This was legitimately maybe the worst trailer ive ever seen, but I'm salty because looking at Youtube comments and seeing how many 'rant' videos are up about it, you can tell the general population thinks Sonic looking retarded is the only problem.
>can't remember last time i saw 'comedy' this forced >literally 0 appeal to sonic fans or even video game fans. >something something "save the planet" >obviously developed and produced by some wrinkled old fucks who are so out of touch they have no idea what the fuck people want >jim carrey playing jim carrey (not in a good way). Literally shot his scenes during reshoots. >directed by a literally who first time director >director cucked immediately after reaction. Obviously had no fucking vision >completely fucking unfocused, no idea what it wants to be >government briefing scene lol >cassette tape player and trendy song for no reason, trying to rip off GOTG >being fast=being able to slow down time itself at will. No plotholes there.
Watch them revert him to look more like the video game version and people flock to see it.
Judging by how everyone is paying attention to this, no matter what they end up doing with it, it will make a billion dollars on the first day.
Carter Reed
Is this really what you want to spend your life on?
Isaiah Morales
The part that pissed me off the most was the time freeze part. Fuck that shit. It's literally the biggest difference between this and the videogame Sonic.
Jacob Richardson
It does not need to be good to make money, it simply needs to be trash and 'so bad its good' territory. Sort of like 'The Room' it'll gain a cult following that'll keep people talking about Sonic for years despite the brand slowly falling into obscurity.
Landon Cruz
Why would you even see it unless you're 11 years old.
Wyatt Bailey
It has Jim Carrey. The humor might not be the best ever but it's better than Emoji Movie, and that's good enough for me.
I'm an old school Sonic fan and I just think it's funny.
Nathan Anderson
Imagine if sonic fucked you in the ass.
Hudson Davis
This movie is the movie sonic spergs deserve.
Anthony Cook
>implying the breast feeding and upskirt scenes don't make this kino
James Russell
this movie looks fine for a kids movie I won't see it cause I'm an adult but if I had kids I'd take them and I'm sure they'd love it
Jeremiah Bennett
Yuji Naka himself is one the people who are upset. So that gives it a little bit of legitimacy as opposed to "it's just a bunch of internet crybabies" like with the last jedi.
Chase Nguyen
yuji naka is half the reason Sonic 06 was a shitshow. fuck him
Brayden Reyes
Sexual innuendo? In anime? No kidding!
Cameron Parker
you forgot >blue arms
Austin Long
I dunno, I was laughing like a madman at how out of touch Gangsta Paradise was in a Sonic trailer so the movie might turn out to be so bad it's good, if it has any more shit like that.
My real pet peeve is that the trailer gave us no reason to side with Sonic. It looks like he was running fast and caused an EMP that fucked over the Northwest Pacific coast or something possibly killing thousands of people in hospitals and screwing with machinery and whatnot things that happen in a backout.
Is it really wrong that the government sees him as a fucking menace and send their most ruthless soldiers after that goofy blue demon?
Caleb Bell
Sega was already dead, there was nothing he could do. On the flip side, him not being involved in Sonic x-treme, and instead the project being given to a bunch of incompetent Americans in San Francisco, is the cardinal reason Sega died in the first place.
Leo Lopez
Get the fuck out of here, Chris. Nobody cares about your atutisimal limb preferences.
Chase Morales
Yeah but to see a catgirl breastfeeding Eggman's babies isn't something you'd expect to see in a sonic movie
>so bad it's good Maybe the trailer was intentionally "so bad it's good" but then the actual movie is actually good. They turned the tables on us internet dweebs.
Colton Garcia
Why didn’t you link it nigger?
Jackson Kelly
If you were Japanese, you'd expect it just fine.
Joseph Price
I don't understand the anger in your post. How could you not want to see potential cringe kino with your friends? I love how bad the trailer looks
James Long
On top of them splitting the development team in half to make a shitty wii game (Sonic and the Secret Rings), Yuji Naka leaving meant 06 had no director, so they placed a guy who'd had no experience directing games in charge of a game that was supposed to save the series.
Julian Perez
You might be the only person on Earth who hasn't seen it yet. That's why he didn't link it.
Lucas Scott
no shit sherlock
Oliver Lee
I bet Nintendo will buy Sega after this movie does badly.
Lucas Scott
It's getting too much attention. There is no possibility left of it doing badly. Like really badly. It will at the very least do decently.
Henry Allen
Kek. Niggas be mad about sonic
Jaxson Robinson
I would be surprised if it broke the one billion barrier or beat Detective Pikachu but I do think this movie was just to further shed negative light on the Sonic franchise so that Nintendo can just move in and buy the brand.
Sebastian Lopez
>save the series Well, where Yuji Naka repeatedly failed, Jeff Fowler has already succeeded
Carson Thomas
can someone redpill me on what it's like to care about movies literally made for children?
Logan Ortiz
Nintendo had a better shot of it in the immediate aftermath of the Dreamcast being discontinued. If it didn't happen back then, it will never happen.
Hunter Roberts
> be shlomo shekelberg > make another adaptation > create controversy by making bad design > goys talk about it nonstop > already had the redesign made b4 trailer came out > "change" it to please the masses > everyone will watch the movie when it comes out > * merchant hand rubbing*
This is not just any children's movie. It's a children's movie about something I cared about when I was a kid myself.
Ryder Hughes
I don't know why doesn't Nintendo buy SEGA. Is it a honor thing? They wanna let their old time rival die and rest at peace instead of buying them? I mean Nintendo would make some baller Sonic games, I'm sure their own developers are constantly thinking >This was a nice idea, if only I could implement it on a Sanik game
Mario Odyssey has a rolling mechanic that would translate really well to a 3D sonic game. It's part of Mario's base moveset.
Henry King
Aren't you nostalgic about anything from your own past?
Jeremiah Harris
why do i feel like this is also starting to try and start some sort of Sega Cinematic Universe
I might commit.
Easton Edwards
Even changing the character design the movie is still going to suck.
Thomas Butler
sure, but now im an adult and i stopped caring about those things, because ive gotten othert interests or other things have come along. i guess im not a manchild so i dont get it like you seem to
I don't think he caused the blackout, it's probably robotnik trying to frame him. Why else would the military try to capture him if they don't perceive sonic as a threat? robotnik probably knows about sonic and the chaos emeralds and will do anything to get them, including killing thousands of people
Luis Anderson
It's going to be a fun movie. Stay mad zoomer-fag.
nigger you aren't special, everyone knows this looks like total dogshit. Sonic looking like a retard is just the easiest visual to use to make this apparent. People are aware that even if Sonic's design changes, the movie will still be shit. There isn't a single person that's looking at this and seeing potential gold but oh, if only Sonic's design were better. You're just imagining people for yourself to get mad at.
Would love another Sissy Sonic idea if you're a fan of the stories
Carter Perez
What comedy is forced?
James Rivera
If one of those things from your past suddenly came back in a big way, you would definitely care, even though you are now an adult. I suppose you are just not lucky enough to have had an interest as a child that is presently making a big splash again. It also doesn't stop you from having other interests.
Adrian Baker
It's Hop I'm more interested in the pokemon film that trailer got more laughs from me than the blue alien move.
>it'll gain a cult following that'll keep people talking about Sonic for years despite the brand slowly falling into obscurity That already happened a decade ago user
Robert Gutierrez
no i was obsesseed with pokemon as a child, but the new movie doesnt interest me in any major way because its meant for children, and im not a child. maybe its because im not a virgin i dont dedicate energy to what childrens movies look like.
Brandon Green
Sonic is Mickey Mouse-level. It will never be obscure.
Landon Cook
I'm not one of the people who complained about the design, but I will still watch the movie.
Oliver Foster
pikachu cussed in the trailer, are you sure it's for children?
Brayden Scott
>trying to rip off GOTG ohhhh now I see why you're mad you faggot
Brandon Jones
Why would you not go to see Detective Pikachu if you were a Pokemon fan as a kid? I was too, and I'll go see it. What's the problem. Are you afraid of looking uncool? That's something teenagers worry about.
Cooper Edwards
why do you have such strong opinions about some faggot sonic movie in your 20s? get help
Liam Harris
looks pretty good actually enjoyed robonick
Easton Hernandez
jesus Christ I want to strangle you, its like you just cant comprehend someone ever outgrowing cartoons
Logan Clark
I have outgrown cartoons. But I'm not afraid of looking foolish if I go to see a kid's cartoon once in twenty years.
Jayden Perry
I like Robotnik's high tech gadgets. That should carry the movie. And also Jim Carrey. I really don't care what the design of the blue rat is/will be.
Kevin Evans
William Myers
Literal manchild. You probably use reddit too
Cooper Lee
I'll say it again >I have outgrown cartoons. But I'm not afraid of looking foolish if I go to see a kid's cartoon once in twenty years.
Jonathan Phillips
It sounds more like you're one of those insecure cucks who hopes that that one girl you like but are too much of an incel to get judges you by how many children's movies you didn't go to see this year.
Adrian Barnes
waste of trips
Michael Ross
Do you by chance own a nintendo switch?
Luke Scott
I do not. I don't play any video games. I know it's shocking to hear that. I hope you don't get an aneurysm from reading this. I wouldn't want that on my conscience.
Christian Jackson
I dont use this word often, but man that is some projection
Andrew Evans
>Imagine being this upset about a Sonic movie. where were you when this whole fucking board was pissing itself over TLJ??
I thought the level of incompetence apparent in its production would make this a very faithful Sonic adaptation. Remember Sonic Boom?
Cooper Reed
Hunter Watson
I wouldn’t go see Detective Pikachu either but I was impressed by the design being so true to the character and the film doesn’t come off as bottom of the barrel garbage to feed the retarded masses.
Dumb kids films = dumb kids. It’s fine to point out that Sonic looks like shit, that the “jokes” don’t land at all, the choice of Gangsta’s Paradise is just astonishingly out of touch etc. even acknowledging that it’s not “for” you as an adult.