Im sorry my queen
I am sorry for being born a white male
Choke on my cock you smug cunt.
some crimes can never be forgiven
Have sex
Does she get barefoot in the movie?
have sex, brie
No. Brie was easily the worst part of the film and the movie was saved by the strength of Talos, Sam Jackson, and the Rambeaus.
I’m sorry Brie
You know she won't do that... so why ask?
I'm sorry you decide to show off your disgusting toes at every opportunity
The movie is a complete turd, user. Nothing could save it.
If you ignore the Yaas-queen vs pissbaby internet slapfight, the movie still had flaws.
Chief among them is the fact that it's a Marvel movie, it's structured along the Marvel movie formula and that formula is now verging on 20 years old.
Aside from having a female lead, literally everything that this movie does, another MCU movie has already done.
Fish out of water? Amesia? Nostalgia from another era? Space opera? Buddy comedy? Snarky quips?
There's nothing new in this, so the whole thing feels a little stale.
Have sex.
nah, fuck you (b)rie tardson
im sorry brietard, i watched the movie online
yeah. she escapes from a space prision without shoes kek, and then saves some refugee- I MEAN Skrulls from evil white men
sorry, I'm tired of capeshit threads, can you go to /co?
t. can't have sex
eh it was ok. i don't get why Disney needed to shill this so desperately and why Brie had to open her rancid mouth
>i don't get why Disney needed to shill this so desperately
because they are beholden to their shareholders to make money. that should seem obvious
Only because its incredibly boring with a plot that makes little sense.
I'm sorry goblin feet lady
Jude Law was also great.
Literally everyone embodied their characters but Brie sort of just phoned it in. She showed glimpses of potential here and there but was pretty bland overall.
Brie isnt even as good at being a hot Jew as Natalie Portman and Olivia Wilde are
I'm Mexican, you bitch. You can't touch me, but I can make fun of your shitty ass movie as much as I want. I'm invincible to you literal bleeding vaginas lol
Sure, thanks to Larson I'm watching The Exterminating Angel, fuck capeshit
I saw it, liked it.
Also, great reminder of how awesome the movie theater is: I got up about halfway through to use the bathroom, about 3-4 minutes after this huge (i.e. fat and tall) guy leaves to presumably do the same. I get in there, start whizzing, and at the same time he's coming out of the stall in a huff. I smell him and think "damn, he must've been in such a hurry he didn't wipe his ass right", but then I'm still smelling it after he's gone. And it's horrible. So I turn around as see that somehow, this dude diarrhea-shat all over the top of the toilet, toilet seat and rim. A guy came after me, saw it and screamed like he just saw a dead body. Noped the fuck outta there. Later, I had to go again and there were more horrified reactions... I don't know why people's reactions to this cracked me up, but it did.
a LOT of the worst criticisms of Captain Marvel and Brie Larson on this website are actually coming from more mature leftists who look down on this alt-right, women-hating movement but also realize that perpetuating it will validate the rest of you “incels” (not that I believe in that word—it is a voluntary choice to be so shitty and hate-filled) and propel you to continue living sad and intimidated, lonely lives. Enjoying figuring out which of these posts are from SJWs larping as “incels” and which posts are from truly lost miserable anons barking away in their safe space of male privilege. Either way if you don’t break out of this echo chamber soon you are never going to make it. But now it’s getting even more confusing because the positive comments are clearly from people looking for (You)’s from the easily triggerable right
great, this again
Honest question.
Why don't you guys just go do something productive instead of sitting around complaining about a movie that nobody is going to care about in a few years?
Work out. Figure out a hobby that you enjoy. Improve yourself guys.
I swear you'll feel way better. I used to shit post, years ago.
I finally decided to use my time wisely and I feel so much better than I used to.
You can do the right thing at any time, guys. Today can be the day you stop being a bitch.
Do it.
I took the time to identify all the virgins posting in the thread.
You being the biggest virgin huh?
Photoshopping memes is a good hobby.