I’m sorry Brie
You know she won't do that... so why ask?
I'm sorry you decide to show off your disgusting toes at every opportunity
The movie is a complete turd, user. Nothing could save it.
If you ignore the Yaas-queen vs pissbaby internet slapfight, the movie still had flaws.
Chief among them is the fact that it's a Marvel movie, it's structured along the Marvel movie formula and that formula is now verging on 20 years old.
Aside from having a female lead, literally everything that this movie does, another MCU movie has already done.
Fish out of water? Amesia? Nostalgia from another era? Space opera? Buddy comedy? Snarky quips?
There's nothing new in this, so the whole thing feels a little stale.
Have sex.
nah, fuck you (b)rie tardson
im sorry brietard, i watched the movie online
yeah. she escapes from a space prision without shoes kek, and then saves some refugee- I MEAN Skrulls from evil white men
sorry, I'm tired of capeshit threads, can you go to /co?