This film gave me a new appreciation for Jefferson Airplane.
Literally the most Jewish film of all time
Yahweh is a terrible protector god
>tells Moses to ask Pharaoh to let his people go
>But the Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart and he would not listen to Moses and Aaron, just as the Lord had said to Moses.(Exodus 9:12)
>waits to destroy the Egyptians until the Jews are already out of Egypt
>there are people who actually believe this crap
do the coen bros count as "self-hating jews"?
Did I tell you the story about the goy's teeth, Yea Forums?
Don't forget your samosa!
As a former Christian, I can tell you that the trick to believing in it is that you never examine the details (they're literally irrelevant) and use the stories solely as a vehicle for your beliefs about the qualities of god. If you come at the bible without faith in the goodness of god and are testing the stories for plausibility and morality in your mind the whole time, then obviously it's going to seem like a whole bunch of silly nonsense.
It's actually pretty shit, because once you can see the gaps and flaws in the stories, it's impossible to unsee them so you can never go back to your original belief.
life is shit, then you die
Should I watch this even if I'm not a kike?