12-gauge auto loader
12-gauge auto loader
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uzi,9 millimeter.
5 cylinder rotating dildo gatling
Hey, just what you see pal.
it splitting into three at 0:33 killed me
>The formerly Chuck’s
>That's Italian, you can go sneed or feed.
god damn it, i set myself up for that one
Is that the guy from Gremlins?
>there are people out there right now who prefer T2 to T1
I prefer T1000 to T800
and I think Lance Henriksen should have gotten the role of T800
Dick Miller. That guy was one of the 80s/90s "THAT guys". I'm shock to find out he only just died this January.
T2 is the watered down family version of a classic.
The boy and his robot.
T2 is the most overrated classic sci-fi of all time. T1000 doesn't even make sense on a science level
And he didn’t even get a sticky.
Depends on your mood
Wanna watch movie with Dad and hi five at the end, T2. Then load up Master and Commander
Wanna watch kino, T1
>Can you stop him?
>With these weapons? I don't know.
And time travel does?
He was 90 years old. Not a particularly shocking demise.
T1 is kino horror
T2 is kino action
It's like comparing REmake to RE4.
RIP Dick
>t800 on phone
>*long pause*
>"I love you too."
Gets me everytime.
Yeah think of how successful the movies could have been
>can’t bring back weapons only things covered in skin
>in T3 the terminator shows his power core is basically a nuclear bomb that he can detach and throw at any time
Why not just send through an army of suicide units and nuke Sarah Connor?
Nice night for a walk, eh?
What's wrong with his faceeee
This doesn't dudes face is based
How'd he not know plasma rifles weren't invented yet
Why didnt the eagles just drop skynet in a volcano?
Why didn’t Skynet just double the resources?
>Uzi 9mm
>Any one of these is ideal for home defense
Based gun dealer.
That's because they probably were.
In the 90's the US made tank that could fire plasma toroids. They said the experiment was a success and it's been under cover ever since.
Whatever happened to the uzi? Used to be an action flick staple and a household name (at least in jokes), now I never see or hear about em.
>inb4 (((them)))
idk but as a weapon it's such poorly designed and built that even drug lords and gangsters stopped using them.
The world left the Uzi behind.
It's not a bad gun because of its fire-rate but you don't really want a 9mm as an automatic weapon for a lot of situations. They ricochet.
who here /nightwalk/
The mp7 happened.
actually the mp5
I don't get it. He said it so fast like he knew what Arne was talking about. Shouldn't he have been confused or taken aback by that request?
He probably thought the guy was just asking for some weird ass European gun.
Sarah Connor?
Man, I remember in the 90s uzis were everywhere in action flicks just like AKs and shotguns. What happened?
>Advanced cyborg technology from the future
>Uses a phonebook to track his target.
What if Sarah Conner was unlisted? Then what? He'd give up and go home?
Especially an L.A. phone book.
He made the call
Awesome Bill Paxton
Awesome bad guy from Cobra
Then he could just walk into the DMV or something and check there? Social Security office? He started with the simplest approach and hey presto it worked.
Then what? Check the local blockbuster and see if she's rented from there lately?
Well, no, it didn't it led him to
a Sarah Conner, not THE Sarah Connor. After which he was just kinda pissing around killing random people for funsies. He was fully certain his objective was completed and it was only by pure luck the couple he invaded and murdered were friends of the actual Sarah he needed to kill.
All SMG are obsolete because of muh compact assault rifles.
The thought of Skynet robots covering weapons in artificial skin so that they can be sent back in time is both hilarious and horrifying
Would have been awkward if both Kyle and the Terminator had assumed this was the Sarah they were after and Kyle rescued her and dragged her to various areas whilst Arnie is hunting them.
No he wasn't pissing about, he was systematically killing every Sarah Connor in the phone book. He wouldn't have stopped until every Sarah Connor was dead.
>the robot killer sent back with one purpose was just killing for shits and giggles
Imagine being too fucking stupid to follow along with the plot of Terminator.
Based Bill Paxton was the only man to be killed by a Terminator, Alien, Predator and Cancer.
why is the nig so happy?
>why is the cameraman who just shot some footage of an assassination attempt against the President happy
Gee, I wonder why.
You seem bitter
And bonked and reproduced Wrong John Connor.
You seem incredibly new and retarded.
kino shot
>when someone makes fun of you on Yea Forums so you reply with u mad
Based classic newfag
You'd be wrong though.
quiver of broadhead arrows
Let me guess, you were "just pretending" to be confused about the plot of Terminator and isn't actually retarded, right?
>alienman from X-Files
kino af
Original John Connor wasn't the son of Reese though
have sex
Says you.
X-Files went to shit when they replaced him in favour of those retarded super soldier faggots.
4 Strength 4 Stam leather belt.
t.A film by Richard Donner
level 18?
Is it really like this in America? You can just go to a fucking store and pick out guns like a fucking candy shop?
T2 has better music.
Candy is literally the glucose jew
What do they do in Europe, give everyone a voucher for one gun per month?
It's a shop, how do you buy things in your country? A blindfold lucky dip at the supermarket? A fish bowl of car keys at the mechanic?
yes, if you pass the FBI background check
Or if you just shoot the owner like they do in the movies
Some people try that.
then end up bleeding out all over the cement flooring
Plenty of people don't and still end up with guns somehow.
yea, we call those african americans
Why would a Terminator need or want a laser sight? Doesn't he have robotic targeting like Robocop?
He has to blend in, user
You're god damn right we can.
>sees entirely in red
>gets a red laser sight
I mean nobody will ever need more than 256k of ram.
We built a better gun
>still needing a gun to shoot people
When will movies be fun again?
He looks confused if anything.
There is plenty of white trash with illegal guns.
If you pass a background check, sure. Of course you can just buy guns from other people illegally , especially in this day and age with access to the internet.
Dee OP repostuh
Did his chute not open?
See also: Alien/Aliens
I never get over how smol disco cops feet are
That was the 80s.
90s was all Mp5k
I wish I had an MP5. Life would be different...
They‘re a bit heavy, but the shoot soooo nice and controllable in FA
Dance Cops
2 men 4 left feet 1 chance to stop an assassination
Also was killed by Coulson in the Marvel universe
They did that in the comics. Along with a couple of Terminators, Skynet sent a captured resistance soldier with a plasma pistol sewn inside him.
Though sending advanced weapon back in time would be stupid idea for Skynet. Why send weapons capable of destroying Terminators, when "local" weapons are just as good killing humans?