
1 week hiatus, 1 week since announcement of final season. How you holding up lads edition.
Last threads

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Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw just holding on
>tfw stuck scouting inferior shows

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Guess it’s time to finish the animation series
>tfw intentionally stopped so I can have this as back up eventually

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Ketch liked it lads

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>tfw it’s still just me alone again

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>go to the cw site to enjoy my weekly kino
>find out it's delayed
>find out that season 15 will be the last
i don't know how to feel guys
supernatural was the only thing i looked forward to weekly

every show is inferior
i only watched 2 eps and stopped
wanted to watch dubbed but dean didn't voice act dean so it was weird

What CW shows are in the works post-S15 and why aren't they adapting The Dresden Files? Holy fuck it would be right up their alley. They could get a good 10-13 seasons out of that.

is that an actual spin off?

>What CW shows are in the works post-S15
Guess we'll find out soon
no I just pulled it out of my ass last night/last thread

I heard they were doing a Doctor Mirage adaptation? I like Valiant but kind of a weird choice. They should've just went with Shadowman. Feels more up their alley.

>every show is inferior
yea pretty much but there are those that have quality undeniable that they meet my expectations despite lacking a few things (i.e., Buffy/Angel despite not having classic rock or the brotherly banter of Supernatural)

Attached: RIP Hamilton, Angel is gay for biting men.webm (1920x1080, 2.95M)

although I guess you could make the case for Angel and his plymouth and if he took Spike along and they toured America but still. The Impala is iconic

Attached: impala.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

>wanted to watch dubbed but dean didn't voice act dean so it was weird
watch with subs, I'm sure deAN watches his anime that way

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what show will take the mantle?

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i always watch subbed but it just feels weird for supernatural
even bebop subbed

nothing ever will
i dunno what i'll do
i'v been coming here to these threads every single time since season 11
>season 11 was 4 years ago

Never seen an episode. Should I start watching it?

it's kino

So what season should I start with?

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never mind we don't want you to watch it zoomer
fuck off

There better be a twenty-thirty minute The Road So Far in the premier of S15.

kek based

Well I finally did it lads, finished S13. Now I'll take a break until 14 drops on kikeflix, watch that and then I'll be caught up before the last season. I'm finally free to watch other things now

Also holy hell did season 13 really fall apart towards the end. Started great but turned to absolute shit.

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it's an abstract kind of feel

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Season 1 to 5 are mandatory with season 5 being the "finale". Season 6 onwards is "the continued adventures of sam and dean", it's fanfic tier and ranges from decent to trash in quality.

Heads up: season 1 in Netflix/Amazon Prime have gimped soundtracks and decrease the quality

I actually enjoyed 6 the problem is they had like three seasons worth of content crammed into one season.

haven’t seen this show in 6 years, wow Castiel did not age well

Season 6 is a victim of placement because it’s good on its own merit, just eclipsed by season 5/Swan Song. And Kripke helped wrap up the second half of the season just like Gamble took over last few episodes of season 5

Six had a Spider-Man 3 problem. It would've been fine if it was just Purgatory/Heaven stuff and Even was saved for 7.

Eve and the alphas should have been expanded to a whole season

Six should've been search for Purgatory/Heaven Civil War while seven would've been Eve and the Alphas. First half of seven revolving around Eve while the Alpha Vamp being the main antagonist in the second half of S7.

I mean yeah overall I also liked that Eve was a red herring but she still should have had more episodes

I liked 13 up until the finale. An abdolute shitshow. If i were to rate it, it would have been 8/10 but the finale drops it a whole point to 7/10

I just hope they wrap up season 15 properly and quit it with the pandering of tumblr

Will Kripke come back I hope he at least writes the penultimate and finale.


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Also I’d like to add this is such a dumb thing. Why must he be in a contract?

Probably forced into it now that he has to work with these kikes.
Slightly related, how are any of the other shows he's worked on? Everytime I think about watching one of them they get cancelled.

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why did everyone think becky was ugly? to the point where they made jokes about it. crowley basically called her ugly to her face. she wasn't hot like jo, but she had a good body, blonde, decent face. she's a solid 7

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Is this even our already? I gotta look it up on prime


Becky was a mistake and started the slippery slope

Her personality is really off putting but I bet she would enjoy a dirty anal romp. Sam shoulda pumped at least once.

Remember when she drug raped Sam? #ImWithHer

will there be peace when they are done?

Summoning the lads

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>racist 4x4 possessed by a ghost

What the hell was Kripke smoking?

BLACKED Buffy remake or BROWNED Charmed remake

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>tfw Charmed showrunners fired and new showrunners will have their new season focusin on the “supernatural”
The CW is already scrambling lads

>he switch signals a creative change for Charmed, which “is expected to lean harder into its supernatural storylines and less into the family dynamic” next season, per THR.

I mean original Charmed did this too, it just took them three seasons to switch from girly show about empowerment and wicca and shit into superheroes in pseudo-fetish costumes blowing shit up.

The timing is suspect. Let’s wait and see what other things the CW will do

I mean obviously it's to keep viewers who are bored of the mah sistahs shit, but I'm just saying that was also true of original recipe

Should have just made wayward Sisters when they had the chance

I lurked around some places where they watch this shit, they are angry because the show is about “sisters who are witches” and not “witches who are sisters” so I’m not sure this was done for the sake of their fans/the story

>DescriptionSam and Dean race to help a friend in need; Mary is concerned for Jack's well-being; Castiel enlists help from Jo to track down a miracle.
>mfw I had to double take on “Jo”

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>Castiel enlists help from Jo to track down a miracle.

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No, the "faith healer" angel that became Satan's side piece to stop him slurping her grace

Jensen’s wife, sister Jo, Anael

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>mfw I always thought Anna’s angel name was Anael
Why couldnt they have named sister Jo differently?

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>season 15
>Ben, Dean's biological son, is now 18
>he has become a hunter and is dating that Claire Novak

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Why does the show keep going on break? This is why viewership is plummeting

Weak shows need to target and avoid certain weeks so they maximise viewership

20 episodes instead of 23 means more breaks
Supernatural is the CW’s 2nd best performer

CW sucking doesn't make Supernatural a strong show

Its cult status secures steady ratings despite not being as big as shows from other networks. It’s strong as a genre TV

I want this please.

How you holding up lads?

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Wondering how these taste

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I hope they pander a little.
If you know what I mean.

Well, it was an urban legend, wasn't it?
A murder ghost truck.
First season is just urban legends.

Based Jo lips

>season 15
It's the only thing that you got right with that post.

Someone posted this in the last thread I think

I forgot how fucking comfy this intro was. So well put together. When Dean pulls the cover off Baby and the based Steven Tyler sings "i'm BAAAAACK" is damn kino. I watched it like 15 times since then.

I hear there’s an urban legend Supernatural is unkillable

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I did. Underrated music kino scenes

>tfw returning to my draft for my own urban fantasy story
>cringe a lot
I’m never gonna finish this shit

qt jewlips

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bets on who suddenly dies after Supernatural ends? It's been a good 10 years since it was supposed to end

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You should use that disgust to make yourself better. Make all of the characters in it queer or people of color or both. If its diverse enough it can get published and turned into a terrible tv show on Freeform.

Bobby's actor?

Jim Beaver seems like a nice lad. He told me "No" on twitter once

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I've only done rules and limitations on magic so I avoid asspulls in the future

based bobby

it was the equivalent of being told an idjit so I took it with pride

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Speaking of which, since I just finished S13 I thought it was funny that they had to sneak in a drumpf jab with bobbing calling him an idjit when he learns he's president of the US
...But just the season before we learned the president was some other dude and that was after 2016 when Trump already should have been president. So did they break their own continuity just to squeeze a 'take that!' at Orange Man in there somewhere?

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Meant Bobby not bobbing

Rooney stepped down after being possessed.

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So Trump was the vice president in this timeline?
Thats pretty tarded too to be honest family

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shut the fuck up

this. i love you, fren.

no you

>So Trump was the vice president in this timeline?
Trump was already mentioned twice in season 7. First when Don Stark said his poster was autographed by Trump. In the episode where they steal the delivery from the airport, the email to Dick Roman mentions Trump. It's not too far fetched.

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What happened to all the angels? There were loads quite recently then suddenly there's now 7 apparently

Yeah I'm not saying Orangeman didnt exist in Supernatural or anything just that the timeline for him being president is all messed up
But then reapers are also angels now so fuck continuity anyway

>What happened to all the angels? There were loads quite recently
dozens of them die like every other episode

Attached: angel slam.webm (534x300, 2.92M)

>reapers are also angels now
not anymore, glad they left that stupid retcon in that shit season where it should never have been made anyway. It's just a Dean-ism flirting with Tessa calling her an "angel". Reapers are completely separate again. Season 13 confirmed it with succession of Death and how reapers die being different from angels

Fucking loved this scene.

powercreep fucked over angels harder than anything else. they've been jobbers for like 6 seasons now.

Alright just joined thread also started watching Buffy last night even had a vampire hunting dream with sex

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Attached: Castiel Used To Be Cool.webm (532x300, 2.86M)

They're busy maintaining Heaven and presumably other angel work like what cherubs do and stuff. It's been stated several times since season 12 or 13 that they're not as many as they used to be. Naomi used the words "we're so few" to describe their current numbers.

>started watching Buffy
>tfw you will never be able to watch Buffy for the first time again

enjoy it user

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>they retconned the retcon

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She said there were 9, including Cas. Then the Shadow killed 2

>started watching Buffy last night even had a vampire hunting dream with sex

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i hate power creep too but at least there is a logical in-canon reason why. individually, the fall weakened them, and collectively as a host, their dwindling numbers barely make them stronger than a regular monster. No wonder Alt-Michael moved on to monsters

Attached: falling angels.webm (480x270, 2.97M)

Probably should have just locked the gates of hell, all things considered

It's not even just their powerlevel, it's how completely different they act. Compare somebody like Cas or Anna or any of the early angels to how they act now. It's night and day. Now they're just random dudes in suits with shiny knives.

Spending too long around humans fucked them up

that makes sense i guess

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Man, remember the first time Anna used that angel banishing spell after slashing her wrists open? that was fucking intense

well this actually sounds plausible. Remember when Hester told Castiel he was lost the moment he saved Dean or something like that. Impressive. I still hate season 9 and the literally-who mooks and """faction leaders"""" they had though. Completely forgettable

They're mostly administrators or clerical types now not warriors like Castiel.

also this. Just like hell no longer has powerful leaders except maybe Samhain who can only be summoned every halloween or some shit

Attached: h-he's fast.webm (960x540, 1.34M)

I still want to see a Legion-type 666 demons bound in one vessel kinda deal. Or maybe Faustus himself.

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This also reminds me, fuck season 13 for wasting Asmodeus. He was the first mildly cool villain since Dick.

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>Jack actually tried saying Christo to trigger a demon response


>the demon is grainy particle kind of shit
>enters through the eyes
wew, so old school

truly based. Too bad it only works on disaster demons
>Asmodeus. He was the first mildly cool villain since Dick.
hell trips confirm although I enjoyed Dagon's indifferent delivery of her lines

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It was a ghost. It haunted a specific place and repeated the same deaths over and over.

They called it a demon, but it wasn't a demon really.

Didn't they throw holy water on it and exorcise it to defeat it though?

It was a disaster demon

Just finished 11. I want to cuddle with Amara

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Based. 11 is one of the best PEAKS of Supernatural. Fact!!

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Them fucking cheekbones tho

It’s for when she succ your soul

I’m this fucking close to stooping low and checking Shadowcunters out AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH somebody save me help me sammeh

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Don't bother, it's really bad and not even the grade A waifus can save it

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Then why would you post this qt if you’re trying to stop me

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Yes, I was hunting two female vampires through a theme park at night and when I caught up with them I killed the ugly one with a crossbow which fired stake bolts. The hot one started crying and begged for her life saying I should stake her with my cock instead of a bolt, I put a silver choke lead around her and creampie her in a dark alley then garroted her head off with the sliver lead.

Woke up when I was walking away from the scene and tripped.

What is the best to worst seasons?

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Because the qts are the only draw, and by posting them I'm saving you the trouble of having to watch that trainwreck to see them

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>this qt
That's general thot #926523423

I want to seed most of the Amara's

>I should stake her with my cock instead of a bolt
Fucking kek sounds like a cheap porno Casa erotica: vampire boogaloo edition
>best to worst seasons

1-5 >>>>>> 11 >>>> 13 (except finale), 14 (second half) >>>> 6-7, 10 >>>>> 8, 9 (second half), 14 (first half) >>>> 9 (first half), 13 (finale)

2, 5 > 4, 6-7 > 1-3

4-5 >>>> the rest

She looks like a downgrade from Supernatural’s trinity
>less pure than Anna
>can’t give cheap filthy sinful sex like Abaddon
>not as kinky as Rowena
Even Lily Sunder seems higher tier than this chick. Why is that?

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Imagine if all the supernatural chicks all tried to fuck you at the same time wouldn’t that be weird haha

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>Anna heals you and replenishes your cum
>Rowena casts a perma boner spell on you
>Abaddon will try to take your body
>Lady Toni Bevell will chain you up
>Bela will try to steal your attention
>Jo will hunt your dick
>Ruby will feed you her fluids

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With these animu eyes she looks better

haha yeah imagine

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Based Tiberius

>Ruby will feed you her fluids
I'd rather feed Ruby my fluids if you know what I am saying.

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Kim Rhodes just said the concept of wayward sisters as a spinoff is completely over. Well it’s over

Please elaborate

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Good. I like Jody and Donna and even Claire, but that backdoor spinoff didnt do anything for me. It would have been an ultra woke dumpster fire anyway.

user we’re fighting for a spinoff here in any form

There is a chance they might restructure it with other characters like Jack or change the focus but oh well

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>Jody and Donna and even Claire

they are all barely even passable side characters. none of them have any charisma or screen presence. supernatural is 100% jensen and jared. it will never live past them.

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I know. I don't want any spin-off. It's had 15 seasons, it's time for Supernatural to hang up its spurs.
It ending on a high note is good enough for me.

but what will sustain me now? I need to consume occult shlock kino

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You've consumed all of it that's worth consuming.

time to die then

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Did anyone ever check this out? I don't think it quite follows the SPN, Buffy/Angel formula but the main chick has some sort of Supernatural power according to the synopsis.

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what kind of sandwich is this? it looks like curly fried on top of mozzarella sticks? wtf?

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user the people who populate Supernatural threads are women.

onion rings

>people used to make fun of me for liking Arbys
fuck all of you I always knew they were based

>imagine the smell

post some classic smell pics/webms

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When they inevitably reboot Supernatural, they should make Dean a woman. Probably a lesbian too because of all the flannel. But a hot one who just has all of Dean's traits and nothing is changed.
Deanna Winchester would be the best girl of all time and you know it

I did.
It was B tier fantasy schlock, but goddam I found it comfy AF. I liked it.
It's not exactly MotW stuff, its more serialized, and full of generic fantasy chiches, evil wizards, a chosen one and a prophecy etc. I guess maybe Xena is more similar to it?

With a half sister Samiqua. Together they will fight the monstrosities or masculinity and the demons of patriarchy. The only reason this hasn’t happened yet is because it refuses to die

Sam doesn't need to be changed. He's already a girl.

god I just want to drink her piss

nice, best get started on that script

this shit is hot garbage, but I watch it for him.

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Fuck that spic knock-off series. Surprised that trash wasn't canceled yet

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They had some fine looking pussy on that show

It should have, along with Legashit

But he’s not diverse enough

At least Legacies has a top qt with big milkers running the show instead of some ugly mutts as mains.


It's so weird how making the cute girls lesbians made me care about them so much more


its because being dykes, theyre technically virgins and thus still pure

Mmmm now that's a nice piece of ass

I wouldn’t have any problems with legashit if it didn’t cost us our spinoff AND piggyback on our ratings to add insult to injury. I might even check it out but here we are

Are these the townies that Jack tries to impress?

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1 year since ScoobyNatural aired, lads

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Alright. Time for me to go to bed. Gonna leave this qt over here.

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Since season 14 isnt on netflix yet so I have to wait to see it, just tell me this one important thing:
Is there plenty of Bobby in it?

we'll keep her safe

Attached: amy in the water.webm (854x480, 2.94M)

1 or 2 episodes so far

>season is almost over
>only 1 or 2 episodes of Bobby so far
wtf is this bullshit?

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I love Bobby but alt-Bobby isn't the same

this, he ain't right

When heaven breaks and the ghost fall bobby's ghost will be there
2 bobby's

is there ever a scene where dean eats chinese food? it seems like dean would go for some greasy kung pao after a hard hunt if there wasn't a burger joing nearby

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ya I recall a scene or two but they never mention it, I just see a chinese take out container

yes, many times in their motel their will be either chinese or pizza on the table

>the bobbies are surly!
fugg, this was one of those rare times on this show where I really did laugh out loud

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yeah. This and that one episode where Bobby is rescued from hell are the only good Bobby scenes post-Gamble. Alt-Bobby was cool for a quick 2 seconds but he lost his appeal once you realize he ain't the same Bobby who will call us idjits

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Fuckkin Base!

He may not be our Bobby, but Jim Beaver is great and I'm always glad to see him


>Jim Beaver is great and I'm always glad to see him
of course. see

Have you guys seen the Scooby Doo crossover episode?

>Scooby Doo crossover episode?
no, what is that

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Dose not really matter...
I personally watch whatever because flashbacks

goodnight lads

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Do you care if I use this image as a meme?

In that scooby doo episode they appear in Daphne would have been an underage teenager

i will have to check the lore now. i feel you're both right. will report back

just take it user, we all memefy any existing memes until it becomes all meta like the show

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>being this new
we've had this discussion already

Maybe they used SUPERNATURAL means to extend it

It's legal because it's drawings not live-action.

too bad it only lasts 10 years

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Fyi, It feels hella dope listening to the intro to this anime series when you are baked, drunk, or sober

It's already a meme

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is this the designated drunk user? are you also the one trying to quit weed jfc

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Then watch Roswell
It's like Smallvill but better

Frankly I'd be disappointed if you other anons werent drunk anons on a friday night.

Are you talking about old or new Roswell?

I miss roswell
I don't see why he gets to be drunkanon, I mean lets be honest most of us are

Taken shits on Roswell

>friday night
>drinking and posting on Yea Forums
we're not weird or anything h-haha this is totally normal haha

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Im working early tomorrow but I have to do some last minute resistance training to meet my weekly quota

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n-no its classy, haha

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10.13 "Halt and Catch Fire"

Dean eats chinese

yes that is me. i spent 18 ours in bed today. this is my most engaging behavior since i drank some coffee.earlier

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that gif is less charming when you realize immediately afterwards misha collins was probably tweeting about it like an annoying teenage girl
>hola mishamigos!

was the new one anything like the old one? were their cameos?

any tips on quitting? i relapsed tonight after going for 4 days. even the buzz is more bright i feel like shit

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in the forth wall ep he's constantly tweeting and really insecure about being friends with the boys, its like you don't realize they understand make fun of their own behavior way better then you ever could

When have you done a sturgeon face unless it’s to mock or just give up arguing on something you don’t agree with kek

Just start doing cocaine instead

quitting weed? um, you'll probably want to somke a fuck load of cigs, and likely will get pplastered on alachol, day 3 or rather night 3 is the worst one, also of course try and keep yourself occupied, not just watching stuff something physical, go for a walk I say all this while drinking a six pack and smoking a bowl

Sorry, I only watched the trailer of the new Roswell. Maybe another user itt knows.

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Huh, I just now learned that both Jensen and Jared are Texans. What is it with Texas and creating all of the coolest dudes and hottest women? What is going on down there?

>keep yourself occupied,
i know that's the key. it's a fight against boredom. i'm worried about sleeping at this point, but i know it will adapt and work itself out.

I just looked it up, its a different setup but looks like the same basic idea, the 3 aliens are trying to live in roswell, probably shit bet they don't even have powers

>coolest dudes and hottest women?
Amyposter confirmed

day 3 is the worst, also you'll get super vivid weird dreams, which is kinda fun, but actually getting to sleep will be a struggle, thats why you need to tire yourself out if your really serious about quitting

What are the monsters for addiction?
>Sam’s demon blood arc
>Dean’s Mark of Cain
Watch those episodes, anons

Ya got me

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What’s with the sudden interest about chinese food? Are you craving munchies

i wish anons would stop talking about chinese food because its giving me a mighty hankerin for orange chicken but its way too late for that

I have good steak in the fridge and all the sides, i'm a chef too, i'm making myself a cheese steak later

on the sam and dean at high school ep, its a lot better then I thought, the two kid actors are really good, and real dean forcing kids to play dodge ball is hilarious

Attached: babysamndean.jpg (1366x768, 427K)

dean wrecking that kid when he's coach is comedy gold

How the fuck is that show still going? It jumped the shark almost immediately after the first season.

>How the fuck is that show still going?
because it's good
you don't last 15 seasons if it's shit

supernatural has jumped every shark at this point, they dont give a fuck. and thats what makes it appealing

>walk it off

Attached: goodhustlecolby.jpg (1366x768, 169K)

after Supernatural is done I'm not sure what I'll enjoy for my urban fantasy fix
>Preacher in production hell
>The Magicians Syfy progressive virtue signaling
>every other show I can think of done for 3+ years now

Since this show is only still being watched by literal faggots and tumblrinas, if I had to watch only one episode post season-5, which one would it be? I was rec'd the one from the POV of the car a while ago. Is it really the best one?

not the guy that keeps posting about dresden, but really read dresden

I wish someone will revive or remake Dresden Files.

the show was shit, although bob was perfectly cast, maybe now it could be done, but at the time the tech wasn't their, dresden is epic, how the fuck are you going to do this scene justice in a tv show?

Attached: HarrynSue.jpg (2560x1600, 496K)

i ordered a new paperback of the first one last night - can't hardly wait since i haven't had a good book in awhile

dude, it only really gets good from 4, sorry even the author said he'd like to redo 1-3, they were the first things he ever did and its important for a lot of reasons, but its not nearly as well done as 4 onwards, idk what the solution for new readers is tho, I liked the first 3 when they came out, but thats me, re-reading I can see how weak they are compared to later ones

on the other hand, regardless their is always bob

Attached: justgivemeapornpalace t.bob.jpg (664x960, 87K)

The god episode is decent s11 ep 20 but I'm not sure if its as impactful if you don't have the context of the rest of the season behind it.

I really liked the final scene of it though, when God shares his plans to sacrifice himself to save the universe with Metatron and lifts the fog of the darkness over the town.

yes fair thee well is really good, the whole ep is good

The only thing that could is a Dresden Files show.It's right up CWs alley too. Beautiful characters, ridiculous plot, magic, on...the audio books are the only thing that have been able to fill that void of SN, Buffy and Angel

here it is is decent quality

would throat fuck while watching supernatural

can you not read, I understand randy giles narrates the audio books, but why not just read them? they are short fast paced, pay off each ending, I just don't get the whole audio book thing I guess, its so slow

James Marseters sweet seductive voice.(on a serious note the dude has range when it comes to voice acting)

I tried to listen to one, tbqh all audio books make me want to kill myself, I just read fast, even classics, everything, audio books are just too slow and I guess I'm just use to coming up with my own version of what characters sound like, but if I was going to give an audio book a proper go it would be that

I only do audio books at work. Id much rather read a book and create my own universe but as someone that started reading Dresden and moved onto audio books id pick the audio books every time(considering where I listen to them and james marsters sweet seductive voice)

Honestly audio books comes down to the narrator, you can tell when a narrator enjoys the story and the work compared to someone who just enjoys the story or just the pay. some stories are must reads and some are just worth a listen.

wouldnt say Dresden is a must read just lots of fun, maybe I will give the audio a go, its been maybe ten years since I read the series from the start, still waiting on peace talks

Will roasties mass suicide after it's over?

roasties hate this show because it roasts them endlessly, but some tumblir tranny will kill themselves, and thats a good thing

Roasties kept it alive for nearly 500 years what are you talking about?

No I wouldn't. That is just me but Masters manages to bring out a passion out in the characters Butcher can only dream of(listening to marsters narrate the series in a squeaky chair scratching his scruff in the first few audio books only adds to that) He gave Dresden a voice and managed something unique to each character no matter how small...the dude cares about his work and it shows through out the series.

No, but I might

nah they really didn't

yea sure, l've heard the audio is good, and years ago I did try listening to the first one, but I read the series a long time ago, I have an image of each of them in my head, but it has been a long, time and I always planned to listen to Randys version at some point

>overwhelming majority of viewers are roasties
>they really didn't

Like i said, the first book is tough, both marsters and butcher were finding their stride. the click with one another. you gave read this far though so no matter what i say the audio books with fall flat on you own internal narration. but when it comes to audio books i wish marsters had more work, the dude can do anything


I said butcher was finding his stride with the first few, I might just skip to 3 on the audio iirc thats that vampire party where dresden meets Jörmungandr