Literally the most Jewish film of all time

Literally the most Jewish film of all time

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the most human film of all time

Yes, that's the point

Barton Fink is pretty jewish too

And that's a good thing

Your point being?

Revenge of the Nerds

.what did the coen bros mean by this movie?

Ever watch the Informant?

Literal guide to jewish business

It's my dad's favourite movie. I like it a lot as well.

This film gave me a new appreciation for Jefferson Airplane.

Yahweh is a terrible protector god
>tells Moses to ask Pharaoh to let his people go
>But the Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart and he would not listen to Moses and Aaron, just as the Lord had said to Moses.(Exodus 9:12)
>waits to destroy the Egyptians until the Jews are already out of Egypt

>there are people who actually believe this crap

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do the coen bros count as "self-hating jews"?

Did I tell you the story about the goy's teeth, Yea Forums?

Don't forget your samosa!

As a former Christian, I can tell you that the trick to believing in it is that you never examine the details (they're literally irrelevant) and use the stories solely as a vehicle for your beliefs about the qualities of god. If you come at the bible without faith in the goodness of god and are testing the stories for plausibility and morality in your mind the whole time, then obviously it's going to seem like a whole bunch of silly nonsense.
It's actually pretty shit, because once you can see the gaps and flaws in the stories, it's impossible to unsee them so you can never go back to your original belief.

life is shit, then you die

Should I watch this even if I'm not a kike?

Hello Nas

it's really good probably the coens top 3

yes because it's an insight into their mentality

you're dumb, stop projecting your low iq to everyone else

>thinking it's a jewish movie because set in a jewish environment


a serious man is existentialist, the message wouldnt change if the chararcters were chinese or blacks

Yes but self-hatred is a form of self-aggrandisement. That fat faggot Nietzsche had a quote about it in one of his interminable books about being manlier than he was. Orson Welles phrased it better in that copypasta that gets passed around here about Woody Allen.
>the message wouldnt change if the chararcters were chinese or blacks
It's not a message movie but you made me think of Empire of Dust as a Coen Brothers flick and you know it kind of works.

It's existentialism through the lens of Jewish religion and philosophy. Changing that aspect would make it a completely different film.

>Yes but self-hatred is a form of self-aggrandisement. That fat faggot Nietzsche had a quote about it in one of his interminable books about being manlier than he was.
good post

Was thinking about that a bit but really its just a general falling out and failure of religion in ones life, if you just swapped around the characters you could substitute in christianity or anything else. I don’t really remember any explicitly jewish value or lesson brought up, more just useless stories.

its a fuckin sick film, I love the rabbis and how they all represent different "layers" of existential thinking and the kind of happiness they can bring if you operate in those layers

Schizophrenia: An Introduction

>t. people who were not taught religion from a young age.

>the entire movie is God fucking with them
Is it a parody of the "chosen people" mindset?

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I’m SERIOUSLY checking your dubs!

Half the things that god does in the Old Testament are him fucking with people to prove their loyalty or him fucking up people for breaking his rules. Jews don't have a benevolent savior figure in their religion, so pessimistic theology and attitudes come naturally to them.

hey user. you owe it to yourself to look into apologetics to understand that Christianity isn't merely a religion founded on blind faith. Check out William Lane Craig's website. Read some of his essays answering typical concerns from people who need deeper understanding of Christianity in order to fully have faith in God.

>what is the story of Job
>what is the sacrifice of Isaac
>who is the bitch(forgot her name) who was turned into a salt pile for looking at her dying city
>who were the canonites
Old testament god is pretty harsh. Hell new testament god is still rough, not as rough, but still rough

based helpful Christian poster


the point of Job (the main story referenced) is to stop blaming God from problems because you only exist because he created you.

the movie is a rejection of self-pity. it's about appreciating the fact that we're here at all, etc.

I was more speaking to how the average (protestant) christian reads the bible, rather than how theologians reconcile it's content to contemporary Christian beliefs. Either way, what I was actually talking about is how if you approach the actual narratives of the bible from a secular, critical perspective and ignore the philosophical aspects, quite a bit of it is just a bunch of tall tales about people living inside whales, doing magic, making and following silly rules and exhibiting very shaky ethics. Especially if you don't know to start in the middle instead of the beginning.

Old testament god is only a few degrees away from what people these days would consider a malevolent 'ancient evil' type of being. Other things he did:
>Permanently cursing and expelling his pet humans for fucking up.
>Killed almost everyone on earth for breaking the rules.
>Killed thousands of innocent egyptians because their king refused to let the Israelites leave, despite the fact that God deliberately hardened the pharoh's hard so that he wouldn't let them go.
>Heavily punished his own believers for disobeying him e.g. making them wander the desert for decades.
>Torturing or psyching out his most faithful servants just to test them or prove a point e.g. Abraham, job, jonah.
>Allowing the fate of battles to be decided by a guy holding a stick over his head.

And so on. He ain't a good guy most of the time.

fantastic film albeit a little too esoteric if your enjoyment of films depends on meanings and other pleb pillars

it helps to understand the Bible when you realize that Canaan (where the Israelites originated) was a war-torn buffer zone between the permanently at war superpowers Babylon/Assyria and Egypt.

so the noah story is a revenge fantasy aimed at the Babylonians and the Exodus story is a revenge fantasy aimed at the Egyptians AND the Babylonians using something the Babylonians did as a template. basically the Jews were mad as fuck and they came up with a god to match.

the real history of the area is hard to figure out in much detail because all the records are Egyptian or Assyrian and they didn't actually care who they were walking over on the way to each other.

>>Killed thousands of innocent egyptians because their king refused to let the Israelites leave, despite the fact that God deliberately hardened the pharoh's hard so that he wouldn't let them go.
This is the only thing you posted that is bad though.

There’s also pretty decent evidence that the wandering of the desert was more a gathering of the nomadic tribes to invade modern day Israel

Thought that was Rod Hull for a minute

The most ANTI-kike flick ever created by actual kikes...
>Alfie must be proud

hot bush

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