>there are people out there right now who prefer T2 to T1
12-gauge auto loader
I prefer T1000 to T800
and I think Lance Henriksen should have gotten the role of T800
Dick Miller. That guy was one of the 80s/90s "THAT guys". I'm shock to find out he only just died this January.
T2 is the watered down family version of a classic.
The boy and his robot.
T2 is the most overrated classic sci-fi of all time. T1000 doesn't even make sense on a science level
And he didn’t even get a sticky.
Depends on your mood
Wanna watch movie with Dad and hi five at the end, T2. Then load up Master and Commander
Wanna watch kino, T1
>Can you stop him?
>With these weapons? I don't know.
And time travel does?
He was 90 years old. Not a particularly shocking demise.
T1 is kino horror
T2 is kino action
It's like comparing REmake to RE4.