What did Disney mean by this
What did Disney mean by this
Evan Mitchell
Dominic Parker
That T'Challa is a bitch ass nogger
Isaiah Brooks
It's okay user, you can say nigger here.
Brayden Jones
That those two shitty wanna be cats will never be as cool as DRIGGER
Ian Hall
I can't spell for shit
Christopher Hughes
I mean, it's pretty obvious what they meant by this.
Easton Hughes
To be fair...T'challa IS kind of a bitch ass nigga
John Rivera
Ironic, since Killmonger was such a bitch ass nigga in the movie.
Grayson Long
was Killmonger just unaware that the avengers were a thing and his whole plan would go down the drain once they caught wind? was he also unaware that giving advanced space weaponry to uneducated street niggers would have ended in them killing themselves accidentally?
Matthew Perez
None of you would dare say nigga around a black person