What did Disney mean by this
What did Disney mean by this
That T'Challa is a bitch ass nogger
It's okay user, you can say nigger here.
That those two shitty wanna be cats will never be as cool as DRIGGER
I can't spell for shit
I mean, it's pretty obvious what they meant by this.
To be fair...T'challa IS kind of a bitch ass nigga
Ironic, since Killmonger was such a bitch ass nigga in the movie.
was Killmonger just unaware that the avengers were a thing and his whole plan would go down the drain once they caught wind? was he also unaware that giving advanced space weaponry to uneducated street niggers would have ended in them killing themselves accidentally?
None of you would dare say nigga around a black person
Ofc not, they would brutally punch you out solely for moving your vocal chords in a certain way
I would but that's because I am one and can get away with it.
I am Latino, I can say the n-word around them.
The image is satire. Nothing to see here move on
That's because I'm a bitch-ass nigga.
Of couse not, I'm white. I'd say nigger.
Only around ma niggas
He wanted rebellion, nothing else
>Directed by Sam Raimi with lines by Garth Ennis
I'm not a white boy or asian so I can pretty much get away with it, especially saying it with the hard R
I-is this a joke? Seriously i cant tell anymore was this scene really fillmed?
Lol nice
Reddit tier
still funny tho
Same here, my nigga!
I will do it with the hard-R and not because I'm racist, but because I'm challenged to do so.
Well, Tchalla is kind of a nigger
>Got challenged
>Got beaten fair and square
>Got rescued by accomplices
>Roided himself the fuck up with magic herb
Well fuck you nigger, you lost by default since you used magic herb
>Got beaten fair and square
He spared the bitch ass nigga's life during the duel, maybe twice, first.
>Roided himself the fuck up with magic herb
Bitch ass Killmonger was roided the same.
Isnt Killmonger incapable of being roided up
Not really. If you're white like that retard Lil Xan, you'd get the shit kicked out of you. Puerto Ricans and Dominicans only get away with it because they're mixed race.
seealso, BP is just after Civil War, so the Avengers have been heavily neutered.
who was the team at that point? Tony, Rhodey, and Vision?
im 100% white and I call my girlfriend a bitch, and a nigger. And my black friends at work, hard r and everything. They're fine with it. Just dont be aggressive with it, shitbag
my mans
I really don't how this uprising would work, maybe some second or whatever number generation Africans in the Americas/Europe would blow up some whites or each other but I doubt many would and I doubt Africans would rise up and instead use it to wage war on each other devolve into civil war
disney had no balls for this line. it's why they deserve to slowly die off as a company
In the movie? Don't think so, otherwise he'd get ragdolled.
Calling him a nigger during sex is nice
John, wake up. You're in a coma. You have to wake up, John!
Seething groid
>3/10 replies are not white
Of course not, because I don't know how it would happen but word would get back to this old black lady who I used live next to and she'd beat my ass.
If she is dead she would rise solely to beat my ass.
I don't know any black people
I am mixed race actually... I can pass for light skinned black any day.