in 97 and VHS was the only thing I watched movies on until like 2007
older parents?
>Early players couldn't rewind
Fuck off LARPer
>tfw you’re a kid and then spookwave starts playing and Robert Stack comes out of the fog and shadows to just fuck your shit up
My dumb ass sister had a vhs player that would Auto rewind after hitting the end but it would always destory the tapes. She fell asleep at night watching my Pokemon tapes and ruined like 10 of them before I found out
>Watching 2 tape movie
>Finish first tape pop in 2nd
>Somebody forgot to rewind 2nd tape
>read the synopsis
>she rapes someone
I have to give my wife's bull a ride home
I had several. They were dirt cheap.( still have 1)
Also oldfag
My grandpa had them. He used to watch Jurassic Park and that terrible planet of the apes movie. It was cool and had certain charm to it
I can't even think of anything that people rent anymore besides cars and industrial tools.
I have a 6 hour VHS i recorded back in the 80's with pic related on it ( it was pulled off the market because Traci Lords was underage when it was filmed) and also "On Golden Blonde" ( starring Ginger Lynn) Still have it gathering dust with all my other VHS's
worked in a movie rental store in the early 2000s just as VHS tapes were being phased out. We kept 4 HIGH SPEED ones to rewind returns because most people were not kind and did not rewind.
My grandpa had one though so you wouldn't "wear out" the spindles in your VCR rewinding tapes. He mostly used it to hide a porn tape from my grandmother.
Literally everyone had a VHS just like everyone has a phone or dvd player.
I rent from Redbox all the time. Just rented Dragged Across Concrete tonight. Can't wait to get to it.
had a good programmable vcr in the 80s. could programme it with the remote control, set it to start/stop recording on a particular channel and some other stuff. it was quite advanced.
i figured out how to set it all when i was about 7, used it all the time until it finally stopped working.
never found a vcr which compared with it, even 20 years later.
it had a lot of manual controls to it too, two tracking knobs, vertical/horizontal, i learned to use it all, i was the master tracker, master recorder. my family would ask me to set it for them.
same happened with an audio cassette recorder, it had a lot of functions, really good. then some fucker stole it and i never saw one comparable after that.
about 8 years after it was stolen, i finally bought a new one, inferior, simple but a portable audio cassette player, i felt so good after i bought it, started using it, bit crap, chewed the tapes but i was happy, listening to music wherever i walked.
met a girl, she asked to borrow it, never saw it again. never bought another one, never bought an mp3 player, never listened to music while walking again.
I forgot all about that
No idea. I was a kid. I watched movies, I didn't fuck with rewinding them or returning them. That was my parents job.
I had the talking robot dog that reacted to a movie it came with though. Don't remember what it was called though...
>never get to go to the old vhs rental joint down the road
>never get to look at all the creepy tentacle rape anime vhs's they had again
zoomers can die
I think it was a white man thing. Niggers just rewound their tapes using the VCR.
>Niggers just rewound their tapes using the VCR.
Your asshole lmao
I bet not more than two other people on here had one of these.
nah but my dad had a head cleaner(i think thats the right term)
hed put that shit i the vcr and the movies would play clearer
Dumb zoomer.
I still have one ready to be hooked up anytime.
Me too, except born 98. Didn't get a DVD player until like 2006 or 2007.
Why would you buy a separate machine just to rewind tapes? Seems like a waste of $. We just watched the movie and rewound it in the VCR afterwards while we went out to play.
t. White family
he's asking about rewinders
You're supposed to just have two vcr's bro
I'd still have one if I had the Star Wars tapes
>being so living-at-home-incel that you can't even think of people renting apartments
Your parents hate you.
>tape rewinder
I meant something you physically transport
So what did Bateman mean when he said he had to return tapes? Was he going for an alibi or was he really just returning tapes in its in the movie cuz lol 80s?
you only pushed it in if you didn't have access to a VHS VCR feeder stick to aviod getting your fingers caught in the moving machinery and gears.
>TFW you get rewind fined.
ambiguous because he was a murderer but also rented porn for his workouts
Why wear out an expensive VCR ( my first VHS RCA VCR was over $2,000.00 in 1981) A re winder was faster and resulted in less maintenance to the VCR itself.
>TFW your mom walks in on you copying that floppy
>Ruining your VCR like that.
It's doesn't hurt your VCR one bit. They're literally built for it.
Esteban Vihaio and Pai Mei are two of my favorite characters of all time.
>be me
>excited to show my buddies the tape I recorded the newest episodes of Raw/Smackdown on
>my fingers are caught in the machinery
>lose four fingers and my left arm is dislocated at the shoulder, radius and ulna broken
>have to go to the hospital
>meanwhile my buddies are watching my wrasslin
>finally get back home
>they leave and I start watching the tape
>it's American Pie
>mom walks in
>grounded for three years
I hate VCR technology.
My family was low middle class in mexico and yet we had one of those, stop larping, you're clearly a zoomer that has no idea what he's talking about.
I remember Titanic taking a huge amount of time to rewind even when the movie was split in 2 VHS.
I also like that you could pop in the next movie right away while the tape rewound in the rewinder.
>lose four fingers and get grounded
based mom
I'm 33 years old. I still remember it very well
We had the same VCR for over a decade, what in the fuck are you even talking about?
If you just use two VCRs the copy will look like shit. That would remover the copy protection and the copy would look almost as good as the original.
When E.T. came out on VHS for the very first time for sale to the public, Steven Spielberg insisted the it not have any copy protection on it because he said the extra processing made the picture darker and less sharp.
>tfw the guy at the video store knew you so well that he remembered your account # every time
One time I snuck into the adult section and he saw me and let me get away with it. Cool guy is probably now though
An old rental copy. The right side of the slipcase was cut off so the rest could fit into a clam box.
I live in a fucking shithole from a low-income family, we still had that
Cringe. We have it too good now. Back then you could still watch all the movies you wanted in your home, but tapes had value and weren't as crisp as the cinema experience, which was comfy. Now we are cursed with all the entertainment we could ever want...
You can just manually rewind.
Jam a key in one of the circle bits and turn.
I assume it's how to manually rewind, since that's what I did if the tape ever got loose.
That rewinder salesman must have seen you coming. Even a shit VCR requires no maintenance and doesn't wear out (WTF?) at all.
Zoomer problems.
I'm a yuropoor and ive never heard of rewinders, must be an 80s or american thing
I owned the same piece of shit Philips TV with VCR attached to it for 15 years at least and never did it have any problems.
How were those machines built?Modern appliances break down all the time. My dad has a washing machine he's been using since the 80's.
I think they sold them because they said it was faster but my last two VCR's had high speed rewind.
he probably flipped his vcr upside down and played the movie to avoid damaging his system.
A likely story, spic
My favorite thing about VHS was the way the tape smelled when it came out of the VCR, warm from the last viewing.
Head cleaners were common.
>Only richfags had them.
Everyone had them you fucking retard. Video Shops were completely packed out on weekends.
I was born in 1998. I always had a VCR. Hell, I had one well into this decade. VHS is based.
I never saw one except at Blockbuster behind the desk. It was common courtesy to rewind though and a lot of rental stores charged you if you didn't. In retrospect that's pretty dumb but whatever.
It kinda scared me as a kid putting a vhs tape in the tv. It made some really loud noises like my windows 95 pc.
I broke my family's tape rewinder by jamming a hairbrush into it when I was 4. I also broke the first PC my dad ever bought a few hours after he brought it home by jamming a disk into it backwards and bricking the 3.5 in drive. I broke my dad's pair of glasses he had been wearing since he was a corpsman with the Marines in Vietnam, and in each case I was beaten severely as punishment.
Or hear the whoosh of a Laserdisc starting up.
>beaten severely as punishment
So he spanked you.
Windows '98 was the best one. Not a day goes by where I don't regret putting it out with the trash.
My elementary school had a laser disc player on one of the tv carts.
Unironically VHS makes for comfy viewing without all the harsh sharp realities.
No, belted.
Literally fpWP
What the fuck are you talking about? That shit was cheap and yes the cool ones looked like a car for some reason
>You will never know what it feels like to push a VHS tape into a VCR
You want to borrow mine, OP?
He didn't beat you enough if you kept doing it. Should've broken your arm like my dad did when I didn't address him by his proper rank and title when he came home.
>My elementary school had a laser disc player on one of the tv carts.
Do you remember what it played?
That brings back memories anyway. YOU CAN DO IT, DUFFY MOON, YOU CAN DO IT.
/reel-to-reel on my cart
>So he spanked you
One time I mowed the lawn and he didn't like it. He kicked my fucking ass up and down the entire yard. He beat me very badly
>things that never happened
Of course it didn't Sir, I fell down some stairs Sir, and if he cops ask where it happened I tell them to mind their own fucking business, Sir.
>You will never know what it feels like to push a VHS tape into a VCR
You want to borrow mine, OP?
>He beat me very badly
With a belt.
who /unlimited ppv/ here?
Is that a clock radio?
>ancient player
>has DVD playback
>tutor retarded zoomers for a living
>talking about space
>Hubble Space Telescope comes up
>”Do you think, like, that thing had the best camera ever?”
>”Well it actually had a thing called a CCD but that doesnt matter really, you know, it actually had some pretty old tech on it when it first went up.”
>”Really? Like what?”
>”Well originally, it’s data was stored on a reel to reel tape recorder, if you can believe that.”
>”Whats that?”
>”Well its like a thing that uses special tape to record information, you know, like that tape you see in VHS tapes.”
>”Whats a VHS tape?”
>”You dont know what a VHS is? Youve never seen a VCR?”
>”Whats a VCR?”
It was at that moment I realized I was actually part of the old guard, the last of the pre-internet kids.
Heres another conversation:
>”Okay so Earth undergoes extinction events every now and then”
>”Oh yeah totally”
>”Whats one that comes to mind?”
>”Uhhhh, the Holocaust?”
>”Hahahahahaha no, almost, almost, but no (quietly) sadly.”
>last VHS you bought
pic related
You're retarded and pretending. Hang yourself in shame.
I have to reset my router
>the Holocaust
Your student is pretty funny.
Huh? No she doesn't. She gets her powers from people near her being aroused by her or something.
LMAO. Maybe in 1988. By the 90s every cunt had one. DVD players were expensive when they first came out though, like a thousand bucks.
If you were bougie
2005 was 14 years ago, user. My solo VHS player is in my garage but I'm not going to dig it out right now.
tape rewinders are bad for your tapes because they don't slow down near the end of the process like VCRs do
Only Ausfags will know these memories.
He was correct if he was referring to the ones from the '70s and early '80s. People didn't own VCRs en masse until the mid '80s to late '80s. To own a VCR in 1981 alone would have cost 2000 bucks easy and that's in 1981 dollars, and get this, VHS tapes brand new cost 100 dollars minimum until 1982 for most titles and stayed that way for cult/rare titles into the late '80s and even the early '90s. It wasn't until 1991 that VHS got dirt cheap.
We're talking about dedicated rewinders not VCRs your stupid nigger
I had the exact same one.
>tfw never stack electronical shit on top of each other for fear of magnetism and other fuckery.
Up until five months ago I was having trouble with emails and didn't know how to work a smarthphone. Feels good to be able to keep up with the times again somewhat.
Not really, it was more of a convenience for people that didn't want to wait for their regular VHS player to do it. My household had one, but we watched a LOT of movies.
Tape Rewinders =/= VCR
Actually it was pretty recent. I bought an old copy of RoboCop for $2.
Based lineup, user.
I only bought empty ones and recorded whatever they were airing at public tv
>ran out of empty vhs
>little bro loves slappy and the stinkers
>mom wants me to record the mask of zorro they already announced was going on sunday
>tells her I don't have anything left to record
>she tells me to just record over another movie
>the face of betrayal he gave me
still carry that image
I wish I had been smart enough to record every night of Toonami back in the day, only broadcast I ever recorded was the premiere episode of Action Man on Fox Kids along with the rest of that day's block.
>A re winder was faster
by the late 90s i had a vhr that rewound tapes in about 30 seconds. they got really good at perfecting the rewinding tech in them
>That feel of going to the video store as a kid
>That feel when you manage to get the last VHS of the new release
>That feel when Blockbuster allowed you to keep new releases for 3 days and not one day
>Having to rewind the tape
>Genre sections
>Those anti-piracy previews and trailers before the movie in grained into your memory because you hired the same movies over and over.
I miss my childhood. The 90s were great.
I recently found an old VHS that I had recorded my Final Fantasy VII gameplay on. Unfortunately, somebody recorded WWE over it.
The last VHS I bought was Attack of the Clones
The last one I rented was Van Helsing
>The last VHS I bought was Attack of the Clones
The autist in me hates the fact that RotS was never released on VHS.
by the late 90s they knew VHS was on the way out and didn't mind stretching the tapes to fuck.
first film i ever bought was a used copy of Independence day on vhs from blockbuster, with my own allowance
^this Re-winders slammed the tapes hard at the end putting them at risk of snapping, whereas high end VCR's could sense when a tape was at its end and slow down so it woudn't slam.
Actually just got a vcr for the first time since a kid for my girlfriends birthday. She has old home movies she hasn't been able to watch for years. Picked her up Hook and Mrs. Doubtfire too though. Been going to pawn stores finding cool cheap VHSs for myself and sound Slacker and Repo Man the other day. Love both of them. It's true though, it feels great watching on VHS. I'm sure it's just nostalgia though.
true. who knows what it was doing to the health of the tapes. and it didnt help that it sounded like a blender when it rewound them
That was the first DVD I got, for Christmas. We used my og Xbox to watch movies, we didnt have a DVD player. I still play games on it sometimes.
the ones that tried to be the fastest did that. Most VCRs did that.
Kingpin is one of the best comedy of the 90's
>I'm sure it's just nostalgia though.
Not being held hostage by a DVD player that lacks the right chips, and just being able to wind past warnings is the most laid back way to watch a movie at home. Nothing beats a Laserdisc fast-forward or rewind on the fly, though, while DVD and Blu-Ray suck for that.
My nigga
>He owned a re-winder
>He rewound rapes
Sounds comfy and sleepoverpilled.
>Only richfags had them
kek you're retarded I still use my mustang one I bought when I was like 20 years old on welfare
Always wanted to try laserdisc. Love their packaging but VHS is so much cheaper. Between criterion blus and my new vhs hobby I don't have money for laserdisc
>Only richfags had them.
M8, you could buy them at Walgreens for like ten bucks.
Pretty much. My family had one that did recording too. It was great for the teen I was, to be able to watch those action movies a bit violent airing too late at night. You just had to put a tape into the device, set a timeline and more importantly stay on the channel you wanted to record. Otherwise if you flicked through the channels during the timeline, your recording was fucked with your zapping all over it.
Anyway that's how I learned that my dad was into BDSM.
>when you watch a porn movie on vhs and fapped so much to it you can rewind to the favorite scene just by intuition and timing
we still have one so come over and ill show
Not so uncommon. A friend of mine set up a stall in his garden a few doors down from the video store and offered to rewind tapes for customers for 25 cents so they didn't get fined at the store.
no, the VCR had the ability built into it
came to post this
>he didn't have a kino rewinder
>Always wanted to try laserdisc.
You owe it to yourself, man. It's so choice for fast-forward/rewind and the startup RPM mode sounds like a muffled jet taking off. Yes, it's much quieter during regular play. Plus the artwork is epic. Pic related isn't mine, but I got two just like it.
>go to the thrift store
>looking at the media isle
>only DVD's
>tfw you've lived long enough to see VHS tapes no longer available at thrift store
It was also weird seeing mainly Xbox 360 games and not OG Xbox games
>and more importantly stay on the channel you wanted to record.
A tape rewinder seems like the most retarded and redundant invention ever.
>tfw you no longer see funky 70s/80s clothes in the thrift store, but modern stuff
>tfw they've all ended up in the "vintage" hipster store
What video connections are used for Laserdisc? Regular component cables like a VCR?
it's for people that watch multiple movies an evening I guess
Is there a good VCR company to look for to get the highest video quality?
Try to convert it and upload it on YouTube. Would be fun to watch even just for the commercials
life is honk
see We were poor as fuck and still had a collection of VHS tapes, clearly has no clue what he's talking about.
people still donate old game consoles though. I saw a N64 with 1 controller for $40. If I didn't already have one I would probably buy it
fuck if i know, I just bought a tested one on ebay, offered the guy $9 and he shipped it for 11. Goodwill has a TON for cheap as shit but none have been tested. Quality is good on mine though considering I've coming from 4k in the living room, it's honestly better than I thought it'd be.
we had one when I was a kid which, looking back, was weird because my mom would never have spent money on one when the vcr could rewind them.
I can't say for sure but I'm pretty confident it was pic related. I remember having the VHS and then for Christmas 2001 my mom got us a DVD player with Shrek also on DVD and from then on we only bought DVD.
>tfw Christmas Eve with mom and sis trying out our new DVD player in awe
Legit one of my all-time favorite memories
That is an amazing package. Is those the original editions of star wars?
Was always a thrill to set the timer to record dirty movies late at night without your parents knowing
You're thinking of tape cleaners senpai.
I owned one of these. Fucker didnt work.
>put it in backwards
Nice larp
VCRs arent that old and 90% of whats being said here is false. It makes me wonder how inaccurate our grasp of ancient history actually is
fucking zoomers in this thread. VCRs will still in popular usage all the way into the late 2000s.
>Now we are cursed with all the entertainment we could ever want...
See that little square part at the left bottom? If you had a tape you didn't want to be taped over you had to remove it and then it was impossible. Unless you put some tape over it, then it became possible again.
Niggers probably returned tapes to Blockbuster without rewinding them
Collectors box of Schindler's List.
>Regular component cables like a VCR?
Yes and s-Video.
>Is those the original editions of star wars?
Yes, the 1995 THX remasters. So aside from some different color choices and some additional sound effects added in 1993 [sic], they're pretty much original.
I have a VHS player along with a Laser Disc player.
Heh, I didn't even catch that, *composite and S-Video NOT component. Still at 425 lines of resolution, it's almost DVD quality which is of course is 480 lines of res.
>VCRs will still in popular usage all the way into the late 2000s.
t. real poorfag
The reign of the VCR ended in 1997.
a 425 DVD would still look better than a 425 VHS, because the recording would degrade with every view and every second it existed, due to the demagnetization effect of the earth.
He cute
picked it up at a goodwill because I was surprised VHS was still pumping stuff out in 2003-4
>a 425 VHS,
18+ Really there is no 425 line VHS, just 333 lines.
Also, 425 is 425, so it would look the same. >because the recording would degrade with every view and every second it existed
Yes and no. Not with every second is exists, especially in good conditions. My THX SW tapes all look great except for the rare parts that I over-paused and rewound suddenly; gov't even uses tapes because it's more stable and thus archival. Discs aren't going to last, while VHS will. Ironic.
the earth is magnetic, it degrades magnetic storage slowly and inexorably. HDDs get around this by rewriting the data regularly.
>Connery turned down a huge role to be in that flop
>the earth is magnetic, it degrades magnetic storage slowly and inexorably
*sigh* Which is why they invented those boxes for the tapes to rest inside. VHS tape is one of the hardiest forms of media beside other reel-to-reel tapes that store important data. The IRS, NSA;et al? They use lots of tapes.
>HDDs get around this by rewriting the data regularly.
No they don't and such a thing doesn't stop data rot, plus hard drives are even less reliable than factory discs.
>he never had the vcr eat the tape and you have to pry that shit out without fucking it up
>he never broke off the tab on the front causing the vcr to spit it back out until you fill it with tissue and apply tape over it
>he never recorded over a home video with porno and then record some random show over the porno
still a fun movie
negro, plastic/paper doesn't block magnetism.
Bought this from a friend at work 2 years ago. Haven't got a vcr player for at least 7 years. Bought it because it's neat and has the original scripts to the OT.
data rot is a meme and copying data to other sectors most assuredly combats degradation.
Yes they do, my melanin-enriched fellow.
>data rot is a meme
lol It'll bite you in the ass with that attitude, it is most certainly real. One day a zero or a one became malformed and blamo, data corrupted. Although usually normal to optimal conditions will prevent it.
Put a thick piece of plastic between two refrigerator magnets (of which are more powerful than the fields that are possibly around your home) and see if they work/repel each other. Spoiler, they won't. Or just tape thick chunks of cardboard around a magnet and see if it works.
the paper is only affecting the distance between the magnets, not the magnetic field both are being subjected to.
>Although usually normal to optimal conditions will prevent it.
yea, like steady read/write
Fuckin’ plebs. Laserdisc is the true patrician’s format.
I was too much of a plebian poorfag for that shit
t. guy who has never owned a single VHS or cassette tape.
>yea, like steady read/write
I'm not sure where you got the idea from, but that's not what it means. The data is not being saved by being rewritten, in fact, it's getting spread literally farther around the platters each time it's written. Even defragmented doesn't undo the gradual damage being done.
Yes, I remember it in the early 2000s when I was still a child. I think I used it at least once.
I own over one thousand Laserdiscs. It’s easily the best looking home format.
i still watch VHS all the time. i have so many goodwills and thrift stores around me selling em for 50 cents im constantly finding awesome rare 80s and 90s kino that all the streaming sites dont have half the time, its as close as i can get to reliving the great days of going to video stores as a kid. i fucking wish video stores would make a comeback one day but this is gonna have to do for now
you are now one of my favorite posters. I'm jealous as hell.
I want Flash Gordon and Jaws. Mostly Jaws so I can have the old soundtrack since I distrust Blu-Rays of which are usually stealth-remasters/rebastards.
VHS is harder to store than Laserdisc, and the media is subject to many issues which don’t affect Laserdiscs. Decent quality VHS players are also getting up there in price.
Laserdisc won the home format wars. Enjoy it when your Blu-Rays get revoked.
>VHS is harder to store than Laserdisc,
t. Pablo Picasso
LD owners will get the joke.
Blu-Rays are a post loudness war thing. They have no dynamic range which is ironic because in theory they could have better dynamic range than either the analog or any of the digital LD soundtracks.
I’m 30 and I didn’t know tape rewinders existed until this thread, so probably not that common.
Fuck off, underage zoomer faggot.
They were cheap and common and anybody with an expensive VCR would buy one to save wear and tear on the substantially more expensive player mechanism.
No, we were poor and we had this on the late 90s. We used to rent lots of Tom and Jerry and I used to damage the tapes by rolling them backwards.
Just get into the hobby user. Soon you’ll be like me and have ten players, only four of which work.
i never owned one but remember always seeing them for sale in video stores as a kid in the 90s. the red car one posted above was pretty common
>Blu-Rays are a post loudness war thing.
I get that, user. LD's are LOUD and have a rich sound, while BR's are decent, but don't have sound rich or as loud by default, though we both know that can be remedied. Are they afraid to use the copious amounts of space on a BR? Is it an ancient Native American custom that must be represented in the dead space in the discs? Invisible red men inside?
Robocop from a car boot sale like 15 years ago
Basically everything at amy wedding reception, though its unironically cheaper to outright buy it yourself.
LDs seem loud because you have the volume cranked higher so you can hear the quiet parts. Many DVDs and every Blu-Ray I’ve ever experienced use extreme dynamic range compression to reduce the difference between the loud and soft parts. So you listen at a lower volume setting as the quiet parts are never really quiet.
Music has the same problem and it gets worse every year.
Why the fuck would you need this, when VCR itself can rewind tapes perfectly fine?
It's been said before in the thread, but it was to preserve higher end VCRs so that their rewind mechanisms didn't wear out as fast and to allow one to watch another tape without rewinding.
>So you listen at a lower volume setting as the quiet parts are never really quiet.
Is this kind of like when resting outside on the lawn even on a quiet day it's still louder than at night?
it's for people that like to machine gun their kinos
>Many DVDs and every Blu-Ray I’ve ever experienced use extreme dynamic range compression to reduce the difference between the loud and soft parts.
So that's the reason why DVDs and BR need auto-volume to avoid blasts and whispers? All I'm saying is that VHS and LD are consistent and don't creep up on me.
bought it a long ass time ago
That’s a good analogy user. Ironically Laserdiscs are not capable of carrying uncompressed digital audio unlike BDs are, but they still sound much better.
Many “videophile” type pirates will rip the video of a film from a Blu-Ray but provide the Laserdisc audio. Personally I think Laserdiscs look much better as well but as you can’t directly “rip” it without digitizing and recompressing you’ll never see the true quality that a good player and nice TV with a 3D comb filter can provide.
Frankly I’m surprised that there isn’t a full bandwidth optical disc format out right now. It’s inherently piracy-resistant (can not get a direct digital file off the disc with tricks) and has the potential to look so much better especially with dark scenes.
Yeah look up dynamic range compression, that’s what they do and it’s been overdone. It might help to read a bit about the loudness war too. This infection has spread from CDs to the home theater market.
Dope dude.
>Personally I think Laserdiscs look much better as well but as you can’t directly “rip” it without digitizing and recompressing you’ll never see the true quality that a good player and nice TV with a 3D comb filter can provide.
I know that pain. "oh I got a great copy of my Phantom Menace LD!" *plays sub-VHS quality on the le new digital file*
>Frankly I’m surprised that there isn’t a full bandwidth optical disc format out right now. It’s inherently piracy-resistant (can not get a direct digital file off the disc with tricks) and has the potential to look so much better especially with dark scenes.
It's so that they can HIDE THE TRUTH, user! Jackie killed JFK!!!
/not really, but can you imagine if I believed that?
Seriously wtf is going on? Why is video stagnating?
I appreciate your pointing me in the right direction, video fren.
It's why I always chuckle when Blu-Ray fans tout their format, potentially it could be better than LD but it never is. The audio is always "remastered" ie made louder and a blue-green tint is added to everything. Many of the digital remasters actively destroy fine detail in favor of sharper edges as well.
Tell me which of the two has more detail, left is LD and right is the 'remastered' BD.
>The audio is always "remastered" ie made louder and a blue-green tint is added to everything.
Yeah, and the soundtracks are even added to and altered, like the Superman DVDs, but Donner is old and didn't notice, even though he was told about it. He said "[they] had better not[ have changed them]" and nothing was ever done to remedy the problem. Of course.
>Many of the digital remasters actively destroy fine detail in favor of sharper edges as well.
Yes, I'm glad you posted pic related because I heard that Disney erased the classics, essentially. Dummies.
DRM has been the goal for a long time but digital is desired because that's what all the player formats and computers use. Theoretically you could use a digital to analog converter to convert a digital file to full bandwidth uncompressed analog video, but the sources are all digital. You'll never get good blacks from any digital format because of the nature of how digital video is created and stored. There are schemes to improve black rendition in digital video but none have made it into a home format yet and I doubt there will be another home format beyond Blu-Ray.
Ironically every TV made for the last 15+ years has a digital sharpness filter so if you really need hard edges on everything you could decide for yourself at home, but Disney went ahead and destroyed 90% of the picture information for you ahead of time.
Isn't is amazing that freaking black levels are beyond us, but we're totes on Mars, believe us.
Maybe I can add grain to Song of the South and market it as HIGH-DEF and Disney will just sit back and let me otherwise they have to admit that they own it, eh?
I have it on extremely good authority that George Lucas still watches Star Wars on Laserdisc. That's basically all you need to know about which format won.
They'll just straight up hire assassins to kill you user.
>I have it on extremely good authority that George Lucas still watches Star Wars on Laserdisc
Original or Special Edition? Both? Give my best to him, I never doubted him..much. AotC and RotS are not in the same ballpark as TPM, and the originals are legendary, no more needs to be said on those.
lol'd and it's probably the truth.
"Ha ha, rack them slides, boys! Ha ha!"
Lucas has his own Laserdiscs, I'm quite certain his particular discs have never been released to the public.
He edited Star Wars on Laserdisc with the first good non-linear video editor, which generated edit lists used to actually edit the films but he had a 24 hour turnaround from filming to development to Laserdiscs of the filming so he could have editing start on the previous day's shoots. He's partly responsible for the format gaining speed.
>Lucas has his own Laserdiscs, I'm quite certain his particular discs have never been released to the public.
Oh, they're probably mastered from his Technicolor prints. If not, I'm sure they're interesting; oh what I'd give to hang out with him for a day or a week.
>He edited Star Wars on Laserdisc with the first good non-linear video editor, which generated edit lists used to actually edit the films but he had a 24 hour turnaround from filming to development to Laserdiscs of the filming so he could have editing start on the previous day's shoots. He's partly responsible for the format gaining speed.
Shit. That's power.
Do you have any knowledge if Lucas has copies of the original-original [sic] Return of the Jedi? Lots of footage was cut from either the 1983 general release or the 1985 re-release and has never been seen again anywhere, much less mentioned.
Also speaking of Edit Droid LD, I downloaded the Edit Droid RotJ lost disc on YT, nice stuff.
Probably the best way to chat with Lucas is ham radio but he does not use his own name, he has a special VIP callsign which has fake FCC registration name and address info. But he's on there.
I don't know for sure but I'd be shocked if he didn't retain every minute of film he made and has many editions of each movie. Look into his holochron to see his degree of autism. I believe it's the only thing he didn't actually sell Disney.
My VCR killed this tape as well. After that, it was all DVD.
>Clamshell case
>Cardboard slipcover still inside
Never understood why it came packaged like that.
wtf are you going on about?
>Probably the best way to chat with Lucas is ham radio but he does not use his own name, he has a special VIP callsign which has fake FCC registration name and address info. But he's on there.
Intriguing. It's not hard to imagine you and Lucas have chatted that way, though younger anons would have total doubt.
>I believe it's the only thing he didn't actually sell Disney.
I thought he sold it all, even Skywalker Ranch, though he still lives there and retains full rights for the rest of his life there. At any rate, he does strike me as the kind of guy who has kept it all, even as he continually makes sure we'll never see many moments again. I want the rest of Darth Vader's almost non-death back. The Emperor didn't finish him off, it was shrapnel from the Death Star in a hallway among panicked Imperials as Luke was walking/carrying him. I can see how Lucas would alter that to make it more heroic, but it was good and was more tragic. Vader was going to make it out of that place. Would have made for an awkward Ewok party, though.
Btw, that's why the music between the crash of the Super Star Destroyer and the hallway with the Imperials rushing to get out of the DS has an audible abrupt rip/crack. The one sloppy bit of editing in the entire original saga.
Every time Disney runs a classic's master print through the automated scanning machine it induces wear on the original, too. Some of these master prints have been run through remastering machines four, five times or more now, which produces minor scratches, can break old celluloid, etc. So these masters going forward are going to require more digital cleaning and other operations even though theoretically they will be scanning them at higher resolutions each time there will be more smoothing and so on and there is every possibility master prints could break and cause them to have to source segments from copies which will always be worse, or use earlier scans.
Much of the digital cleanup process is automated, they don't actually have people looking at every frame. They create an adaptive model with training stages (like a 2-stage digital compression when you rip a DVD) and then let her rip.