what did you think of it?
Pet sematary
I think anri okita's tits have become absolute kino post-surgery.
I thought the same thing.didn't realize she got surgery though. was it a boob job?
for some reason this movie was really disturbing. It shouldn't even be that scary but it really got to me for some reason
>even her zombie daughter calls her a cow
Nope, just the natural beauty that is pregnancy on a body already inclined to bustiness.
If you ever knock up someone F cup or above always look up and say "yup, this is going to be some kino".
>movie has a sad fucked up ending
now I'm depressed
Movie is def worth seeing. It was a lot more intense than the original. I wasnt sure how it would play out with the little girl.but I liked how they went with that direction.
if i already seen the original is it worth seeing or is it exactly the same?
can you explain
did you expect a happy ending in a stephen king adaptation for real
Better in almost every way. The one thing that the original did better is Zelda's death scene
It’s different but ends much the same except in one of the books it’s mentioned that Ellie goes mad. I don’t want to give anything away but from the accident onwards it’s a total switch up but ends on pretty much the same more only even bleaker
No my friend, it sucks the cock, and not in a good way. Rushed, no scary moments, if you've seen the great original you will compare it and leave empty. Unless you have an empty mind, then you will be satisfied. 4/10
very spoopy. infinitely better than Us
Better than the original. Nice to have a good old bleak ending for a change. Real glad I only watched the teaser trailer though. Must have sucked to see the twist spoiled.
Everyone in the theater was laughing in the second half.
Yeah, I was a bit annoyed at the twist but I can seeehy they did it and it made the end even more depressing. I enjoyed it but it was another unnecessary remake but I didn’t regret paying my money
>did you expect a happy ending in a stephen king adaptation for real
Shawshank Redemption had one.
Praying for it to make bank so I can get my Salem's Lot and The Stand remakes.
What was the point/context of the Junior Wicker Man Kids?
>infinitely better than Us.
That's not saying a lot.
Do you see the wendigo like in the book?
Had potential. Ultimately left disappointed. Book is good though, I recommend reading it.
No but you hear a lot of weird shit and it’s implied that something follows them back with Church that causes hallucinations. It’s all a bit messy
there's an illustration in a book and there's something way off in the distance but you don't see anything beyond that.
the whole concept of death is really negative in this with hell and everything. Probably just fucked me up because I have existential crisis's
Do Americans really spell like that?
I think its because I kid made the sign for the cemetery
Obviously didn't read the book or watch the movie(s).
somebody post her boobs
Yeah, there's something big as fuck way back in the fog when Dad and Ellie are in the death wasteland swamp.
Can you trust what those who return from the swamp say, though? I got the feeling that it's definitely not the same people on the inside, but rather some kind of evil spirit that'll say anything to fuck with people.
Listen, I'll believe a 4 year old learned to drive a car in 3 seconds or got saved by shining ex machena
Yeah, that's how Wendigo work. They didn't go into it in the movie, but basically wendigo reproduce using the corpses of humans.
Yes, book is top 5 among SK novels
the kids at the start of the movie were zombies right
Read the book. It's a cemetery for mascots build by kids, they didn't spell properly and write sematary
no... just a tradition the kids in the town do for their dead pets