Slott's Iron Man is cancelled

Now this is the Marvel I know and love.

Attached: 1568673264249.jpg (575x344, 35K)

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>Take Slott off of a book that is literally GUARANTEED to sell regardless of the writer, and he'll flop
Gee it's not like I've been saying it for years or anything, that it wasn't Slott moving Spider-Man comics, but Spider-Man comics moving Slott.

Can we get Simone on an Iron Man book instead?

Personally I still can't believe Slott got an Eisner Award for ripping off Morrison's "Pax Americana" in his "Silver Surfer" run.

Hmm, I wonder why this book could be ending just before 2020? What a mystery.

Yes, it's just going to relaunch, and Slott will probably still be writing it.

What did you mean by this, I'm a fan of both, pax being a masterpiece and surfer being a decent read with great art, but don't understand the connection?

"The Multiversity: Pax Americana" #1 and "Silver Surfer" #11 were nominated for Eisner awards in their respective years of publication. Both single-issue stories present themes of infinity and time manipulation, choosing to deliver this information in either a non-linear format or by forcing the reader into an infinite loop. "Pax Americana" came first and, while nominated, lost the award. "Silver Surfer" #11 came out the next year and won, despite what I feel to be a relatively simplistic distillation of the concepts initially presented in "Pax Americana".

Or, in other words, I'm pretty sure Dan Slott ripped off Grant Morrison and got an Eisner award for it.

The issues are very dissimilar. Obviously it's absurd Slott won over Morrison but the Surfer issue is as much a visual experience iirc, in which you explicitly follow the panels upside-down and around and it's a fun hokey conceit, but far divorced from the narrative richness of Morrison's script

And nothing of value was lost.