
I heard they were doing a Doctor Mirage adaptation? I like Valiant but kind of a weird choice. They should've just went with Shadowman. Feels more up their alley.

>every show is inferior
yea pretty much but there are those that have quality undeniable that they meet my expectations despite lacking a few things (i.e., Buffy/Angel despite not having classic rock or the brotherly banter of Supernatural)

Attached: RIP Hamilton, Angel is gay for biting men.webm (1920x1080, 2.95M)

although I guess you could make the case for Angel and his plymouth and if he took Spike along and they toured America but still. The Impala is iconic

Attached: impala.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

>wanted to watch dubbed but dean didn't voice act dean so it was weird
watch with subs, I'm sure deAN watches his anime that way

Attached: animu.gif (250x163, 1.41M)

what show will take the mantle?

Attached: buffy-vs-supernatural.jpg (1400x700, 137K)

i always watch subbed but it just feels weird for supernatural
even bebop subbed

nothing ever will
i dunno what i'll do
i'v been coming here to these threads every single time since season 11
>season 11 was 4 years ago

Never seen an episode. Should I start watching it?

it's kino

So what season should I start with?