/RBMK/ - Chernobyl/Kinobyl

Then that's not The Terror, lol. That's just a semi-fictionalized telling of the expedition, which is again, a completely different story with a completely different tone.

I'd like cinnamon toast crunch if it wasn't cinnamon.

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Has the tripfag been banned?

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Not sure, the thing is that imo the characters are much more prevalent and important to the story than the polar bear.
Sure he's here for the moral of the story, the esquimau lore and stuff, but the meat of the novel is really in its charactersand the ships.

desu you could say he continued to kill himself by smoking in the crown

The meat of the novel are the character yes, but the monster is also part of the meat too. The monster is more important than one would think. It gives them more reason to try and remain on the ships, and refrain from doing the jobs they were supposed to do. At that point fuck finding the passage, it's about survival in a land they figuratively and literally shouldn't be in.

Not that we know what the intentions of the crews who left the ships in the actual story, but I'm sure they still considered the possibly of returning home with great news, but in the show it's entirely hopeless for more reason than one.

>when they asked him how it was possible for a RBMK to explode he was dumbfounded
The Ignalina RBMK reactor experienced the same problem during its testing phase but they decided to classify it top secret, so he couldn't tell them without being gulag'd.