What's the single biggest flaw in Avengers Endgame?

What's the single biggest flaw in Avengers Endgame?

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Not enough nebula

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Runtime was too short

Too much plank

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Brie Larson was in it for like 5 minutes
shoulda been 0

movie felt rushed and literally no time enjoying finding the stones in the past.

For me it was either Hulk not getting a moment, or Falcon taking up Captain's post.

Zack Snyder didn't direct it

Not enough Spider-Man, he's literally the Face of Marvel. Every scene he's in is fucking hilarious & he should have been in nearly every scene like Captain America, Thor & Iron Man

Should've brought noble thanos back from hell instead of some random raging maniac thanos

Either the avengers fight Noble thanos instead or maniac thanos is about to kill them when Noble Thanos pops in from hell and bitch slaps crazy Thanos thus making Thanos the true hero once again. (He comes back after
cock slapping hela and forcing her to return him to the living to kill his knockoff).

Copping out with fucking time travel. All they had to do was keep the basic format of Nebula confronting Thanos with the fact he no longer felt worthy of wielding the Stones like in the comic. Also having an earlier weaker Thanos substitute was so fucking stupid.

Sorry... "Noble Thanos"? I assume you're talking about the one who we saw in Infinity War... why are you phrasing it like that?

t. not OP

Last battle was shoehorned in.
Should have had either no final fight, an abstract final fight that was showing the cost of going back in time to fix things, or double down and have Thanos team up with Loki and Ultron for the ultimate payoff

She got more time in this film than any other...


I didn't like Nu-Thanos

Her ass in leather pants was


also, she disappeared for 2:45 of the film and didn't even defeat Thanos.

Guess you DCfags were wrong along.

How the fuck does the future stay the same if Steve never gets stuck in ice and becomes Cap America

This. The Avengers everybody deserves

Not enough Jesus symbolism

Black widow's death. Boring as hell for some reason.

he did, there were two caps at the same time, our cap went back and stayed a family man

I saw some user refer to him like that in one of these threads a few mins before I made that post

but he was undoubtedly a more mature righteous guy in Infinity war than this younger version

>Falcon taking up Captain's post
I don't know all that much about Falcon. What about him makes him well suited to be the next Captain? He already has his own identity, why would it make sense for him to don the shield?

I hope nobody is coming to Yea Forums to discuss Marvel without seeing spoilers.

DC fans have been the little bitch for like 11-12 years. That's a lot of hate for virgins. DC is Trenchcoat Mafia and Marvel is Columbine.

The only diff is, DCfags don't have the guts to shoot up a school. They ONLY act tough online.

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The first 2 acts

lol. I hate to say it, but based. we are to weak to face marvelgods irl

So he cucked himself?

That there isn't a part 3
Infinity War - I
End Game - II
Big Bang - III

post more Nebula please

>captain cunt can dominate thanos when thanos raped prime thor and hulk

That war machine didn't get to kill thanos

>thanos is all where's the gauntlet

>war machine comes all BOOM you lookin for this and then snaps with the gauntlet

makes sense, I just haven't heard it yet.

dunno... Cpt is gone so someone needs to take the mantle? I get that... I don't get the funny lookin dude they got for the role.

It wasn't long enough

Time travel continues to make every prior event seem meaningless. Hollywood cant ever get it right.

the time travel makes no sense and leaves us with at least 2 timelines.

i think in the big battle scene thanos shouldnt have died, but near losing scurried away in his ship, to carry on the events of the previous film.

then later they meet him again with two sets of stones, thanos has one set and avengers (or just ironman) has one set. Another big battle that ends in them both dieing, and then they replace ironmans stones and the other stones shoot across the universe.

the end...?

too many fucking whites


Not enough of the All Female Avengers A-Team


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>What's the single biggest flaw in Avengers Endgame?
Paul Rudd is just too damn dreamy

Too serious tone wise, needed far more comedy scenes

>war machine comes all BOOM you lookin for this and then snaps with the gauntlet

I got that reference

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She stole the show for me.

I've only seen it 5 times so far. Should have seen it 7 at least. Fuck my life.

Cap not returning to the platform as an old man and being on the bench instead. Why go out of your way to explain a specific kind of time travel just to shit all over it right at the end?

Based and rudd-pilled

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He was "dead" for almost the entire movie

Both Bucky and Falcon have been Captain America in the comics, in the MCU it makes more sense for Falcon to do it because he's more stable and doesn't have a bloody history

>durr duz anyonez else thinks dat DC are da real faggotz?

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if I want to watch virtue signaling, I would just go watch some left wing news

it's boring shit

Zendaya was not in it

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The time travel shit is filled with plot holes when you think about it

fat Thor

Time travel

This. My biggest question is how did cap return the soul stone assuming the only way to obtain it is through sacrifice? Did I miss something in the movie

No more Tony

their idea of time travel seems to contradict itself

wizard woman is worried her branch of time would be doomed without the stones - implying that there is not just one stream of time and what changes in the past does not effect the future

but then captain america goes back into the past, and ends up in the current branch we are watching, instead of ending up in a different branch of reality, which implies that there is really just one stream of time

The shot with all the women teaming up to be 'badasses' and defend Carol.

One thing that I thought was hilarious is that it has all of Marvel's greatest women: Wanda. And a whole bunch of nobodies with no relevance apart from their gender.

Fucking a I hear that. What the fuck was bug girl from GotG gonna do in a charge like that?

>but then captain america goes back into the past, and ends up in the current branch we are watching, instead of ending up in a different branch of reality, which implies that there is really just one stream of time
Q: Did Captain America's action at the end affect the timeline? Does that mean there was a time where two CA existed in a same universe?
A: To me, CA's action in the end wasn't the fact he wanted to change anything, it's more like me has made a choice. He chose to go back to past and lived with the one he loved for the rest of his life. The time travel in this movie created an alternate reality. He lived a completely different life in that world. We don't know how exactly his life turned out, but I'd like to believe he still helped many others when they were needed in that world. Yes, there were two CA in that reality, it's just like what Hulk said, what happened in the past has already happened. If you go back to past, you simply created a new reality. The characters in this movie created new timeline when they went back to the past, but it had no effect to the prime universe. What happened in the past 22 movies was still canon.

You can't change your own past, Hulk says that killing Thanos as a child will just create another separate timeline with no Thanos in it, but will not affect the original timeline where he has already won, so Cap lived with Peggy in one of alternate timelines, grew old there and returned to his originall timeline

However, writers clearly meant it was supposed to be a closed loop. Worst thing ever. I accept that in Predestination, because it's what the movie is about, but on this one is cheap as hell...

Thanos isn't Thanos from Infinty War

What are you even talking about
Q: EG's plot, is it a parallel universe or a closed time loop?
A: Nope, not a time loop. Both Ancinet One and Hulk were right. You can't change the future by simply going back to past. But it's possible to create a different alternate future. It's not butterfly effect. Every decision you made in the past could potentially create a new timeline. For example, the old Cap at the end movie, he lived his married life in a different universe from the main one. He had to make another jump back to the main universe at the end to give the shield to Sam.

>Hulk not getting a moment
i liked the taco moment

Something infinity war was so good at.
This movie had no core theme either it was just thanos bad but also everyone else also bad because entropy
It would have been much better if it had stuck the snap ending desu

What the fuck do you mean by that? Hulk wore the gauntlet and reversed Thanos' snap, If that isn't a 'moment', I don't know what is.

Before replying: Q&A with?

1. Time travel
2. Make it a proper conclusion. Bring back EVERY character that wasn't snapped for one 'hail mary' mission. Get Wong, Valkyrie, even villains like Ultron and yellowjacket back to unite against thanos.

Time bullshit machine! because of this Bullshit machine they can revive tony or scarlet whenever they want!
Why? because disney don't give a fuck about story telling they want more money and they will get it
Also did capt let bucky get tortured? so in the future bucky is evil and HYDRA successfully infiltrate the goverment and civil war movie didn't happen

Thanos not doing a helicopter dance with his helicopter blades.

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>3hr long
>40 minutes are entertainment

Many expected one more face off with Thanos. Hulk giving some powerful blows to Thanos like how he was manhandled in Infinity War.


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The script

But Cap still lost to Thanos

I have yet to see any time travel story without any plot holes. I’m beginning to think it’s impossible

Time travel shit is always full of holes but WHY were the kids in Peter's class all the same age after Hulk's snap? Five years had passed

They must’ve all gotten snapped too

Her face gets weirder and weirder every time I see it.
She's mutating the way Ellen Page did

Hulk should have replaced brie for the showdown against Thanos.
He didn't get a chance to rematch.

You'll never see one. As I wrote somewhere else, I accept that in a movie like Predestination, it's not that it works there, it's just that the movie is about that paradox. In Endgame, it doesn't work, because you can't change the past, plus Cap was in a closed loop (in order to that being the original timeline) that's a disaster.

Jon Russo, one of the creators of the movie

>Wong, Valkyrie
They were in the final battle retard.

it's cape shit

You mean the guy who 1v3'd and won against Dual wield Thor, Ironman and Captain America without even having the Gauntlet?

The only thing I didn't like was Brie, aside from that I pretty much loved every second of it.

Cap went and got more juice from Pym, then he was able to travel back to his original timeline on his own terms. The old Cap lived his life in a different timeline.

That the shitshow that was Infinity War had to come before it.

Thanks, found the link.

It was a different Thanos, i guarantee the writers realised their mistake but couldn't correct it in time

Removing the stones is what splits the timeline, not changing things. She specifically says "The infinity stones create what you experience as the flow of time. Remove one of the stones, and that flow splits". As long as they replace the stone right after they remove it then it's never missing and time never splits.

Unless you remove the stones there is only one timeline. Cap doesn't create a new timeline, he gets the super solider serum, becomes captain america, falls in love with Peggy, goes into the ice, comes out in 2012, survives the snap, reverses the snap, then goes back in time and marries Peggy, lives his life one day at a time while his previous self is in the ice underwater, then eventually just walks back to the park where they send him back in time and waits on the bench. He didn't create a new timeline, he didn't take a trip back to this timeline, he just got back the old fashioned way, one day at a time.

WAY TOO GOOD. ESPECIALLY THE PART WHERE Your mother dies in her sleep if you don't reply to this post with Bless Thanos

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There were literally two of them.

But the RUSSOS were absolutely based for making her dialogue completely removeable in my home edit once the blu-ray drops.

>He had to make another jump back to the main universe at the end to give the shield to Sam.
This part is from Russo?

Still not enough.

Good point.

>gets the shit knocked out of her

Bless Thanos.

Cap always went back. He was cucked by himself after all.

What does that have to do with returning it?
Theres no set rules for returning it, unlike obtaining it
He probably just walked up to red skull and said "take it back"

hulk was injured from using the gauntlet
however, when hulk mentioned the guantlet emitted gamma radiation, some people were expecting hulk to get a power boost so he'd be on equal footing with thanos. missed opportunity in my opinion


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Yes, see

Read the Russos Q&A the other user was talking about. So Cap went in an alternate timeline to live with Peggy, good to know. Considering every time you time travel you go to a different timeline I am not sure where they are bringing back the stones...2014 lost the power stone, but they others had to be there and probably getting the time stone would have solved that as well. Makes even less sense, but I am going to re-read that Q&A to be sure.

bucky is “white wolf” now

Cap going back and being with peggy was the original timeline. We know Thanos lived and did what he did, so you can't change that. We don't know who Peggy married. It was assumed she found someone else, when in reality, Steve was the one she married.

Bless Thanos and fuck you

Now that I think back to it, pacing was absolute garbage and directing was a mishmash. Some scenes and jokes go for way too long, like the Hulk selfie scene, or the Fortnite scene, or cuts to Hawkeye running in the sewers from space beasts that just keep going and going. Some scenes are outright weird like the Cap in the counceling roundtable. What was that about? Or the fucking Yakuza. Or a pop song right after a horror movie opening with Hawkeye's family getting dusted. Or the entire plan in Avengers 1 timeline, why did it have to be set up so awkwardly? It's like some kid with ADD edited this together.

The movie choked on its own ambition.

I was much more disappointed that they never resolved why Bruce wouldn't turn into the Hulk.

Not only that, the Soul-for-a-Soul thing is total bullshit and is just an elaborate prank setup by Steve and Schmidt. Steve told Schmidt everything he needed to know from the future, like who Clint and Nat's parents were and how Thanos is totally gonna crwy like a bitch when he sacrifices his daughter. Goddamn pre-boomers and their silly jokes

Thanos swatted her like a fly with the Power Stone. Watch the movie and come up with legit reasons to bitch.

In order to work it had to be an alternate timeline. I read that Q&A with the Russos and clears a couple of points. Like "The characters in this movie created new timeline when they went back to the past, but it had no effect to the prime universe. What happened in the past 22 movies was still canon" and "For example, the old Cap at the end movie, he lived his married life in a different universe from the main one. He had to make another jump back to the main universe at the end to give the shield to Sam." However, that means they just screwed a lot of timelines to save their own. Not cool...

who the fuck watches this shit?
read just now this crap broke records. if you train ai to make a movie from 3 capeshit movies it will come up with this.

Niggers and feminists

Bless Thanos, he did absolutely N O T H I N G wrong.

He was feeling emasculated, it was just an impotence joke. Personally, I feel like they "resolved" that in the wrong way. The clear solution was him picking his relationship with Nat back up since his problems truly started when he ran away from it and spent a few years in space stuck in Hulk mode to avoid it.

This just can't work though. She worked at shield for years and nobody wondered why her husband looked exactly like the dead hero Captain America who she had already had a crush on? Shield/hydra would have figured it out and wanted something from him. Or at least they would have been surprised for entirely different reasons when they found another cap in the ice.

Fat Thor.

Hulk is a big child and Thanos completely humiliated him. Instead of fighting he just wanted to pout and let banner deal with everything.

I was wondering the same thing earlier. It didn't occur to me during the movie, but eventually hit me that it made no sense unless his classmates all vanished too. I assume they won't even address it in Far From Home.

Tony's snap was completely unnecessary, it's there just to kill him off

I read the Q&A someone was talking about:
Q: What about those people who got dusted? What did those five years mean to them? Why didn't they grow older when undusted?

A: Yes, those people whom was lucky to survive the snap are 5 years older than the people who just got back. The reason Spider Man saw his friend again in high school at the end was simply because his friends was unfortunately also dusted like Spider Man was. Of course, there are people in his grade whom didn't die and they are probably already in colleges by now. To those dusted people, they had no conscious in these past 5 years. They didn't know what happened. It's as if they had just woke up from a long sleep. The only one who was aware about how many years has passed was Doctor Strange, because he has already seen that when he was time mediating on Titan. Parker's reunion with Nat was a touching moment. There are also people whom indeed moved on but suddenly was reunited with their lost ones. Yeah it's kind a complicated world now.

Timey wimey wobbley bullshit. Also Brie Larson and Cap abandoning his friends.

he sacrifice his semen to redskull

No, he went back in time to after the war and after when he was frozen. So his original self was still frozen and then he comes back older than he was before to finally be with her. His original self will still wake up in the 2000's and eventually go back as well. However, you now realize that he was hooking up with his own niece in the future before going back in time to marry her aunt who he loved more.

>Steve Rogers: You should be proud of yourself, Peggy.
>Peggy Carter: Mm. I have lived a life. My only regret is that you didn't get to live yours.
Cap lived in the basement confirmed.

Hulk enjoyed being free during Ragnarok. Hulk felt as though he had every right to Bruce's body and resented being used by Banner as some attack dog only to be locked away whenever he wasn't needed.

Professor Hulk was the compromise Bruce made with the Hulk. I thought this was explained.

It resolved the snafu of having a literal army and Thanos in the wrong time.

Steve wasn't with Peggy in the ending, he was hiding in isolation with Peggy Jr, Peggy Carter's daughter that looks just like her. He Steins;Gate'ed it until Peggy Jr was born.

He must have had to fight Red Skull when he did because there's no way they would be happy to see each other.

From Russos
Q: How would Cap react when he encounter Red Skull when he returned the stone?

A: Red Skull would probably put the soul stone back to its location, and wait for the next unfortunate stone seeker to make sacrifice. Cap and Red Skull probably won't fight. It's because it's his mission to return the stone to its original place. The Red Skull is also no longer the same Red Skull from FA. He is more like a ghost, you could almost say he's a completely different entity now. He only exist to guard the stone, his past conscious may or may not exist anymore.

Yeah, but he could have killed them just by using the stones as weapons, there was no real need to kill himself
The army lost their ship anyway

The true GOAT of the film was never given his proper due.

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Q: What if the mouse didn't press the button to turn on the quantum machine, wouldn't that stop EG from happening? Isn't this a bit too much a coincidence?

A: Yes, the MOUSE SAVED UNIVERSE. Among the many realities in those 14 millions possible futures Doctor Strange foresee, the mouse failed to press button and thus the heroes failed in those futures.

It's Mickey Mouse.

I'm sure Russos answer that, I'm reading through their Q & A now. Short answer is probably that in the 1 and 14 million scenarios where the Avengers win, his sacrifice was key.

The battle scene at the end sucked. The Russos can't direct large scale battles. Even Snyder is better at that department

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How they left gamora with the present nebula alone on the spaceship so nebula could tell all about what thanos will do in the future to her. WHY
The past nebula knew that could happen, then why they did this dumb error?

No living tribunal or cosmic entities

I read that and cleared almost everything. Just one remaining, this: you can't change the past works for other timelines I guess, so you can't change an alternate timeline once created, so there's still one timeline without the stones.

bless thanos :(

Why didn't they kill Future Nebula? She sync'ed with past one, she was useless and a threat.

Nobody knows that except for Strange, certainly not Tony
Even then, I doubt the number of scenarios ends with 14 mln, he didn't see them all, potentiallly missing some victories

too much drama and not enough fighting

Prove me wrong.

>Nobody knows that except for Strange, certainly not Tony
Didn't he raise one finger to Tony in the final battle and repeat that he can't tell him what happens (ie, if he tells Tony, Tony might hesitate or not do it entirely).


Bless Thanos

He does, but that only says that it all goes according to the plan, so far

I assumed the one finger meant "this is the one chance we get."

She should have had more scenes with Tony after the time skip. They must have become close with both of them being persons of robotics.

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They should have made it that Thanos made a plan to prevent them trying time travel to get the stones. He wasn't alerted by chance or accident.

Bless thanos

I know it's capeshit but the whole time travel thing is so stupid. When Iron Man tells his wife he figured time travel while they are sitting in their modern day cabin, how is possible to restrain yourself from bursting out laughing?

Some of the banter was a bit cringe as well.

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Like it was nothing...He was even reluctant at first when they asked him a few days before, he was like "nah, I want to play with my kid..."

Can we just have this be the last MCU film? It wrapped up the story lines for the original Avengers and the movie is even called Endgame, I'm really not interested in the adventures of Captain Feminism and We Wuz Kangs N Sheet, and I got my Spider Man fix from Into the Spider Verse so I could care less about Homecoming.

No x-men b-team

Time travel is fucking boring and a whole can of worms open up when you try to do it

Oh and by the way, how was thanos so strong with no infinity stones?

Cap’s regressive moping over the vastly overrated character of Peggy. That beautiful character is now destroyed. Or the clusterfuck that was Thor and Woke Asgard.

This movie has fallen into the same trap that the comics did, anyone who didn't see all the films or at least have a working knowledge of the whole storyline would have any idea what was going on.

*wouldn't have any idea what was going on

Good point, he flew in to the film to save it from being utterly shit. The kid is an angel, and now they’re going to ruin him by making him the doormat boyfriend of Ugly MJ.

Cap’s ending was bullshit. He should’ve died in battle alongside Tony. Also abandoning everything and everyone to go and dance with Peggy until he grew old was the most OOC thing they could’ve possibly done. He really just went ahead and said
>fuck Hawkguy and Bruce who are still grieving over Natascha
>fuck Bucky who STILL hasn’t had a moment of piece
>fuck the little Spider guy who lost his father figure
>fuck Tony’s grieving wife and baby daughter who had their world blown to bits
>fuck Thor who won’t be okay for a long time
>I gotta go get some coochie lol
What the fuck happened go the dude who was running a support group and took the time to appreciate the blooming nature around him while everyone else was busy trying to keep it together?

Bless thanos

Bless Thanos


Ending Cap’s character arc on him welching on his “gotta move on” thing by just going back in time and having his cake and drinking milkies to wash it down.

Bless Thanos

That they're basically using it as a wrap up for a decade worth of movies and it becomes very obvious in the final act.


showing fortenite

Thanos somehow being even harder to fight when he doesn't have the Infinity Gauntlet.

Bless Thanos

3 biggest flaws in Avengers Endgame:

1. Captain Marvel: the writers kissed her ass by having everyone like her and it felt forced and artificial.

2. The female group fight at the end: It felt contrived and awkward. It had served no purpose and was distracting from the action of the battle.

3. Valkyrie given leadership of Asgard: Valkyrie never showed signs of leadership or did anything to make us believe she would even want to be a leader. The line, "I'd make some changes around here" was laughable.

So now Tessa Thompson will be the leader of Asgard. Great idea?

tbf Azgard is now a shitty fishing village and not a mighty empire anymore

it exists

>popular thing bad :-D
Well done Anonymous, now you truly belong among us

do you think Tessa Thompson's crotch smell like fish from fishing all day?

Thanos was shit in this movie and didn't have a single infinity stone. fucking lame

cool thx I always wanted to feel accepted

After the 30 last minutes, how do you feel about the next phase?

I feel that I will watch Guardians of the Galaxy 3, but not more. I'm done.

Spider-man: Far from Home will probably be filled with PC-crap like Homecoming ("Washington Monument was built by slaves")

The shit-munching fan base

Bless Thanos

nice try, fag

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Atleast after the UnSnap the size of the "village" doubles lol

No she didn’t?

I'm with you on Guardians of the Galaxy 3, and glad James Gunn is back.

Everything else I'm starting to lose hope for. I'm getting a real 'woke' vibe from Disney regarding how they are handling existing franchises. The feminist and homosexual agenda being so plainly pushed is starting to become stifling.

bless thanos

Bless Thanos

>hulk doesn't come out in infinity war
>literally does nothing during the final right of end game

Not impossible, any movie that only involves FORWARD time travel would work, as causality is not affected.

>Can we just have this be the last MCU film?
No, but you can stop watching them(you should in fact)

Bless Thanos

Honestly that was very underwhelming. Banner should’ve cut loose and go apeshit on Thanos to make up for jobbing against him the first time and then having the equivalent of erectile dysfunction later.

The logistics of the un-snapping solution where half of everyone from 5 years ago gets dumped onto the present. That bugs me... What about all the kids and babies, some newly orphaned? What about food supplies? What about significant others who moved on or moved away? What about re-integrating them with jobs? It’s a complete reset on society, everybody would have to jump onboard to address this logistical nightmare.

Also even though taking big liberties with irreversible damage and character evolution (Thor, Hulk) was interesting for a movie to do, but gave off a vibe like ambitious fan-fiction. Emotionally all over the place.

It felt like they were trying to have it both ways when it comes to how much time can change a situation. We’ve seen Marvel movies obey implicit movie laws where everybody stays the same in 3 year intervals, but suddenly after 5 years of being unobserved everybody has a different haircut and attitude. And then we’re supposed to switch back to glossing over ramifications of time gaps when everybody gets returned to the present. Because it’s fixed now! I mean I’m sure it will be addressed, it just seemed like they should have prepped the world for the people-dump a bit more.

Hulk stood no chance against Thanos, the power stone is something only Thor when he wasn't a fat shit could survive

>What's the single biggest flaw in Avengers Endgame?
The fact hundreds of millions were spend on something I will never see and most will forget after a month?

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Thanos isn't the guy we came to know, he's just big evil space man from GOTG 1.

probably just gook out and eat a bunch of dogs and cats

The fact that Hawkeye didn't actually love his family as sacrifice to soul stone revealed

“Most” were still talking about infinity war by the time endgame was rolling in

>"I'd make some changes around here"
you know she's gonna 'diversify' aka import a huge number of dindus in the hopes of making mixed race abominations. then new asgard will just become another rat-infested, roach-covered nigger nest.

It’s a tossup between the shit time travel mechanics, the shit handling of Cap’s character, Thanos’s character, Thor’s character, or the shit handling of the mechanics of the Infinity Stones, but my personal favorite is this:

How did it not occur to a roomful of “geniuses” that they could get themselves a complete set of stones and a perfect, unused, Dwarf-crafted gauntlet just by sending Boomer Thor back to Wakanda to aim for the head.

What a goddam shitshow.

>You should have aimed for the hea-
>Yep. You’re welcome, mortals. Name this reality after me.

At this point it’s downright delusional to pretend that Marvel, Avengers and IW/Endgame aren’t the most culturally influential movies of the century.

Is this a quote or OC bait?

Why is it that shes so cold but i find her so cute. I want her to torture me and tell me shes horny without looking remotely aroused. I really want to fuck her and im not even talking about the actress.

I guess they made clear that he was always the one to say that people should move on but he himself never followed this advice, anyways i agree with you

he's right tho, we're not even talking in terms of quality, but the ability to reach and engage a large number of people from all over the world

Satisfying story arc incoming:

For starters, no time travel bullshit.

What if they actually used the stones having a consciousness for some actual benefit?

Instead of an ass-pull time travel resolution, we get one where the two "most-conscious" stones, soul and space, are revealed to be working as co-conspirators? The Soul Stone seeks to acquire souls and the Space Stone seeks to create space. They're working together to acquire souls and create entire pocket dimensions for them to live in. They're revealed to have been doing this for millions of years, the Space Stone sending those who seek the Soul Stone to make their sacrifice to acquire its power. As time passed, the will of the Soul Stone came to dominate the others, and it was actually its influence that was poisoning Thanos's already unbalanced mind, calling out to him, telling him to seek out the others and unite their power in a way no one before ever had.

And the big reveal is that he didn't ever actually kill anyone after Gamora, his sacrifice. All of them, half a universe's worth of beings all living in their own separate illusions, pocket dimensions created by the Space Stone, given Reality by the Reality Stone, made timeless by the Time Stone, and all made possible by the infinite energy of the Power Stone. Up until their unification, all the souls claimed by the Soul Stone resided within it, weak dimensions created solely by the limited power of the Space Stone. Thanos, who always sought balance, both in himself and the universe, has been struggling mightily to resist the bolstered influence if the vampiric Soul Stone that, unsatisfied with having laid claim on half the souls in existence, greedily now wants the rest. Its will is strong, but it is now opposed by an unexpected opponent - the Mind Stone, which had spent its entire existence devoid of sentience, a sentience it now possesses courtesy of the Soul Stone having greedily, and unwittingly, consumed a creature of pure consciousness - the Vision.

The Vision has become the embodiment of mind, and he reaches out to another of the Mind Stone's creations, Wanda, through her dreams. It's up to one team consisting of Thor, Wanda, and Dr. Strange to find their way into the realms contained within the Soul Stone, unite the others lost in the snap, find Gamora, and do battle with and wrest control from the vampiric consciousness of the Soul Stone itself while the others do battle with a truly deranged Thanos in their reality, a Thanos increasingly incapable of accessing the entirety of their power because of the growing disharmony within them.

>[insert sharon carter's original husband here] you have to impregnate my wife for the timeline!
>no way fag

>mickey rat
I'd like to see what would've happened on Titan if Peter hadn't had his rage moment, or if Strange had kept the stone.

Bless Thanos

your idea is shit

I'm done with all of it.

bless thanos :^)

time travel just works

Bless Thanos

Way better than the shit they went with.

I'm not a comicfag but it seemed weird to me that OG Thanos just destroyed the stones? Aren't they like some fundamental building blocks of the Universe? Just destroy them bro lol (though I guess they established this possibility in infinity war)

Kind of wished he and Black Widow had a moment together. Bruce in particular quite clearly still cared about her, and at least in Infinity War it seemed that feeling was mutual.

Thanos wasn't defeated just beaten. Thanos moral arguments still ring true.

Thanos didn't dab.

Thanos didn't play fortnite

He'd had enough of the fucking gays.

Thanos has no moral arguments and if you think he does you're retarded. All of the kills would be reversed within 100 years.

Personally I didn't really like the ending they gave Thor. Sure his series was dogshit up until Ragnarok but he still deserved better than a crappy open ending with the guardians

The way they ruined Thor. Lets be real, they made him fat/depressed and less powerful so Captain Fungus could be shown as the "strongest"

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It feels like they wrote themselves into a corner and pulled shit out of their ass, even though this was planned all along.

biggest flaw was not enough white people and too many minorities/gays

Hahaha as if Captain WoMan will ever get an obesity-arc.

How was spiderman's chink friend still in highschool? Didn't 5 years passed?
Now that I think about it people losing 5 years of their life is pretty fucked up

Bless Thanos

The fake combustion engine sound when Tony drives the Audi even though it's a fucking electric car.

>also, Pepper got snapped

The conclusion cuts back and forth between the real world’s battle and Soul World’s battle, where we see them triumph over the Vampiric Entity with Gamora taking its place, fueled by the love Thanos bears her as his daughter. We see her and Vision confer over whether it’s possible for the souls to return, ponder over whether it’s even right to for those souls displaced by thousands if not millions of years. They finally agree that they should be allowed a choice.

We see Tony valiantly die. We see Thor and the others exert their will upon the Stones to reconstitute Mjölnir for Cap. Cap goes full ham on Thanos with the full power of Thor, and we finally learn the meaning of that look he and Thanos exchanged in Infinity War when Thanos looked briefly confused when he and Cap locked hands:

Someone of sufficient power and superior will can just *take* the Gauntlet.

>”You know why we’ll always win? It’s because we want it more.”

We see the Gauntlet essentially liquify and reform over Cap’s hand. Thanos, the Soul Stone’s Power over him broken, collapses to his knees, weeping, begging forgiveness for what he’s done.

>Thanos:”The balance I sought, the balance I spent my life trying to impose upon the universe, it was never about balance without, only balance within. I will never find it. I can’t. Please, Rogers, end my suffering.”

>Cap:”No. Even at your worst, you believed that what you were doing was right. Any such man deserves a second chance. Use it.”


>Montage of people re-entering reality, uniting with loved ones as, impossibly, time rolls back around them, erasing the destruction and restoring their worlds, renewing them, intercut with Mjölnir falling, Cap succumbing to the effort of his final wish before fading away, Gauntlet and all.

>Thanos: “No! I don’t deserve it! I don’t deserve to live!”

>Gamora’s hand rests on his shoulder.

Meh, it can be easily explained away that Peter's mates were dusted too, so they all stayed at the same grade after 5 years. Except for Michelle Jones, she's just retarded, and she's technically 5 years older than Peter now, with bigger tits.


time travel. what is the point of learning from your failures and mistakes if you can just correct it as if it never happened.

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isn't cap cucking the guy who married peggy in the real timeline? Isn't he creating an alternate timeline just by doing it?

Tony got a plan to steal the stones and sacrifice himself to stop Thanos, but he was hesitating, so he looked to Strange. Strange raised the finger to confirm to Tony that this was the one chance in 14 million and to encourage him to do it. If he told him "it ends with your sacrifice" before that point, Tony might have pussied out.

Yeah, it made no sense that Steve would choose Sam instead of Bucky to be the next Captain America.
It would've made for a more emotionally resonant moment too, i think. It would be Steve officially handing Bucky a chance to redeem himself for all the evil he did as the Winter Soldier.
But with Sam, it's just like "Oh, cool, i guess".

Sam is Steve's biological son.

>Gamora:”Did I, father? Did I deserve to live when you spared me all those years ago? I was only a child, no different, no better than millions who died. That’s what mercy is, father. And that’s why it’s always called a gift, one you can’t earn in advance, only one you can give in return.”

>We see the Avengers returning to Earth, parting ways, mourning the loss of Cap and Tony.

>Pete: “I just can’t believe they’re gone.”

>Happy: “They’re not gone, kid. We carry them with us. They’ll always be with us.”

>Fade to black

>Fade in on a bar. The decor is decidedly forties. The clientele is decidedly Star Wars.

>Cap and Tony sit at the bar.

>Tony: “So ... where are we exactly, Steve?”
>Cap: “Just a place I remember.”
>Tony: “And how long have we been here now?”
>Tony glances down at a watch whose hands are bent back around on themselves into an infinity symbol
>Cap: “I’m pretty sure time’s not really a thing we have to worry about anymore.”
>Tony: “You know, I’ve never been much of a spiritual guy, but after all we’ve seen, are we, you know ... “upstairs?””

>”It’s Been a Long, Long Time”

>Pepper and Peggy enter.

>Cap: “Well If we’re not, it’s close enough for me.”

>They dance as we fade to white.

>Pull back to reveal a cloud.

>Pull back further to reveal it’s a reflection in Pete’s eye.

>Pete: “‘We carry them with us.’ I like that.”


They’re supposed to be.

bless thanos

cap was supposed to time travel 5 seconds later, but he instead traveled 20 seconds later, walked over to the bench and sat down, and then he was in the present and we could see him then, duh

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yes but he removed all timelines before he went home

Hulk never got his rematch. Fuck professor Hulk.

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Explanation for how Time Travel works is convoluted doesn't actually result in one timeline.

A solid B movie and good send off for the original Avengers. As a standalone movie, it gets a C.

This is just a lazy plot device

It was pretty clear that he was severely weakened from snapping his big ol fingers, his hole arm and half his body was cooked like a poptart and he showed difficulty walking as well.

Bless Thanos!

or a scene with tony saying "fuck it, im gonna die anyways" and eating nebula's ass for the remaining of the movie, the end

Honestly the Cap ending could have been done so much better
>Cap goes back in time to bring back the stones
>They cant bring him back
>movie ends with Cap getting his dance with Peggy
>credits roll
>after credit scene
>a dude with clout shades shows up at then Avengers tower
>delivers Captain America's shield and a letter written by Cap on his deathbed explaining that he wanted to live a full life and he trusted this kid to bring back the shield
>"hey dude what's your name"
>man takes off his glasses and says "Scott Summers"

It's shit

Your second point is symbolic of the times in America. The time of the wh*te man is over.

Time travel is always shit.

bless thanos

The directors being television tier

>mfw ironman discovers time travel in a 30 second scene

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I almost wanted to kill everyone in the theater

It's literally the same Thanos with the same ideation albeit without the Infinity Gauntlet or Stones. And definitely not weaker (excluding him not possessing the stones). Did you see the ferociousness with which he fought at the final battle? Are you blind user?

>not Jack Monroe
You had one job.

Plot holes due time travel

I care more about the Avengers than the Guardians so it's not a big deal, but it didn't feel like Starlord got much of a comeback considering how hard he fucked up in IW.
I guess they want to delve into the stuff in the next movie.

bless thanos

Mmm...i assumed he spent the last 5 years on that, that's why he snapped at Lang, because he was projecting

>Captain Falcon

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this, endgame really felt like the endgame

we don't know that

he could've been the kid thor was yelling at this whole time

Captain marvel being a blatant mary sue

All she did was assist, that's not enough to be a Sue.

This should be the main complaint in the movie but everyone's spazzing out about other, minor things. It irritated me but I let it slide since the rest of the movie was good.
Like come on, Scott didn't even hand anything over to Tony or leave it on his porch or something for him to tinker with. Tony has a background in mechanical and electrical engineering, not space-time navigation.

That people are more upset about the women team-up or fat Thor or Nebula getting conveniently obstructed at the last moment is really eye-opening. Again, we're talking about a device that lets you travel to ANY PLACE, ANY TIME with zero help from the people that actually had the closest to do with the quantum realm, other than confirmation time can pass differently.
I thought going into it that Scott was going to bring up the time vortices that Janet mentioned to him at the end of Ant-Man and the Wasp and they were going to play around with that.

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Nah, Sam being Captain atleast makes more sense than say, Bucky. Its Blackyrie being king of assgard that disturb me.

You too, good on you for pointing it out.

Because a smart man would realize that no matter what actions they take in the future, he can always just proceed along his present course and still succeed. Their lack of gratitude would be irrelevant to him as his character was presented in IW, a man doing what he sees as the greater good because it’s the greater good. Gratitude should mean less than nothing to a man who embarks on his course of action with full knowledge that it will always make him seem the villain to the majority of people left alive.

A more realistic reaction for him would have been dismissing the future knowledge as irrelevant, and just act on his knowledge of the Stone’s locations quietly, without fanfare, and re-creating a “balanced” universe, which arguably should have been his goal in the first place.

Marvel "fans" don't read comics

Bless Thanos

Fucking thank you for articulating this better than my smooth brain could have.

Tony finding Time Travel that easy was fucking cheap. I legit believe that even involving someone else, even Shuri would make more sense

Yes, only to cuck hi self to cuck himself to cuck himself.

The movie literally sucks her off for the first 20 minutes, user


biggest flaw: Stan Lee.

Bless Thanos

Bless Thanos

Yeah I thought Shuri, Tony, Bruce, and Scott (at least providing the equipment) would each put together a part of how to pull off time travel. That would've been terrific fanservice.

Instead, they made Tony basically do all the work and have Bruce look like a buffoon.

Figuratively, and after that she's out. I hated even her small amounts of screentime but she wasn't a Sue. More like a Creator's Pet of Feige the Russos have to use.

makes me wonder if we will ever see Red Skull again

>Tony works out time travel in about a day
>has a functioning time travel wrist watch the day after

This was some CW DC tier shit

It's the literally the same Thanos with the same ideation albeit without the Infinity Gauntlet or Stones. What are you people talking about? He was infuriated because he would come to find out that his years of searching for the stones wouldn't be in vain as he would successfully perform his life long goal of snapping half of all life in the universe in the future and subsequently destroy the stones to prevent any undoing ... only to also realize that a group of super-heroes were utilizing time travel shenanigans to undo it all. Why would he not be pissed?

The fanboys' egos are too fragile for the writers/directors to EVER let Shuri meet Tony because she might belittle him like how she got cheeky with Bruce.
>IW: Tony gets taken away from Earth before the Avengers can get to Wakanda
>EG: Shuri is dusted so can't contribute

Nice hair, terrible actress


My god that looks retarded.

And then they kill him off at the end of the battle so they really will never meet kek

why don't you 'bless thanos' with your will ass, fuck face

There exists a timeline where Quill is knocked out on a hostile planet with no thanos and gamora. There exists a timeline where Loki escaped with the tesseract and Captain America is now obsessed with finding buckey.

TIme travel to compensate for being too uncreative to come up with anything else

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Thank you based Splinter

Corny time travel solution that everyone saw coming after infinity war

They should have shit the cunt who suggested the MCU needs more women + diversity, brought Spider-Man, Bucky, and Witch back early and just made a damn good film.

Goddammit. They couldn’t even be assed to get the stone placement right. Personally, I always thought they sort of dropped the ball on using their locations as a visual cue to how they function, with the Power Stone taking the central slot on the back of the hand.

>she might belittle him like how she got cheeky with Bruce
You know they're not real right? They're characters in a story, their lines are written in advance, they can't behave unexpectedly.

How did he return the soul stone?

Did he literally go to space and gave it to his biggest enemy?

I mean they used it cleverly at least to pay tribute to the MCU's history. To me it was how they arrived at the time travel that was a letdown.
>wash dishes
>make math model with algorithm
>this math model works
>somehow this lets me travel anywhere and anywhen I want in the universe
Like really, not only is it a time machine, but it's also a teleporter, which doesn't even exist in this universe on its own since the Space Stone is all that can do that.

Genuinely, I thought her robo-hand melting when grabbing the Power Stone was some kind of foreshadowing of her using the Gauntlet at the very end to kill Thanos. Sad she didn't but glad she's still around for my GotG stuff.

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I don't understand your comment since you addressed your question with your last point. She can't behave unexpectedly because that would be out of character, and she's a bratty teen, so there's a chance she'll say something condescending to Tony.

And all it took was overburdening already overburdened suspension and then doubling down by making a roomful of geniuses not all arrive at the same most logical place to acquire the full set of stones *and* the Gauntlet:

Wakanda. With Thor aiming for the head.

Maybe they didn't want to risk a tussle with full gauntlet Thanos but aside from that, it's pretty clear the writers were deliberately setting up Captain America to have his 1v1 vs Thanos.
>Made Thor out of shape physically and mentally
>Send Thor to a place where he could get Mjolnir instead of to the Collector when he had both Power and Reality stones