DC Comics Rewards Zoe Quinn With A New Writing Job For Killing Alec Holowka

>ZQ uses spreads false allegations against an ex boyfriend on Twitter
>uses Cancel Culture to get him fired from his job and blacklisted from the games industry
>Alec loses all of his friends
>Alec kills himself less than 48 hours later
>DMs surface that prove Zoe was lying about everything
>DC rewards her by giving her a Superman/Batman spinoff called "Death Bringer"

Zoe Quinn is a cancer. Comics are already dying and DC pulls this garbage. It's time to boycott DC Comics.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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What if you used this anger and energy to like help feed needy people in your town or something.

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have sex

Or better yet OP could spread it on social media or something. Posting this on a Japanese image board is a useless waste of time.

If i can feed the needy via posting then tell me how.

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The autists who think she's not hot are delusional.

Who the hell is she? Googles not giving me anything. All I’m getting is a vertigo comic.

Tom King got Batman because he killed brown kids overseas

Do a social media campaign for local charities that are about feeding the needy.

Or he could just kill Zoe Quinn. Either way, he makes the world a better place. Seriously though, if people have so much against her, why not just kill her and be done with it? It's not like she's got bodyguards or anything. Sure, she's a senator's daughter and there's going to be some aftermath, probably martyrdom, but you might as well get it over with and start putting the fear of consequences for their actions in their bones.

What's the point? Zoe would just kill them anyway, and then play the victim then cash in.

Oh noo I'm so outraged, whatever shall I do? Perhaps not purchase her book? For shame, that's not enough, I intend to whine about it on 4channel daily, witness me!!

didn't there use to be a site that like gave kids in Africa rice or something for every click?

Take this garbage back to Yea Forums. No one here gives a shit about some dumb suicidal faggot ending his own life because he got called out

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>blah blah blah
Is there any more tabloid gossip you'd like to share that you think is worth crusading about? Or maybe you can take a step back and realize this is pathological behaviour you're exhibiting, and maybe need to take a half hour break from the computer and go for a nice walk.

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You're right about almost everything aside from the sequence of events. DC likely had contracted Zoe before all those events you described. She already wrote for Vertigo. So this "Deathbringer" book was already in the works before the Alec Holowka fiasco even began.

To be fair, the crony who gets to ghostwrite the story for her must be real proud.

Alec couldn't hack it

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>probably martyrdom
Not probably. Definitely. And it will make her more important to her movement than she ever was as a living feminist. She'll be immortalized as a martyr and referenced forever.

>still bitching about GamerGate
Has anyone bothered to look at her previous writing to see if it's up to snuff for a Big Two publisher? Because otherwise it kinda seems like you guys are falling for the same "Outrage sells" scam that was behind every bit of GamerGate bullshit.

I wish you fucking spergs wouldn't fall for this dumb shit literally every time it happens.

Not much I can do OP, don't buy the comic, the entire lineup actually looks like shit so I'm not getting any of it.

Zoe Quinn is terrible and her little sociopathic club of enablers (some of which are in this thread) are worse.

I know she caused shitstorms in gaming, however look on the bright side, comic industry is already a burning garbage fire so what can she do really?

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>some dumb suicidal faggot ending his own life because he got called out
He didnt do anything. It's a fact which was proven after his death, you ignoramus.

>thinking that they'd give her books a fair shot

c'mon man they'll be hated regardless.

fwiw i thought Goddess Mode was fine and had some "my first comic" problems but wasn't awful.

Who the hell is she?


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>He was a good boy, he dindu nuffin!

That’s hot? Bitch isn’t ugly sure but is that your barometer for hot? That’s some low standards buddy

Again, what is this power she has over the media? I get that she's a woman and in the #metoo age, disagreeing with a woman is a deadly sin, but why her? Why her, exactly? Why is she of all people the supreme high priestess of internet feminism?

>That feel when I still don't know what Gamergate is, but I know I'm happier that way, and so I continue to avoid finding out
Get fucked, dipshits.

You're being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian. Only the first out of five was readable , maybe as you say it was.

The rest were barely intelligible garbage.

>talking about martyrdom in relation to a game developer
Have sex. I can't understand being this invested in something so inane and inconsequential that you perceive it as a culture war. Imagine having an autistic hobby building train sets and being hyper-invested in the world of trains and having a vendetta against this one train builder who slept with Railway Modelling Magazine's editor. WHO CARES. This is insane behaviour to spend more than 30 seconds thinking about this, let alone having a passionately strong feeling about it.

She used to be hot but she got fat buddy.
DESU Zoe Quinn mostly comes across as sad and pathetic.

Fucking retard, we have far more sources saying he did do this and I haven't seen a single one saying he didn't.

Who the fuck is she?

if calling them average/mediocre comics is contrarian that's insane.

This guy is in the right track. Basically instead of doing anything productive with my life, literally ANYTHING, like I don't know, catching up with my pull list or researching some obscure comic book to read next, I'll just focus on some shitty nobody who's writing a shitty story in a shitty DC event, who did some... Bad things I guess? Seems like a good investment of my time. Thank you anonymous person, you and I are destined for great things.

Sure sounds like a bunch unsubstantiated claims (merely circumstantial) that haven't been proven in a court of law, doesn't it? Remind me what your feelings are about people who do that, again....or is it only wrong if they have a vagina?

It is really easy ladies and gents, a simple measure taken that the suits hear load and clear. Don't buy the product, it has happened with many such things (recently Gilette) calf-blade the very existence of this happening. Read Golden age, read 80's and 90's
Just simply refuse to read garbage, period.

A dumb thot who slept around with journalists and set off a series of events that led to gamergate. A self-professed "game developer" and "writer" who hasn't finished a single game, and embezzeles crowdfund money to use for vacations. Her latest endeavor is highlighted in OP.

There are better pictures of her out there. I have a few saved, but I can't be bothered to look for them when this thread is probably going to get pruned.

>Why is she of all people the supreme high priestess of internet feminism?
She's not, she only has as much power as these retards give her, and I don't mean her followers but the mass of drooling gamer/comicsgaters who can't. Let go. Of her. It's like a drug to them.

What sources? Twitter literal whos? What evidence do they have?

She made a shitty game and cheated on her boyfriend with five videogame journalists who then published shit like "Gamers are dead". This kinda upset some people and she declared herself a victim.

She recently resurfaced accusing some guy of rape and then he killed himself because his life was ruined.

DC could well have cut ties with her when the controversy erupted. You know, like how Alex's friends and colleagues did at Zoe's command.

Because Yea Forums went after her. She was attacked by Yea Forums and even though she deserved to be attacked everyone just say the Yea Forums and not her actions. She’s a terrible person but the only reason she’s important nowadays is cause of her attackers. We made her, nobody else did

>reddit spacing
Don't ever reply to one of my posts ever again

Based superiority complex fence sitter

I don’t really care about what she did over twitter, the awful fucking comics that have her name on them tho....

He killed himself because someone came forward and accused him of sexual assault. Them Zoë came forward and said he did the same to her. Then like five other people all said the same thing. With so many people saying he assaulted them, he chose to kill himself.

Wait I thought gamer gate was about sexism in video games

>literally marked a man for death through Twitter, Death Note style.

Complete bullshit. As pathetic as OP is you're a hundred times worse dancing on a dead mans grave for some sociopathic whore.

Not a single fucking "source" confirmed that he kept women blackmailed in his apartment against their will like Zoe claimed she was. It's complete bullshit like many of the hundred times Zoe has lied.

Gamergate was about corrupt journalists and identity politics being forced into games. It's the same with comicsgate.

if this happened to a man you guys would be celebrating. Keep seething.

Anyone who's interested should spread those memes all over Twitter and @ DC, WB, and AT&T.
Make a stink about it just like the SJWs do, and things will change.
Turnabout is fair play.

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In the video game industry. She left a small Dev team because the main dude tried to force her to sleep with him. She refused and he forced her out.

Goddess Mode was enjoyable tbqh

Don't you find it kind of trashy to use a dead man's name like this?

Then show me a source saying he didn't. I'm not dancing on his grave. I'm not glad he's dead. But he was accused by multiple people of sexual assault.

I'm pretty sure in the announcement of his death the one friend kinda confirmed some of the allegations were true so I'm not sure how "don't come forward with bad shit that happened to you or else the awful person might kill himself" is a valid argument.

Every court case in the planet would end because everybody would be scared the other party might off themself. "hey this guy stole my car" and then everyones acting like your a monster because the asshole might kill himself.

The fuck? I thought it was about Yea Forums being upset because they were off their meds.
Alright this is confusing the fuck out of me. Can I get some sources.

That is 100% NOT true.
It was another guy who got accused of sexual assault. The guy who wrote the music for Skyrim.
Then Zoe piggybacked off the first accusation and accused Alec. Then after the Twitter mob went after him, all of his friends disavowed him and got him fired and blacklisted.

You fucking people don't even care about the truth, all you care about is protecting your sociopathic Whore Queen.

HERE is some real proof, you idiot:



I find it trashy that DC Comics let someone who killed a guy write their comics.

Comicsgate is still a thing?

Fucking exactly

Show anyone that he did.

Hopefully she fucks Didio or Bendis and drives them to suicide.

That's not how it works. You show me one instance where he was accused of sexual assault by someone other than Zoe. Just remember that her outrageous story about being kept prisoner in his apartment (right after she was raped by her previous boyfriend) doesn't hold up to scrutiny

>But he was accused by multiple people of sexual assault.
All of which is circumstantial evidence, which gets thrown out in any reasonable court. You HAVE to have concrete proof, nothing less. The court system confers innocence until you're proven guilty.

Except, as it was pointed out in this thread already, she already had several people wrapped around her finger before Yea Forums even knew her name. It's why when Gamergate exploded, nearly every gaming site was defending her or deleting any discussion against her. Fuck, even MOOT was banning any discussion against her, despite sitting out even worse, louder controversies on Yea Forums for years.

So why her? Why does she wear the crown?

She didn't kill him, he killed himself. Statistically speaking nothing would've happened to him except he'd be blacklisted from a few companies, but there's ALWAYS someone who either doesn't care or thinks everyone deserves a second chance.

>the awful fucking comics that have her name on them tho....
... Which no one here is forced to read, at all?

Zoe needs to be cancelled for this, but nice tactic you pathetic piece of shit.
We are not using Alec's name for anything but avenging his unnecessary death at the hands of Zoe Quinn and her mob of cult members, of which you are clearly a member. Fuck you.

Jesus this is fucking terrible.

Pffft hahahahah.

[The year is 2023, Zoe Quinn announces her retirement from videogames and comics, and decides to get into basket weaving, in a community on Pinterest]
>RattanBoi23: "Heh, I bet you guys didn't know she drove her ex to suicide and slept with five guys! We shouldn't let this whore get away with it!"

Networking is insanely powerful.

>which gets thrown out in any reasonable court
So, yeah, why didn't he just let it go to court so it could be thrown out?

The problem is she knew he was suicidal and paranoid, yet she sicced her twitter mob on him with outrageous claims, even mentioned that she was raped in a previous tweet so people would confuse the two situations.

How what works? I'm not saying he definitely did but he had multiple people say he has a history of this. So how is this on Quinn? He can be innocent until proven guilty in the eyes of the law, but the accusations are there. How is that Quinn's fault?

Next time post a more credible news source, like Bounding Into Comics or Cosmic Book News.

Then kill those who try to make her into a martyr. People say killing doesn't solve anything, but they're just not killing the right people.

Don’t forget, she got Max Landis fired from DC and blacklisted.

1. It never got to court in the first place because she never called the cops or even made a police claim.
2. Her aim was to get him killed by her twitter mob, hence why he was simultaneously blacklisted by every single person he knew, despite them saying NOTHING about it prior.

>we are avenging his death by making faggy edits of photos and drawings

nobody will buy her book anyway people know who she is and dont like her and the retarded fans she has dont buy the shit she makes

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I'm a married man with children. I also happen to think Zoe Quinn and everyone who actually ever uses "have sex" as some form of argument or dismissal should be summarily executed, preferably by being put up against a wall and shot by a firing squad.

Because women are never sexually assaulted, they're just picky bitches who don't appreciate a good shoulder rub or feeling a man's dick pressed against them through their jeans.

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>I'm not saying he definitely did but he had multiple people say he has a history of this.

And I'm telling you're spreading lies against someone who can't defend himself. No one except Zoe has accused him of sexual misconduct.

His previous partner wrote a medium post a day after he died how he was hard to work with because of paranoia and other mental issues, like he had to go to therapy and constantly threatened suicide during development. But I haven't seen anyone else.

>she got Max Landis fired
wtf, I like Zoe now?

From how fucking pathetic OP is I assume it has something to do with /pol/

You're a piece of shit, dude.
Now you've made it obvious that you don't care about proof. You just care about protecting your Whore Queen and will ignore any evidence that proves that she's a lying whore. I hope you get accused of rape some day. Watch how fast your "friends" will turn on you. You deserve this.

Good? Are you casualgators going to pretend like Landis was a good writer now?

>she got Max Landis fired from DC and blacklisted.
Well then why does OP hate her so much? If anything she's a hero

>I assume it has something to do with /pol/
It's not /pol/ but close: Kotaku In Action and assorted neckbeards on Twitter.

Do you seriously think a bunch of memes are going to make any difference?

So, anybody else get the feeling that this user refuses to he alone with a woman out of fear of being accused of rape?

The only thing other people accused him of was being a jerk who said mean things from time to time. NO ONE accused him of sexual assault.

>Zoe needs to be cancelled for this
Oh okay so this is another retarded incel crusade like with James Gunn or Funimation

might as well say you hate women for posting that garbage website as a source

Ah, yes. Attack the source when they post verified DMs that disprove your allegations. Straight out of Saul Alinksy's playbook. Fuck off, retard.

Couldn't they just give the niglets rice regardless of clicks?

>Kotaku In Action and assorted neckbeards on Twitter.
So it's a gamergate thing? Wasn't that like 10 years ago?


Looking back I really miss the version of comicsgate threads where it was just about ya boy zack and Mark Waid.

>I hope you get accused of rape some day. Watch how fast your "friends" will turn on you. You deserve this.
So you don't care about the truth at all, you just want payback on your perceived enemy, I see.
Pretty much, there's no depth to this, only severe autism against SJWs that was fueled by the Gamergate crusade, which is really BAFFLING it's still going on. Comicsgate is fading though, at least... Unless shit like this gives it more fuel, I don't know/care.

As if I am going to give away good rice to betas

Triggered little WWWWWHITE BOYYYYY

I'm married, faggot.
Even my wife is angry at this shit because it makes ALL women look like liars.
The only people who are defending Zoe are kisses virgins who think she might throw that diseased snatch at them if they white knight hard enough for her. Spoiler Alert: She won't.

A man is dead

>Straight out of Saul Alinksy's playbook.
Who the fuck is this?
Why is it that all your neckbeards reference people and shit that only happens in Twitter/Reddit circles as if most people knew what you were talking about? Not everyone is into your dumbass drama, you know? And frankly the more you get upset over this, the more ridiculous it all sounds. She's just writing what, a one-shot, a miniseries? Who cares? Her credits are virtually non-existent. Irrelevant to the max.

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Was he your man or something? Your "brother in arms"?

And you're trying to use that for your own personal gain like the pathetic piece of shit you are

You're not married, Reddit.

So, do you and your wife look under your bed for sjws at night?

>Even my wife is angry at this shit because it makes ALL women look like liars.
Yeah I believe you.

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DC is catching shit about it on every single twitter post

And did you even know who he was before she said something? If something else had caused him to commit suicide, would you have cared or just called him a beta cuck incel?

not that guy but those are own tweets that contradict what she says. What more do you need?

>man with mental illness kills himself
>this is her fault

> If something else had caused him to commit suicide, would you have cared
Yes? Just because you're a sociopath doesn't mean everyone else is

I bet they are

It's just a shame you five losers keep getting your tweets lost amongst the hundreds of #ReleasetheSnyderCut and #SaveSwampThing tweets

Nah you wouldn't. Like I said, you didn't even know who he was.


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>Defending Blowey Zoe the Devastated Hole
>Even as a joke to bait people
I really hope you realize your life has more value than this, bait-kun. This is not the existence you want to maintain.

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And the stray, occasional #BoycottSony tweet.

But remember guys it was all about ethics in game journalism

>Nah you wouldn't
yes i would, have you never been on the internet?
Thats like watching a man die on the street and refusing to help because you don't know who he is.

>>DMs surface that prove Zoe was lying about everything
I've yet to see these, despite constantly hearing about them here.

So is it just me or does anyone else get horny over the idea of killing Nazi, rapists, gamergate types? I'm fucking serious. I actually masturbated when I heard that this piece of shit killed himself. Zoe quinn is a fucking goddess and I know for a fact that none of you faggots fantasizing about murdering her will ever do anything, just hide in your parents basement and shitpost on /pol/. Hell if you tried she'd probably end up killing you.

P.S. I know for a fucking fact that you don't have a wife.

P.P.S. I want Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian to take turns sitting on my face.

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Who's defending her here? It's more like we're calling you out for wasting your time on shit like this, when you could be doing pretty much ANYTHING else. It's so fucking inconsequential that she's writing a single story in a fucking company that's dying anyway.

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user, we all know that if he killed himself for any other reason and there was a pic of him with his mouth open you would be all 'a hyuk hyuk, soiboi beta cuck killed himself'

Alex is a faggot and his games were shit, good riddance

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>women bullies man with mental illness
>man kills himself
>This is her fault
sounds right to me

>>Alec kills himself less than 48 hours later
>>DMs surface that prove Zoe was lying about everything
Jesus christ

James Gunn told offensive jokes on twitter. Zoe Quinn's false allegations led to a man's death. It's a bit different.

Uh-huh. And I'm Prince.

Now do Zoe

based, i dont care if some dumb fag got his life ruined by being around people that are pure poison. if the allegations are true he was a piece of shit and if they werent he was a retard.

I can only find one and all she says in it is that she might have exaggerated (but it doesn't say what) and that she doesn't care that she's dead. No proof it's real and the only questionable part is the potential exaggeration, her not caring he's dead is a normal reaction.

> if he killed himself for any other reason
Well that depends on the reason, if he killed himself because he was a pedophile i would go
>'a hyuk hyuk, soiboi beta cuck killed himself'
but if proof came out that he wasn't a pedo and that everyone was lying then i'd be pissed i was lied to.

Look, I know the fantasy of dipping your entire head into a rotten whale vagina while the purple-dyed thing outside of it screeches at you the same way your mom used to before you became a ward of the state is comforting, but the reality of it is far worse than you could ever possibly imagine.

I know you think you wanna eat out the desiccated hellscape that was once an anus on Zoe Queen's rear, but there's no treasure in that blowhole. Only shattered dreams.

Post the stupid DMs and tweets already, let's see this alleged evidence once and for all so we can cut this from the nip. C'mon.
If you're going to instigate drama, at least bullshit us some more with "evidence" instead of doing your concern trolling routine of using a man's death in your anti-SJW crusade.

Just do it man, just piss on our fucking faces already.

Also it's 100% fake so it doesn't matter.

Yikes! I bet you're one of these Knull and Batman Who Keks fans I've heard about.


Maybe you should look for those DMs in Zoe's colon since you're so far up her ass right now.

Then again, it's really hard to dilate in the dark.

why does everyone hate her?
I've been hearing her name for years and don't know why

So you're not going to post them? What's the point of this, then?


Post her nudes

Reading must be hard.

I'm most definitely NOT going to click on The Post Millennial. Post them in here.

But instead we got you crying crocodile tears as if you really care about him and aren't just using his death as a pawn in your faggy culture war.

She was the focal point of a scandal in gaming press, but she's also overblown, because journalists who were criticised want to pretend it's about hating women and not hating journalists.

im not crying i hate being lied to.


but thats saying the death was recent. people have been hating this lady for years, but i dont see anything bad that shes done before?

Rather than DC spend the money producing, marketing and disturbing them they should instead give the spot to someone else who hasn’t had a poor track record in the sales department, Hell, giving some support to an up coming newer artist / writing team that has lent had much exposure would be a better investment than someone who constantly fails to make more than a bare minimum quota.

The point is when your idea of erotic ASMR are whale sounds and STDs are your version of Pokemon there's no point trying to have you read, you'll be dead before I can finish grabbing the links, either suffocating from fat or when the HIV turns to AIDs.

I'm not loading clickbait. post the proof itself or you're getting reported for advertising your own clickbait article.

Hoooooly fuck.
The DMs are posted in The Post Millennial articles that were posted above, but you faggots keep pretending you didn't see them or keep attacking the source so that you can keep defending the Whore Queen.

At this point, you're just sticking your fingers in your ears and going, "LA LA LA LA LA CAN'T HEAR YOU!" Fucking pathetic.

newfag please lurk more

Calm down with the fetish shit and just post this evidence already, otherwise you're simply full of shit and looking for an excuse to go all ANONYMOUS IS LEGION against someone who's better off getting ignored.
Post them in here.

Fucking kill yourself like that soiboi did. I'm sick of your people being on this board.

She's this clearly insane person that seems to be growing more power and influence every year and nobody wants that.

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>Rather than DC spend the money producing, marketing and disturbing them they should instead give the spot to someone else who hasn’t had a poor track record in the sales department
Are you a Warner Brothers stockholder or something?

Blood sacrifice


No excuse to not check it now.

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Causing a man to kill himself by essentially destroy his life in seconds with false allegations is manslaughter.

>The requested URL was not found on this server.
Did you even check the link?

I have zero context here, what are you trying to prove with this in here?
So he killed himself over something that happened 5 years ago? I don't understand this drama and it all looks hackneyed at best.

>Calm down with the fetish shit
You first.

Trust me, once you get over the fantasy of eating out Zoe's roastie vagina and poopy booty hole, you'll realize the mediocre bait you're spamming isn't worth the effort.

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>"OK, here."

You people are fucking pathetic. Even if we did post the DMs in this thread, you'd just claim they were fake, even though they've been verified.

TPM is not click-bait. They just write articles that destroy your narrative, so you scream "FAKE NEWS!! OH MY GOD, THEY'RE POSTING FAKE NEWS!! SOMEONE REPORT THEM! MOOOOOOOM!!"

>it's been nearly two weeks since this guy killed himself
>these DMs are supposed to be proof she did this on purpose/lied for attention
>despite that people have only used them in clickbait articles and spammed her twitter with them
>she's still tweeting and on social media so nothings of hers has been confiscated by the police like you'd think they would if these DMs had any merit to them

Have sex

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/r9k/ detected

I don't know what this is proof of except maybe Zoe is a shitty girlfriend.

Every White Knight defending Zoe Quinn is a virgin incels who will never touch a woman’s breasts, unless it's their sleeping sister or their fat lonely drunk mommy. Zoe Quinn does not love you. You will never be able to protect her smile. You don't matter to her

Dude stop sperging, someone else is already posting the screenshots.
>TPM is not click-bait. They just write articles that destroy your narrative
Pffft hahahahahahahah, Oh wait you're serious. Dang.

>Even if we did post the DMs in this thread, you'd just claim they were fake
No, I'd just want you to explain me what the fuck I'm reading, since none of this actually makes sense to me and it's all shit from 2014.

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Well, yeah, I get the page.
Try this one instead: archive.today/Scoar

I just don't think she made that dude kill himself, I couldn't give two shits about her cooch

Are you retarded? Why even get involved if you have no idea what this is about? Zoe Quinn framed a consensual relationship into sexual abuse and rape allegations because she wants attention. Her actions got a man fired from his job and harassed. The man was also suffering under suicidal tendencies and so it caused him to kill himself. I don't like gamergate because it was retarded but this bitch is a murderer.

No, I’m an unpaid intern who would like to have job security here two years from now. Moves like this really have me worried.

>Who the fuck is this?
>Why is it that all your neckbeards reference people and shit that only happens in Twitter/Reddit circles
Not that user.
But Saul Alinksy wrote a book called, "rules for radicals." He wrote about how to basically undermine your opponents with some shifty tactics to win arguments and win public favor.
He's kinda like the anti Dale Carnegie.

>Actually posting the links

There's no point, guys. You aren't speaking with an honest actor here. The person shitposting is either

>A baitfag who is the only one laughing at his really shitty attempt at trolling
>An actual Zoe Quinn orbiter who hasn't read the writing on the wall and realized that she destroys everything she comes in contact all to bang a 3/10 with an additional -3 for each of her current strains of VD

Either way, arguments, sources, facts and logic are worthless. They'll either be ignored for the sake of trolling or lost in the haze of roastie thirst.

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Charges have to be brought up and pressed it's not automatic and his sister threw him under the bus. Not sure about his parents or if they're even alive anymore.

>So he killed himself over something that happened 5 years ago? I don't understand this drama and it all looks hackneyed at best.

No you retard. READ THE THREAD instead of being deliberately obtuse.
He wrote those DMs five years ago because he was CONFIRMING what Eron Gjoni said about Zoe in The ZoePost, but was too scared to speak up.

Then LAST WEEK she sent the Twitter mob after him when she lied about him raping her, his entire life was instantly ruined, AND THEN he killed himself.

How have you gotten this far in life being THIS retarded? I'm seriously asking.

>The requested URL was not found on this server.
Nothing. Maybe my ISP did the right thing and blocked it? Who knows. For once I'm glad to live in a shitty country that censors internet access.
>Every White Knight defending Zoe Quinn is a virgin incels who will never touch a woman’s breasts
Care to point in those DMs being posted the exact instance where the dude snapped and said "oh shit time to take my life because of the intense Quinbullying"?
>Zoe Quinn framed a consensual relationship into sexual abuse and rape allegations because she wants attention.
Okay? That's not what I see in those screenshots though, she's toxic sure, but none of this screams "I'm hanging on a rope because she keeps banging my windows at 2AM".

Sounds like typical alt-right tactics to me.

You know what guys all this reading is making my tiny brain hurt can you post a quartering or midnight's edge or whatever youtuber you guys use now video about it?

I have no idea who either of these people are.
Did you just have a private conversation with someone and post it here?

Attached: IMG_20190914_153528.jpg (589x663, 136K)

This person is arguing that Quinn lied or did this (instigating an attack on Alec with the intention of getting him to kill himself) on purpose. The DMs are not proof of that.

>Sounds like typical alt-right tactics to me.
Who, Saul Alinksy?

He's hanging on a rope because she got him fired from his job and had a twitter mob harass and dox him you fucking retard. She made false allegations and ruined his life to the point where he hung himself. That's why she needs to go.

A chick literally went to jail for texting her boyfriend and pushing him to suicide

Nobody who isn't on this drama understands who these people are. You're pretending like this shit is clear to anyone because you've already gotten invested, while everyone else is baffled because you're giving too much attention to a literal who.

>incel gets shut down
>instantly goes to muh moral superiority as a coping mechanism
Every time

Attached: IMG_20190914_153634.jpg (578x653, 151K)

You need to wash the sand out of your vagina.

This is what these feminists do...THEY TOUCHED MY PEEPEE ONCE AND THEY'LL NEVER TOUCH IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!

They're Supreme Zoe Defenders who are just using pilpul tactics now. They're doing this deliberately because they don't want the truth to come out and they're trying to confuse the other people reading the thread. It's one of their classic tactics.

No, user, that's the exact problem. You want desperately to have sex with Zoe, an emotional, anatomical and hygienic train wreck, because you've put the pussy on a pedestal and now assume any female attention is good.

You can't resolve your underlying mommy issues by orbiting around a BPD psycho. She'll either end up lying and saying you raped her or she'll just kill you.

Ohhhh here's the actual proof:
>someone crashed a car in to the front of the store. Not entirely what I was expecting.
Did she drive this person to suicide, is that it? From 2012? And it's surfacing just now?

Attached: IMG_20190914_153740.jpg (597x135, 34K)

>girl an heroes because of cyberbullying
>Man an heroes because of cyberbullying

Attached: 1517292227862.png (168x164, 28K)

>For once I'm glad to live in a shitty country that censors internet access.
>censors archive.is
That's not a good thing user. Archive is useful for storing articles and webpages for posterity, especially in an age where stealth edits happen.

>Sounds like typical alt-right tactics to me.
...Saul Alinsky? alt-right tactics? I read rules for radicals, I suggest you do too. In his Time Alinsky actually helped out a lot of minority groups.

When did she say he raped her? She not once called him a rapist. She said he was abusive. To claim otherwise betrays an agenda besides a rational assessment of the facts.

He's dead, he won't care.
And it's not like he had any friends that would be offended on his behalf, they all turned on him which is why he killed himself in the first place.

>I'm glad to live in a shitty country that censors internet access.
This quote requires no further comment.


The first sane person in this thread.

If you quit being a disingenuous bitch and read the articles they provide all the context you need

Attached: IMG_20190914_153946.jpg (594x612, 132K)

Are you retarded. Her allegations are where two weeks ago and they caused a man to kill himself. These DMs pretty much prove she's fucking lying anyone in an abusive relationship would be showing signs. It was a normal relationship that went sour and then Zoe quinn decided she wanted attention. So she fabricated rape allegations that ruined a man's life and lead to his suicide.

Of course it's not a good thing, I'm just saying I don't want to visit that goddamn site. But I just clicked on it, no point on beating around the bush anymore. I'll get back to you in a moment.

Dude calm down, I was making a funny, geez.

She's actually being investigated by the Winnipeg Police Department for her involvement in his suicide right now.

That and being laughed at his he pulls his pants down.
Sure you are and I'm a Starship Captain.

Bendis got Superman because he killed Marvel's sales.

>Zoe Quinn's notorious seven year plan to get a man killed


>Zoe Quinn even has people who coordinate to defend her on Yea Forums now
Damn, is she really that good in bed? Surely it can't be just anons who are not convinced by some 5 year old DMs.

I Had a man rub his dick against me. It was uncomfortable because he was a friend and He knew what he was doing, Guess what though? He literally just rubbed against me and I.. oh my god it's so hard... I walked away from him and stopped hanging out with him. I guess I should go on twitter and speak truth to power about how I was raped. All Zoe Quinn has accomplished is making woman look more like harpies than we already did or were.

>Are you retarded?
Yes, he's retarded. Or he's baiting. Quit replying to him, nothing will come of it.

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Honestly, I'm more offended that she's a shit writer who keeps getting attention from you whiny faggots and thus propelled into gigs like this.

Attached: IMG_20190914_154130.jpg (716x1203, 259K)

Basically the whole article is about the contradictions in her story.
>Oh he locked me in a room all alone and stopped me from talking to my friends
>hey guys when are we meeting up to work together
>Oh he's not paying for the airplane ticket he promised my friend had to bail me out
>Im leaving tomorrow but me and alex are working extra hard tonight
also its hard to screenshot when the evidence is also in her podcasts.

Attached: contradictions.png (1204x362, 314K)


I think the point of these is that Zoe claimed that Alec kept her prisoner in his apartment, restricted her contacting other people and blackmailed her with not buying her a planet ticket.

At the same time when this allegedly happened Zoe is seen tweeting to many people in her contacts, tweeting how she's flying all over canada, tweeting how tickets only cost a few hundred bucks , and tweeting about how the two of them went to tons of social events including game meetups, radio shows and some kind of church play.

Literally a dumb bitch made a game and fucked jornos for good reviews and then wehen it was found out people flamed her and then she sicced the masses on an all female company who were literally making games for girls and tried to get them kicked out of the same competition as she was in for her game. the games for girls,

THIS is my whole point here, but obviously it gets lost in all the shitposting. Basically, who cares about her, she's not good, and a lot of DC writers aren't good either. It fits like a glove.
Acting like DC should've given the gig to someone else is pretending they actually care, protip: THEY DON'T, this is probably putting them on the map after getting these abysmal sales. Maybe this way everyone will buy the goddamn Deathbringer miniseries out of curiosity to find clues about the "murder".

>Give me proof
>posts link
>no im not clicking
>it has her tweets and podcasts of her lying
>incel gets shut down
nigga why?

>bully gets punished and shunned vs bully gets praised and rewarded


>So, do you and your wife look under your bed for sjws at night?

Attached: Kino.jpg (458x357, 33K)

That isn't really proof she's lying because you can be in an abusive relationship and either not realize it or put up an act that everything's okay because you're in denial or because you think it'll keep you "safe". It's like the "I walked into a door" excuse.

I'm reading along the shitty right wing rag and this is hilarious to be honest:

>Tweets reveal a different story, with Quinn tweeting regularly throughout the time period in Winnipeg with Holowka, sometimes dozens of times per day, communicating with many others and describing Quinn’s time in the city, and documenting many excursions.
Now I get the context for the car crash in the plushies story. Moving on...

Yes, that's actually exactly what she did. There are Facebook conversations with Eron Gjoni where she literally said she wanted revenge against Alec from five years ago.

Lol acting like the people that bully e-girls ever get punished

I understand not wanting to be involved in drama, but pretending that keeping sexual assault secret is noble is rather silly.

Why would they be under his bed? They don't have twitter, anal beads or a coffee shop down there.

>girls aren't bullies

Zoe Quinn is a narcissist and the only way you "beat" someone with no feelings and an obsession of self is by not engaging them.

Stop caring about her. Stop referencing her. Don't hate-review her shitty comics. Don't but her products. If someone mentions ZQ, just go "who?" and carry on. Irrelevance is Hell on earth to people like her. If you don't provide the "antagonist" in her personal narrative that she craves, she'll have to eat her own until even they get sick of her shit, and then she can spend the rest of her long days a nobody.

tl;dr ZQ is playing you like a fiddle if you let her live in your head rent free.

>They don't have twitter, anal beads or a coffee shop down there.
Your marital sex life must be boring and vanilla as hell, man.

Grey is alec idk who blue is

At the very least it's proof that her claims are not reliable, but because she decided to make this public Alec isn't capable of presenting his own side of the events any more. Heck, he wanted to talk about the issue, but their mutual "friends" talked him out of it.

It's likely we'll never know the actual truth of what went on, but what we have now isn't justice, and injustice tends to piss people off.

You'll make any excuse to defend that whore. Imagine being this pathetic.

It is proof because it's concerning concrete actions and events and not a psychological state of mind...

When she says bullshit like "He wouldn't buy me a plane ticket home, a friend had to come and rescue me", but at the same time she tweets "tickets are only a few hundred bucks" and she is tweeting the day of her departure 10 days in advance,THEN SHES LYING.

It's not about if the relationship was healthy of how she felt, she's fucking lying her lies led to the death of this guy

Ah, ok.

Or how about having an actual intelligence level to know the difference between what is and isn't sexual assault.

Just because you have never experienced nuance and sex doesn't mean the world needs to bend backwards for your vanilla version of dating.

>tl;dr ZQ is playing you like a fiddle if you let her live in your head rent free.
This. Remember what happened to Milo? Now the guy is struggling to crack 20K followers in Telegram and is mad because he has no platform anymore. He completely disappeared from the public eye and NOBODY FUCKING CARES anymore. Wasn't Milo his ex too? I can't keep track of all the nonsense but I could've swore he was.

I hope he's sucking the devil's dick in Hell.

And you'd be right except she said she was locked up and he wouldn't let her go anywhere sol a friend bailed her out at the last minute and she ran away.
Yet her tweets show that she not only knew when and where she would go a few days in advance but so did her "psychotic jealous rapist" who kept her locked up.

>turning a tragic death into scoring points insulting some lady online

Actually, they do:

Omg a penis touched my butt over clothes while in a walmart.

Attached: Bawwwww Bunny.jpg (264x373, 23K)

Good advice.

That's still sexual harassment/assault.

That's a little generous

>being a part of a sociopathic group that drove a man to suicide based on verifiable lies.

>showing the death was tragic
>because of said lady
>random user asks for proof
>proof if is given while insulting her
>well you insulted her so the whole thing is invalid
What logic do you work under?

It's funny because if a woman claimed this, they'd be laughing and accusing her of being a liar who wants a guy getting #MeToo'd, but if a guy does it then it's like "oh my god let me find you a blanket, are you okay? Here's some warm cocoa, it'll blow over..."

Shut up Zoe

Attached: ExYGA1K.gif (1080x405, 66K)

The "defend Zoe at all costs, no matter what she's done," logic.

Lmfao try to tell this story at a sexual survivors meeting and if you are not laughed out of the room and told to have a glass of wine and shut the fuck up then woman truly should have never been allowed to vote. Now I agree with Trannies just so I can become a man with an inflatable hairy penis. To further distance myself from you fucking shrewds

I only ever hear about Zoe when people want to kill her.

what the fuck are you talking about?

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The tragedy was the suicide

We DID ignore her, and she used the silence to kill someone later on down the road. Now we need to confront this witch and make sure she can never do this to anyone else ever again.

>girl gets someone killed
>you're only doing this to feel good about yourself
>he can't get justice and feel good at the same time
Yes and? Are you new to Yea Forums we used to do this to people who killed cats

>>showing the death was tragic
>>because of said lady
By this logic, the guy from Glee who killed himself after watching Sharknado did so because of the movie, and not the fact he was already severely depressed.

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When did I say it was rape? If you willingly put you penis on the as off a women without their consent, it's sexual assault/harassment.

Wal-mart is open enough that if I WERE able to feel someone's dick through their clothes, I'd rightly be concerned.

So how long before Zoe starts making up bullshit accusations against Dan Didio or Scott Snyder in an effort to feel important/gain a payout? She's a con artist and literally can't help herself. Just you wait, she'll start talking about "hostile male work environment" and "being abused in order to make deadlines"

Attached: BIZARRO THINK GOOD.jpg (581x620, 90K)

You heard about her when she was sending the Twitter mob after Alec and pushed him to kill himself. Holy shit, you're acting like people are mad at her for no reason. Fuck off, faggot.

>we need to stop her by posting angrily online
Grow a pair and just kill her you fag

How about I confront YOU and give you a kiss on the lips?

>and she used the silence to kill someone later on down the road
Holy fucking dramatic, Batman!

People are mad at her for no reason lmao

He died of a drug overdose, retard. He was a junkie, not suicidal. Your shitposting sucks.

Eh, could be anywhere from within the month to within a decade. She tried to screw over that photographer (and could've done a lot more damage), and she's probably become a lot more shrewd since then.

See, that's the problem: we already tried ignoring Blowey Zoey. For about 3-4 years, it worked out great. She was totally irrelevant the second GG stopped. Her attempt to jump into comics and comicsgate produced barely anything beyond an occasional cringe. Most people just chalked it up to a sad metaphor for the direction of the industry as a whole.

The problem with a narcissist like Blowey Zoey is that when they don't get attention, they keep upping their game, creating more and more drama around them until finally someone has to look and give a shit. This time it got so bad her drama-mongering actually fucking killed a man.

The only way a person like this will stop is either when absolutely everyone views them as toxic and disengages or they're put in a jail cell where they can't hurt anyone.

Attached: CURRENT YEAR.jpg (763x652, 91K)

Get away from me, rapist.

Two wrongs don't make a right, but then again, two odds do make an even.

Did you not follow the Thread? It was my buddy and I simply walked away, nothing happened and I stopped hanging out with him.

Now for some reason I'm being told this is downplaying sexual assault? If that motherfucker really did rape me I wouldn't go to twitter I'd go to the cops.

>Your shitposting sucks.
From a certain point of view, it doesn't.

It's exactly what she did.

Hows about sending all this evidence to the police instead of just 'spreading awarenes' like a Facebook activist then?


>We DID ignore her
user if "we" ignored her from the start nobody would even care about this thread. Someone would say ZQ got a new job and people would go:
>Who gives a shit stop spamming this.

Zoe Quinn turned on Alec specifically to try to trigger more outrage so she could get Patreon bux from the ensuing Yea Forums-fueled sperg war. Alec killing himself went further than she'd expected imo, which is why she didn't take the full offensive.

But no amount of sperging here or elsewhere about Alec is going to bring him back to life or retroactively give him the judgement not to stick his dick in crazy. Sad that he an heroed, but not anyone here's faults.

"Oh my god I can't handle this silence anymore, I gotta kill someone!"


And three rights make a left

>Her attempt to jump into comics and comicsgate produced barely anything beyond an occasional cringe.
This is a lie because I was here when you guys wouldn't shut up about Goddess Mode. You guys can't help but make a HUGE fuss when it comes to her.

I'm the woman retard and I am telling you AS A WOMAN that was not sexual assault. He did not throw me down he did not force me in place. He walked behind me and inched his waist out until I could feel him.
I did the most bravest thing ever, I walked forward 2 steps and he never did it again that day I never hung out with him again.

This shit is not complex, but I'm speaking with white knight virgins who think hand holding his going all the way.

The police have already been contacted and they ARE investigating Zoe. But since she likes to try people in the Court Of Twitter, we can do this also.
Turnabout is fair play.

Just because you handled it differently and are okay with how it turned out doesn't mean it's okay to purposely rub your genitals on someone without their consent.

Well this is a win/win if she does try to pull something. Either she shakes up the power over at DC (which is what we need right now), or she gets her comeuppance

>Goddess Mode
I don't know what that is.

Never said it was

No, we laughed at her and said the book was going to bomb. And it did. And it put Vertigo out of business.

I wouldn't be so sure about that. When it comes to this shit I've begun to realize that it's better the devil you know.

>The problem with a narcissist like Blowey Zoey is that when they don't get attention, they keep upping their game, creating more and more drama around them until finally someone has to look and give a shit. This time it got so bad her drama-mongering actually fucking killed a man.

I'm aware. That's the "Eating their own" portion of depriving a narcissist of attention. But ultimately, it's still the best course of action to keep ignoring her. Alec was clowned from the start as a mentally ill man in far-SJW circles. He was beyond your help or mine. You keep ignoring someone like ZQ until they implode or go full retard and get SENTENCED, not even arrested. You never ease up on the silent treatment. When you react in their game of escalation you're just confirming you'll react every time they throw a tantrum at their impending irrelevance.

Well let the cops deal with it and stop shitting on this board with your internet culture war.

Her only comic book to date, published in Vertigo. I know this not because I read it, but because retards here wouldn't shut up about it and then blamed Vertigo's demise on her and saying shit like "WELL SHE HELPED", even though WB has been wanting to axe the imprint for years.

>his coworkers admit to him having problems and being an asshole to everyone
>well what do they know they're lying!

She has killed video games, whole online communities, start up companies, PEOPLE, started the whole wave that led to the current political climate and mass censorship going online and worldwide and now she's moving to killing comics and superheroes. No one person should have this much power.

But it IS sexual assault.

Attached: 1391576329494.png (1920x1200, 214K)

People like you are why we are in this mess, because you believe with all your heart in whatever he said she said bullshit.
This is why Sexual Assault should not be given such broad definitions. it needs to be as concrete as possible, but nope let's just have kangaroo court twitter and only women can be raped never men

something something IT'S ABOUT EQUITY something something

No u

Okay, but why didn't you go to counseling and instead ended up here in Yea Forums? That ain't wise, sis.

we had 10 spinel threads not two days ago where were you then.

Kiss me

She killed half a million dollar gamejam sponsored by Pepsi. Any influx of money would have been great for the indie community which is in dismal state, it's a little better now the central economy planners of China are literally sponsoring them

Attached: 1550968266676.jpg (462x429, 11K)

To be fair one claim of him being an asshole was:
>He made me work 7 whole hours a day on t his game I own the rights to

>This is why Sexual Assault should not be given such broad definitions.
Okay so at what point does it become sexual assault? Do you have to be bending over? Must both of you be naked? Where do you draw the line between "this guy is being a complete perv but harmlessly" and "oh god he's going to be a father"?

Asshole =/= Rapist
Asshole =/= Abuser

WTF is wrong with these faggots?

Down with the flu

Oh the humanity

Have sex and learn the difference because no the fuck it isn't
Nigga I was here before that shit happened and if anything I have Yea Forums to thank for not becoming a hair dyed butch dyke. Ya know since I was able to hear all sides of the story.

We could have used you, it was pretty bad

>Nigga I was here before that shit happened and if anything I have Yea Forums to thank for not becoming a hair dyed butch dyke.
[X] Doubt, considering Yea Forums isn't exactly a den of normality.

>Okay so at what point does it become sexual assault?
When the guy is ugly

>She has killed video games
A gluttonous culture of over-corporateization and flat out greed is what killed video games. They're not more "woke" than any other form of popular media right now ("wokeness" being the new bland corporate fad) but they're far more money-grubbing. Black crippled lesbian WW2 soldiers is cringeworthy, but lootboxes and micro-transactions are cancerous.

> now the central economy planners of China are literally sponsoring them
oh god dammit, thats worse user

Attached: Peter_Quill_tries_to_make_sense_of_Cates'_writing.png (346x551, 296K)

When he is grabbing at you and you scream no

Holy shit it's like normal assault, but with sexual connotations

As a black man etc

Neither is twitter, but at least/co/ has never killed anybody.

They don't claim he was an asshole in those words he was just extremely difficult to work with due to mental conditions. And still they literally chased the guy trough therapy to finish the game because neither of his co-workers had any skills required to finish the game...

Again being hard to work with corroborates Zoe's claims that he blackmailed and held her hostage? Not really

>When he is grabbing at you and you scream no
Okay, so there needs to get handsy, got it. But rubbing his dick through the clothes doesn't have sexual connotations, is what you're saying?

I concur with this statement, Yea Forums is not a place to go to avoid getting extreme opinions.

Didn't we get a guy killed over a Legend of Korra episode?

>but at least/co/ has never killed anybody.
Well, you DID say Yea Forums, but Yea Forums has a body count.

The guy is really stretching it , he means Epic games is sponsoring indies in exchange for exclusivity on their stores, and epic games is 40% owned by Tencent which is owned by the chinese government (I think )

Got links?

I really could care less. Dusty Cat is what brought me here and I am forever thankful. Seems Yea Forums is pretty ok site when you don't have autism and think it's more than what it really is.

Attached: Yayy Faggot Replies.jpg (1200x674, 108K)

Yeah fuck Yea Forums /pol/ and /r9k/ I'm not trying to to defend those freaks

I don't get it.

If you actually want to create an outrage post this on twitter, tumblr and instagram, normie social media will help you to boycott her and DC better than Yea Forums user.

Tbh I think being a creep shouldn't count as sexual assault and physical contact should have to be made.

Like the guy rubbing one out giving you the stinkeye needs to get fired for misconduct, not charged for assault.

But it wasn't assault now was it?

Just a quick google tells me that yes, what happened to this user is considered sexual assault.

If it's any consolation, he was a male feminist. You play with fire, you get burned.

There was direct contact, it's why I'm asking where does this person draw the line at sexual assault, since that's pretty sexual and very close. I'm talking the "rubbing the dick against her" part.
>Tbh I think being a creep shouldn't count as sexual assault and physical contact should have to be made.
Then, again, what's the big deal if a woman reports a guy for assault if he rubs his dick against her like that?

Thank you user, I really didn't think this was that complex of a thought

Just because I disagree with someone doesn't mean I think they deserve to die. I'm not a progressive liberal.

Those fucks are literal cancer the amount of viruses and spam calls i had to deal with because of those assholes was headache inducing

She's telling her truth, who the hell are you to tell her she's wrong?

>I really could care less
I really couldn't care less.

I'M NOT SAYING SHE'S LYING, I'm asking if there's any harm in her reporting it as assault since it pretty clearly looks like it.

This is my story, I am telling you it is not ASSAULT. If the literal VICTIM can't even get it though your skulls what is and isn't assault than it just makes me think you guys are white knights desperate to get in the pants of woman or your also woman who I have the unfortunate reality to share a sex with and who thanks to woman like you, I now will be less believed by the masses if I cam actually raped at some point. Thank god twitter will believe though. that's where the justice is, not the public or the courts, but social media.

ahhh it's so sad seeing men allow themselves to be culled and castrated. Man the fuck up.

Attached: CK.gif (305x239, 1.11M)

The memes were posted here so that other anons can download them and spread them on Twitter, Insta, and tumblr from multiple vectors. One person posting them won't do much. A LOT of people tweeting them at Zoe Quinn, DC Comics, WB, and AT&T will be a lot more effective.

If you want some fun with spam calls, play along and casually remark how their mother is a whore. Apparently in the countries where a lot of the spam callers are from that is the absolute worst thing you could ever say to someone over there.

Okay, now I don't think you're a woman at all. Sorry, but you blew your cover.

Not but see I could come to care, but I just care less now

Why do you keep deleting and reposting this?


not anymore but if she slowly click through the archives and check the catalogue you'll still some of the remants
just search for Steven/Spinel

Cool, thanks

I've got indian, chinese, nigerian, american. The whole shebang. I enjoy pretending i can't speak
>insert language here
From Viagra calls, to windows operating center, to security cameras, and credit cards.
I've dealt with them all but these fucks have my parents name so its really hard to distinguish them from real/fake. At least with the indians/chinese/nigerians i can tell but fuck is it irritating.

I will post a tit now
There's some armpit hair for you too

Attached: I Pinched my Nipple is this Sexual Assault.jpg (1280x960, 209K)

mods pls dnt b&

Cute. I'm totally convinced now.

>armpit hair
No thanks.

I don't mind the armpit hair, but I wonder if she keeps her pussy hair finely trimmed.

pretty everyone in the games and comics industries hates this sociopath but she has the entire fucking internet media poised to ruin anyone she so much as fucking thinks negatively about

You know that Twilight Zone episode with the spoiled little kid everyone has to be super nice to because he has anomalous superpowers? That's basically what Zoe Quinn is.


Attached: tranny.png (227x228, 91K)

You're already going to catch s ban for the titty so go ahead and post vag to answer

There are no needy where I live.

This. You don't have to spread it or anything, just the mound. Thanks.
>page 9 already

>The problem with a narcissist like Blowey Zoey is that when they don't get attention, they keep upping their game, creating more and more drama around them until finally someone has to look and give a shit.

Exactly. She didn't bring any of this up during Gamergate, when she was supposedly fearing for her life as a Cracked article she penned about What It's Like Being the Internet's Most Hated Person was published.

Just look at what these morons do when they actually get the attention: promote themselves. Not domestic violence or sexual abuse or mental health. It's like how Kaepernick got the world's attention just so he could copyright a silhouette of a man with an afro.

Good job DC. Now I don't feel the slightest bit guilty that I stopped buying comics when it became apparent Rebirth was gonna be shit. I still buy old trades, but I'm gonna go waaaaay outta my way to buy used. Fuck you DC, I actually thought they were the good one of the big two.

> I'm not sure how "don't come forward with bad shit that happened to you or else the awful person might kill himself" is a valid argument.

Nobody made this argument. What people actually said is" go to the proper authorities instead of posting proofless allegations on social media". Everyone deserves due process and the police are trained to prevent suspects in their custody from harming themselves. Quinn knew the mob would throw him under the bus without a shred of evidence and that Alec had a history of mental issues.

>Work in close quarters with women
>Sometimes I have to sidle past them to get my work done or they do the same to me
>Sometimes my dick will brush against them through me shorts if the space is tight enough
>Heart becomes terror stricken
>Make it a point to apologies because bitches and bitch apologists like you turn simple scenarios into minefields