based dubs poster
Anons aged over 40, how do you deal with being an older cinema fan?
Logan White
Aiden Martin
Are you 40+ boomers virgin wizards?
Elijah Butler
>tfw 28
almost there guys haha
Josiah Jenkins
I had an uber driver, must've been in his 60s, take me to a bar. We talked about Bone Tomahawk and a bunch of other cool ass movies. Guy was super cool.
Grayson Miller
I have had sex on three occasions, 20 years ago. I don't know how it happened, and it has never happened since. All I can say is that I was working at a bar at the time of all 3 incidents
Nathan Walker
movies are for retards
Mason Roberts
How do you deal with being old?
Andrew Nguyen
I can openly say i like kids
I can babysit my nieces without family being suspicious because im old and was married
I can sit girls in my lap without family getting boners
Asher Johnson
It's tfw you see a brown squat subhuman