Slott's Iron Man is cancelled

Now this is the Marvel I know and love.

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>Take Slott off of a book that is literally GUARANTEED to sell regardless of the writer, and he'll flop
Gee it's not like I've been saying it for years or anything, that it wasn't Slott moving Spider-Man comics, but Spider-Man comics moving Slott.

Can we get Simone on an Iron Man book instead?

Personally I still can't believe Slott got an Eisner Award for ripping off Morrison's "Pax Americana" in his "Silver Surfer" run.

Hmm, I wonder why this book could be ending just before 2020? What a mystery.

Yes, it's just going to relaunch, and Slott will probably still be writing it.

What did you mean by this, I'm a fan of both, pax being a masterpiece and surfer being a decent read with great art, but don't understand the connection?

"The Multiversity: Pax Americana" #1 and "Silver Surfer" #11 were nominated for Eisner awards in their respective years of publication. Both single-issue stories present themes of infinity and time manipulation, choosing to deliver this information in either a non-linear format or by forcing the reader into an infinite loop. "Pax Americana" came first and, while nominated, lost the award. "Silver Surfer" #11 came out the next year and won, despite what I feel to be a relatively simplistic distillation of the concepts initially presented in "Pax Americana".

Or, in other words, I'm pretty sure Dan Slott ripped off Grant Morrison and got an Eisner award for it.

The issues are very dissimilar. Obviously it's absurd Slott won over Morrison but the Surfer issue is as much a visual experience iirc, in which you explicitly follow the panels upside-down and around and it's a fun hokey conceit, but far divorced from the narrative richness of Morrison's script

And nothing of value was lost.

You dumb gullible 'spergs fall for this shit every fucking month.

And that's ALSO why I'm mad about Slott's win. I'm pretty sure that reading a comic upside-down is nothing new at all.

They're just paving the way for Iron Man 2020.

>Tony will be killed off again and Arno will headline an ALL NEW ALL DIFFERENT ALL UNIQUE #1!!!!!!!! IRON MAN 2020
M-Maybe after that we’ll get a good Iron Man writer...

>M-Maybe after that we’ll get a good Iron Man writer...
Haven't we been saying this for the last 10 years? I don't know much how longer I can keep going.

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This! he will help against Pymtron and will be the protagonist of the new Iron Man 2020 ongoing in January.

Eh, he’s out of the MCU and they’re pushing other characters now, so maybe they’ll say “eh, whatever, let some faggot ass nerd write this shit if he wants; nobody’s gonna care about Tin Man now”.

Morrison is for retards

This desu. Her issues are the best ones and it’s a fucking tie in. Or Zub works too, when he’s co-writing the quality of the issues increased too

>out of the mcu
For now the plan is to always bring back characters be ready for tony stark played by a new actor in 2025

I guess it kinda sucks, but like said, he'll go back to being a B-lister who people who will only remember in passing. But I wouldn't mind Eve Ewing taking the reigns of a relaunch.

I'm still incredibly confused on why they thought making Tony adopted was a good idea

>t: Moore and Ennis

>Eve Ewing
Oh shit, given Ironheart is better than Iron man she would be interesting. Her tony appearances are pretty standard though

No please! nothing against Eve, in fact I think she's good, but I don't want MCU synergy.

>I'm still incredibly confused on why they thought making Tony adopted was a good idea
It may just be that sometimes a writer wants to leave a permanent legacy on a book. Even a stupid legacy.

Whatever it is, I'm sure he wasn't taken off the title because of the sales, considering Iron Man has NEVER been a big seller, and currently is pulling 25K in average, not too dissimilar to Doctor Strange.

alright time for Body Horror Iron Man, can't wait since dude has taken way too many drugs and experimented with way too many aliens to look that clean

>Iron Man 2020 is part of Iron Man lore going back to the 80s
>This book is ending in Dec 2019
>The next month is 2020
Gee I wonder what might happen? Is it possible that the 2020 story that Slott has been building to is going to be a new book?
No, surely it must be that Slott is a hack and everyone hates him and he's being pulled off the book.

One of these days I'll stop fooling myself that Yea Forums knows anything about comics.

>out of the MCU
>will be a major character in Iron Heart as AI Tony
>will appear in Black Widow

>One of these days I'll stop fooling myself that Yea Forums knows anything about comics.
They know about 2020 but want to bitch about Slott anyway.

>believing any of this

Pretty sure it was confirmed as official that RDJ would reprise his role in the movie... Anything to make people watch it, that much is obvious.


>For now the plan is to always bring back characters be ready for tony stark played by a new actor in 2025
If they go along with the multiverse it's possible. But RDJ has reached health ledger tier when it comes to playing that character in the eyes of the internet.

>MCU turn Iron Man into the most exposed superhero of the decade, even more than Spider-Man and Batman
>run still sell like a C-list character

The only chance Iron Man ever had to be the most popular comic in the world is wasted forever. I hope they learn from this mistake and give Carol and Panther only good writers from now on.

Original Sin had to have secrets for everybody. They should have kept it inconsequential on the long run but well written on the short run like they did with Daredevil.

I don't think Tony's adoption actually was part of Original Sin

iirc it was revealed before then

To be fair Slott didn't beat Morrison. Morrison lost one year (to Beasts of Burden: Hunters and Gatherers) and then Slott won the next year.

Stop fact checking Yea Forums's outrage please. It's not fair!

Turning Iron-man into a AI rights advocate definitely wasn't the direction that Slott should had took.

Right, yet riri still published. I don't buy it

Riri is unironically better than Iron Man right now

Still, of course it’s getting relaunched, Slott has been building up to 2020 the entire time

Ehhh. Wait to see if its just being relaunched before seeing this as a positive. This is Marvel, after all.

It's 100% getting relaunched and almost certainly with Slott still at the helm. This is just another case of Yea Forums being stupid.

>This is just another case of Yea Forums being stupid.
I don't even know why this time, people here know that Slott was planning something big for 2020.

>people here know
Yea Forums doesn't know anything about comic books

>I don't even know why this time
A blind hateboner for Slott, basically. It's not like this wasn't always the endgame for him, he did bring back Arno for this explicit purpose and they've been teasing 2020 for a while.

Fine, people that were reading his Iron Man run knew that he was planning something for 2020.

I want/need Eve to take over Champions ASAP


I'm super hype for 2020. That one spotlight issue on him, like 5? was great.

I hope Slott is getting She-Hulk again, that's his best book

Slott is going to do Annihilation starring the FF

An AI rights story that uses Marvel characters like Jocasta, Machine Man, and now Vision as well wouldn't be a bad idea in any other period of history, but now it's being done by Slott, and in terms of modern identity politics.

Not him, but I'm still incredibly confused on why they thought literally anything about Original Sin was a good idea.

They've been squandering the character for over a decade. It's obvious Marvel doesn't care. Also Cap isn't selling much better either despite his new found fame from the MCU as well.

Fantastic Four next, please!

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how much you wanna bet this is just another mini reboot like they did 5 times during his Spider-Man run to boost sales but Slott is still writing it?

Eisner Award has become meaningless
qualtiy does't determine if win one, it all just comes down to having the "right" aka extreme leftwing political view and being friends with the right people.
each year hundreds of better selling products get released each year but since those are written by conservatives or none liberals they don't get any awards

>here know that Slott was planning something big for 2020.
can't wait to see tony stark being further emasculated and made even more incompetent so that another black woman can steal his title for 2 years before it get's rebooted again


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Nah, this time it’ll be stolen by his Chad ThunderCock brother, who’ll be barebacking all his previous gfs, who’ll be complimenting his dick, while Tony cries amidst a puddle of urine, tears and alcohol. Then Ree-Ree will appear and whisper “pathetic” as she puts on a BWC-Only Shirt and joins Arno’s harem. Meanwhile Rhodes is gonna be BLACKING the entire Stark Industries stuff, as Tony perulsor blasts himself, but being a cyborg-frankenstein’s-monster-whatever, he’ll be just rebooted back to life to suffer more humiliation.

I mean, at this point, and after the BENIS run, I wouldn’t even be surprised if that more or less happened.

How long until they just straight up make him gay like they did with Bobby?

>see, he was a faggot the WHOOOOOLE TIME!
>that’s why he was a “player”
>he secretly wanted to suck big black cocks
I’d say about 2 years, but now he’s out of the MCU, so they’ll probably faggify some other character they can push in the movies.


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They'll retcon all his previous love interests to be beards or say he was looking for something in the wrong gender the whole time.

I'm thinking they had some different ethnicity for Tony planned but it got scrapped.

>”I need a Different kind of pussy”

>"I was smashing pussy the whole time but it turns out what I really wanted is to have my pussy smashed."

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Honestly, it strated of kind of "meh" but I still wanted to give it a shot.

By time we were knee deep in VR I gave up.

Like what?

>Tony changes gender

>Becomes Iron Maiden

>Gets sued to oblivion by the band

>Goes back to being Iron Man but is sued by the Iron Man competitions who copywrote the name when Toni dropped it.

I'm guessing it is because next year is 2020 and he'll likely have Arno be Iron Man.

haha... can you imagine turning iron maiden into a iron mommy haha...

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why fucking kill Black Widow? why bring back RDJ? was the Captain Marvel shilling real after all?

>why fucking kill Black Widow?
I'm guessing she wanted to be done with it, nobody killed Chris Hemsworth...
>why bring back RDJ?
To make people watch her movie, which has been getting very low interest lately.
>was the Captain Marvel shilling real after all?

I remember liking Slott’s work years ago
Is he awful now?! I haven’t read anything by him in awhile but back in the day he gave me of PAD vibes
Did he totally lose it?

Well, it hasn't been getting interest since, well, they have been pushing Disney+ and movies that come until later more than the BW movie.

That's true, but I'm guessing the draw of the last appearance of Tony will get seats on the theaters no matter what. It won't break a billion at any rate, though.

Post-superior ASM was fucking awful.

>tfw ANAD Slott Spider-Man was a better Iron Man book than his Iron Man

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Tony's Original Sin secret was his part in Banner becoming Hulk. The adoption was in Gillen's run after AvX.


Wake me up when Slott's FF run ends.

>"Yes, Peter, the anal intergace in the new Iron Spider suit IS necessary.".

Superior ASM was fucking awful.

Yes, but what came after was even worse.
You could say that his run went down the shitter the moment that Superior started.

I'd read all of what was posted if it was real. Holy kek.


How could things possibly get worse?


Cates or Aaron

Leah Williams

Pretty much.

>Cates in Iron Man
Dude would just make Tony forget about his principles and create a full nanosuit with huge missiles and cannons, and complete casuals would praise him for it.

Dont you filthy faggot insult fractions run.

It was 60+ issues of tedious guilt porn with art that made every character look like they had a gross sunburn.

>but muh bleeding edge armor

It didn't fucking DO anything. That was the problem with Fraction he would toss out an idea and go "wow guys isn't that cool?" and then never do anything because we need more angst

>and complete casuals would praise him for it.
I don't think casuals would be reading Iron Man in the first place.

Nah there's plenty of casuals who follow Cates everywhere. More than half of the people reading his GOTG are casuals who cheer for BRB and other characters who randomly show up but always claim they barely even read any of the previous runs, so it's not unusual. Same with his Doctor Strange: many praised it because it was like Aaron's but none of them had read anything beyond that run. It's rare to find someone who has been reading these characters before who's also a fan of Cates unless it's like Venom or something.

Is Iron Man 2020 supposed to be an important story or something?

It just was many of Marvel's possible "futures" that was cool at the time it first appeared and could actually happened.

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>it wasn't Slott moving Spider-Man comics, but Spider-Man comics moving Slott
This seems to be the rule rather than the exception, sadly.

See Snyder on anything w/o Batman or Bendis on ... anything really.

>Eisner Award has become meaningless

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I liked DnA GOTG and think his is basically fine. I think the only things I've read from him otherwise are Silver Surfer Black (which I'm not reading for him) and Death of the Inhumans which was bad. His Strange was decent I guess. I like Bats.

Cates wants Thor out of the big Marvel 3 anyway

I would say Bendis was capable of writing decent shit before he went full on virtue signaling.

>and Death of the Inhumans which was bad.
His GOTG is pretty much like that miniseries, although to be fair, DOTI had better art (even if everything looked gray and red).
>Cates wants Thor out of the big Marvel 3 anyway
Yep, that much is clear. I hope they give it to him so he fucks off.

don't even know who that is so checks out

>don't even know who that is

>before he went full on virtue signaling
I think you've confused Nick "Superior Foes of Spider-Man" Spencer ( who went full SJW around the time he got Sam Wilson as Captain America ) with Bendy.

Virtue Signalling wasn't the main issue people had with his runs on Avengers, GotG, or X-Men ( image related is from New Avengers ).

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Although, to be fair, he DID go full retard just like the rest of Marble before he decided he'd done as much damage as he could and needed to go stick his dick in DC's ass.

Riri Williams being a particularly egregious example.

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Always baffles me how these two pic related is the same man who wrote The Confession.

>Riri Williams being a particularly egregious example.
>not Icegay

>>not Icegay
Good call, although I'd still say the main issue ( up until image related which didn't happen until #40 ) was the way he split up Scott and Emma, wrote everyone ( esp X-23 ) completely out of character ( Bendispeak isn't just words, words, words, it's also the dialog equivalent of Sameface ) and basically NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENED for most of his run.

Last Will and Testament of Charles Xavier dragged on for almost a fucking year and then in the end Tempus showed up and made it so it never happened ( and Battle for the Atom as well ) via Time Travel Shenanigans.

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>was the way he split up Scott and Emma
That's one thing Bendis isn't soley to blame for. She cucked him with Namor during AvX. Scott refusing to take her back is one of the things in Bendis' X-Men that actually makes sense.

Look, there's nothing salvageable about his runs, but most everything can be just ignored and handwaved, SPECIALLY his OCs, it's just a matter of not even reading his shit. It's not like you're missing anything.
Gaywashing a character is something a bit harder to ignore or fix because of whatever backlash it might get.

>split up Scott and Emma
Eh, can't complain about that, it came from morrison's run which was a similar shitshow, not something classic or anything.