Ok this was cool

i think it looks great. Frazetta style is timeless

The poison of life right here

They were big elephants.


I think they wanted the Lord of the Rings crowd and I'm glad they down the full on 100% fantasy route all things considered.

? Swallow what shit? It's a fantasy movie you moron.

>either this or the one of the guy with the cake
lmao you faggots need to expand your collections, we get new nigger content everyday

the movie basically goes to the living room after this, and that sucked.

Attached: 1518710256322.jpg (640x1216, 31K)

>the movie basically goes to the living room after this, and that sucked.

What did he mean by this?

Attached: 1448716870911.webm (720x404, 692K)

I quite liked it desu, and I think everyone can at least agree it has a harmless fun feel to it even if it is a cgi clusterfuck

And yeah the opening sequence elephants was pretty cool