I just started watching True Detective and this character is literally Yea Forums...

I just started watching True Detective and this character is literally Yea Forums. Now I see why you guys like it so much.

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No one browsing /tv has anywhere near as many life skills as he does.

False. Rust actually knew what he was talking about and didn't get all his information from youtube videos, infographs and memes on a Cantonese goose-whipping forum.

I don't know how the fuck McConaughey pulled off that dialogue anyone else would've made it sound like edgy garbage

its not edgy, its the truth. He is a realist.

Deep voice basically.

You can easily describe Yea Forums with three different characters
Rust is the sort of cynical failure of a man who wasted his good years on thinking too much, which sent him into a downward spiral. A lot of men here will identify with it.
Then you have the Gosling/Drive robots, they're mostly harmless young dudes with a lot of self pity and sadness. They are still hopeful enough to want to be a hero in their own story, but so far they had difficulties becoming their own men. Very autistic at times, but honestly, that's the least dangerous thing on this fucking site.
And then you have a relatively recent creature, the Derek Vinyard /pol/ guests, who are in their paranoia constantly on the lookout for hidden agendas. They tend to be very aggressive and hateful towards pretty much anything that doesn't fit their world view. They tend to bring out the worst of the board by simply being here, because they constantly fall for hundreds of bait threads per day.
The quality of the board has been deteriorating for a while now.

times you acted like rust general?


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It was edgy garbage. The character was written to be laughed at. Yea Forums is so deluded it takes him at face value.

*crack *HISS*

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>mom asked me to mow the lawn, so I did
>dad yelled at me saying I CAN MOW MY OWN DAWN LAWN OKAY?

If you get the chance you should kill you're self.

Every day I come home from work and drink a 6 pack of tallboys


He's also literally the only good part of this series, despite the acclaim it gets from small-souled bugmen

Wait until S02 when you see Velcoro. Then you'll understand why so many people here love it.

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None of these whiteoids are smart enough to solve a crime

It's his southern charm

*pops quaalude*


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McConaughey is a meme actor so it works

It's what Yea Forums wishes they were, because why not dress up being a loser with cool alcoholism and edgy anti-natalist takes.
Give your shitty life a "seen it all" aesthetic and you can rationalize being a fucking loser in this society.

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>hidden agendas
Kek. Open your eyes, user, they're in plain sight.

literally me

>it's another "Yea Forums be like this" thread
These threads are the fucking worst.

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It kinda still was. Doesn't stop it from being kino

It was edgy garbage but because it was part of the character (at least before revelation at the end with him squiring faith). Hart was a there so that they would counterbalance eachother and to remind Cohle that regarding the subject he was a moron.