Just let this sink in

if captain america has been secretly living as an old man this whole time then how did nebula kill her past self?

Oh boohoo, cry me a river. Its just a movie you fucking fags.

Well Pearl Harbor already happened by the time Cap got back, but not trying to tell anybody about 9/11 was a dick move or better yet not telling them arming Jihadist's was a bad idea, or not telling them that attacking the Soviet Union before they got the bomb was also the best idea in the longrun. Shit, Cap could have prevented everything going to shit if he used his position as a time traveling super soldier to warn everybody of the ever more dystonia hell we are experiencing.

Good guys win! forced death scene!
I mean you have to be retarded not to know the storyline going into this thing.

Your ilk should all be executed

I spoiled full metal alchemist because its a shit anime my friend wouldn't shut up over.

this guy goes into the past, lives out a full life and doesnt stop 9/11. some patriot.

>implying they didn't know that RDJ will leave so his character must be gone
>implying they didn't know that bad guy will lose
>implying they didn't know that dusted people will come back because fucking spiderman trailer shows him and there are few movies annouced
they were spoiled long time before
you could spoil infinity war, yeah it was pretty surprising, but not this one.

if a movie can be ruined by spoilers it's not a good movie.

went into endgame knowing everything and i still really liked it

youre fucking retarded zoom zoom