Ok this was cool.
Ok this was cool
From King Arthur, right? It's a shame we didn't get any more set-pieces like that one.
This movie is seriously underrated
King Arthur was good
Everyone can fuck off I liked it. 10/10 soundtrack.
which videogame is this from?
Black knights, very necessary. African kangs am I right?
>a single token nigger in the whole fucking movie
Come on now falseflagging schizo-retard, you're making those of us who are genuinely redpilled look bad.
>saw it on doulby
The bass was amazing, shame we don't get more of that
You retarded faggots are exactly like him, shut the fuck up, /pol/pussy. Go praise Kek, you obese cuck.
For a movie that took a shitload of artistic liberties in its interpretation of the legend, I have no problem with that.
Seeing as this film went full on fantasy (just take OP's picture as an example) I'll allow it. Also Kung-Fu George >>> everyone
>thread about underrated movie
>let's make it about /pol/
>fucking /pol/ gtfo!
>that one charlie hunnan interview where he basically admits that the production was a fucking trainwreck and he was disappointed how it turned out
Feels kinda bad, this had a lot of potential
Source or I'll be sad
Took me a little bit to hunt it down, although it was less dramatic than I remembered it
>Guy Ritchie, famously, likes to go off-script when you’re on set and develop different ideas as you’re going. Was that something that you had done much of before, or did you have to get used to the Guy Ritchie style of doing things?
>No, really, it took me a couple of weeks to get used to that. Um, but it was an interesting period of revelation, I think for all of us. There’s something that happened on this film - which is always true, but it was very dramatic on this film – which is that the film itself becomes a significant collaborator, and kind of dictates what it wants to be to be, to the filmmaking community.
>And we went in to this with a blueprint, and it became abundantly clear, in the first few days of filming, that it was just a blueprint. We were going to be working in real time, and it was going to evolve very rapidly. But I think, even Guy was surprised by the dramatic evolution on the day, and that the film itself was telling us that it didn’t want, tonally, to be what we wanted it to be or perceived that it should be. Which was much more sort of classic, and linear, and sombre, you know?
>Guy wanted, I think his initial intention was to do something that was quite a grand departure from anything he’d done before. And then we got onto set, and a combination of whether it was his artistic true north manifesting in the shape of the film’s own voice, or how you could reconcile or understand it, but all of suddenly we found ourselves in a different place than we thought we were gonna be. And it was quite exciting. Once we surrendered to it, we all started to have a really lovely time. But until that inevitable surrender happened, we all felt like we were in a bit of trouble.
Which Dark Souls boss was this?
this guy was pretty cool too. oh and cia. great score...
Law was ok but I feel him and that costume would have made a better Foltest in a non-shitflix witcher series
300 was a mistake
>just rides his loyal horse off of a collapsing bridge
It's not fair, he was a goodboy
Seems like they were going to go for something a lot less, well, Guy Ritchie, but it ended up becoming that and it that felt better than forcing themselves to do something other.
>this is supposed to be a criticism
>jude law
>charlie hunnam
>eric bana
>aiden gillen
>token black character actor djimon hounsou
>astrid berges-frisbey
>millie brady
I liked the cast.
>Not including Merlin or the knights of the roundtable because they’d be in the sequels
Can’t believe they thought this would be a 6 film franchise
Says who?
The soundtrack was better than the actual film. I still liked it anyway.
hahaha, this looks so fucking bad
Extremely. I love this movie. Fuck the haters.
It's certainly no Excalibur (1981) but it's not trying to be tbqh.
It is in many ways, but cheesy and bad in a good and watchable way - for me at least.
Fuck yeah.
Anyone see the 2018 Robin Hood?
I like Hunnam. Those are some intelligent observations.
That makes OP's King Arthur look like a 10/10 masterpiece.
Fuck no, and no desire to.
People just swallow this shit with the flimsiest fucking excuses, jesus christ.
i think it looks great. Frazetta style is timeless
The poison of life right here
They were big elephants.
I think they wanted the Lord of the Rings crowd and I'm glad they down the full on 100% fantasy route all things considered.
? Swallow what shit? It's a fantasy movie you moron.
>either this or the one of the guy with the cake
lmao you faggots need to expand your collections, we get new nigger content everyday
the movie basically goes to the living room after this, and that sucked.
>the movie basically goes to the living room after this, and that sucked.
What did he mean by this?
I quite liked it desu, and I think everyone can at least agree it has a harmless fun feel to it even if it is a cgi clusterfuck
And yeah the opening sequence elephants was pretty cool