Does this dude have any shows that are actually good?
George R.R. Martin
Can you write a series better? Do you have a wife? Are you a millionaire who can eat and sleep all day? No? Okay stop making fun of him then
>Can you write a series better? Do you have a wife? Are you a millionaire who can eat and sleep all day?
Obviously not
I think he was the writer for the books that inspired Game of Thrones?
why do you think I can shitpost all day? don't project your own life onto me.
really got that sand in your vagina wedged in there deep
Have you seen Nightflyers? it's trash. so no, he doesn't.
By living with mom and dad :/ the shitposter life isn't hard
Check out his Thousand world books/short stories. Pretty comfy sci fi
As for shows, i mean its just this and Nightflyers show/movie
Sandkings made for great Twilight Zone, Simpsons and Futurama episodes.
Didn't watch it yet myself but some ppl told me it was good enough and entirely based off a book from GRRM. Also its only 1 season
nah, I left home when I was 18
even imdb with its inflated ratings gives it a 6.0
nightflyers was absolutely pure garbage, dont waste your time with that
What's it like having GRRM's sweaty micro penis permanently in your mouth?
night flyers is pretty kino
He said good, user.
Its a workout, like fishing for a guppie in the Atlantic but once you finally dig through the layers... It's all worth it