Anons aged over 40, how do you deal with being an older cinema fan?

Anons aged over 40, how do you deal with being an older cinema fan?

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my dick doesn't work anymore. what else am i supposed to do?

I go to see Alita three times in the theatrs because its fun. Age is all in your head. Be old, live young. Have fun.

Surely no one over 40 posts here. Lol imagine how much of a loser you would have to be.

Not well. I'm beyond jaded at this point. It's so bad that when I sit down to watch a movie, I almost immediately begin to tune it out as if it were my wife.

is 2019, have a surgery and switch your dick for a vagina, vaginas do not need to stay hard.

I don't see movies much, anymore. They are all remakes of movies I have already seem.

It's fine, I don't see what difference it makes really. Most movies are shitty but quite frankly it's always been that way.

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45 here and still fap sometimes multiple times daily. I don't cum like I used to though. Movies?

I'm 28 and I like to tihnk that I will have a family and something better to do when I'm 40
but I'll probably still be here


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Why do whites make this face?

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1.) Accept that tribal pop culture is here and will prop up shit films that check off certain boxes. 2.) Rewatch infinitely better older films.

it's the "I HATE NIGGERS" face.

>tfw 26 and antidepressant induced ED

I wasnt getting laid anyway but jerking it to loli rape doujins was one of my few pleasures in life

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Actually I find myself going more and more to older movies. After a few decades of movie watching its hard to not feel jaded. This decade is pretty shit in terms of Hollywood cinema imo, I'd rather discover old gems.

i don't think about it because it is irrelevant. Try not being an insecure child minded adult. It's truly freeing.

please don't reply if you're only in your mid to late 30's thnx

based dubs poster

Are you 40+ boomers virgin wizards?

>tfw 28
almost there guys haha

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I had an uber driver, must've been in his 60s, take me to a bar. We talked about Bone Tomahawk and a bunch of other cool ass movies. Guy was super cool.

I have had sex on three occasions, 20 years ago. I don't know how it happened, and it has never happened since. All I can say is that I was working at a bar at the time of all 3 incidents

movies are for retards

How do you deal with being old?

I can openly say i like kids
I can babysit my nieces without family being suspicious because im old and was married
I can sit girls in my lap without family getting boners

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It's tfw you see a brown squat subhuman

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