Yeah, there's something big as fuck way back in the fog when Dad and Ellie are in the death wasteland swamp.
Pet sematary
Can you trust what those who return from the swamp say, though? I got the feeling that it's definitely not the same people on the inside, but rather some kind of evil spirit that'll say anything to fuck with people.
Listen, I'll believe a 4 year old learned to drive a car in 3 seconds or got saved by shining ex machena
Yeah, that's how Wendigo work. They didn't go into it in the movie, but basically wendigo reproduce using the corpses of humans.
Yes, book is top 5 among SK novels
the kids at the start of the movie were zombies right
Read the book. It's a cemetery for mascots build by kids, they didn't spell properly and write sematary
no... just a tradition the kids in the town do for their dead pets