George R.R. Martin

Have you seen Nightflyers? it's trash. so no, he doesn't.

By living with mom and dad :/ the shitposter life isn't hard


Check out his Thousand world books/short stories. Pretty comfy sci fi

As for shows, i mean its just this and Nightflyers show/movie

Sandkings made for great Twilight Zone, Simpsons and Futurama episodes.

Didn't watch it yet myself but some ppl told me it was good enough and entirely based off a book from GRRM. Also its only 1 season

nah, I left home when I was 18

even imdb with its inflated ratings gives it a 6.0

nightflyers was absolutely pure garbage, dont waste your time with that

What's it like having GRRM's sweaty micro penis permanently in your mouth?