Upgraded design

Cersei and Euron invented the giant ballista, Bravo Dabid!

>if we want to shoot at troops
To be fair they were installed for just one thing; shooting dragons.

The real issue is that there is no point in siege weapons because all the dragons have to do is fly above the range of the ballistas as they drop heavy or flammable shit down from the sky. Too bad D&D are hacks and don't know shit about warfare.

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>using the cavalry dead on
>having no lines of fire or dragonglass or even fucking spiky fences to slow the movement of the dead, contemporary crowd control style
>not staying inside the walls and raining dragonglass arrows
>not having traps where you get the wights walking on oil and light them up
>not having multiple gates to trap the dead in when they get through one
>not using oil poured from the walls
The complete lack of effort is what's offensive. They could have just outsourced this to an expert on medieval battles.

No room to maneuver the ships because of land on left and right.
Ballistas only on the front.
Danny is truly a retard

Attached: IQ-3000-maneuver.jpg (1420x853, 469K)

Retard comes near city walls with maybe 50-60 people.
Dragon is just sitting in place.
For some reason they don't kill them all, with ballista and arrow fire, where they stand.
End of Dragon Queen and her "conquest"

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Seriously though, why doesnt Dany just attack them from straight above? The angle of attack on these missiles is quite limited, there is no way they could angle straight up. We've seen the dragons fry shit from a long way away before, just hover directly above your target and fry the shit out of them.

You would make even worse television than D&D.

see this she doesn't even need to go far above them. she just needs to circle around, outside the range of fire, and toast them.

>fleet misses and now cant fire another volley for some time
>better fly away now

They literally exposed the dream scenario for Dany and she turned away after taking all the risk.