Copping out with fucking time travel. All they had to do was keep the basic format of Nebula confronting Thanos with the fact he no longer felt worthy of wielding the Stones like in the comic. Also having an earlier weaker Thanos substitute was so fucking stupid.
What's the single biggest flaw in Avengers Endgame?
Sorry... "Noble Thanos"? I assume you're talking about the one who we saw in Infinity War... why are you phrasing it like that?
t. not OP
Last battle was shoehorned in.
Should have had either no final fight, an abstract final fight that was showing the cost of going back in time to fix things, or double down and have Thanos team up with Loki and Ultron for the ultimate payoff
She got more time in this film than any other...
I didn't like Nu-Thanos
Her ass in leather pants was
also, she disappeared for 2:45 of the film and didn't even defeat Thanos.
Guess you DCfags were wrong along.
How the fuck does the future stay the same if Steve never gets stuck in ice and becomes Cap America
This. The Avengers everybody deserves
Not enough Jesus symbolism
Black widow's death. Boring as hell for some reason.