DC Comics Rewards Zoe Quinn With A New Writing Job For Killing Alec Holowka

>ZQ uses spreads false allegations against an ex boyfriend on Twitter
>uses Cancel Culture to get him fired from his job and blacklisted from the games industry
>Alec loses all of his friends
>Alec kills himself less than 48 hours later
>DMs surface that prove Zoe was lying about everything
>DC rewards her by giving her a Superman/Batman spinoff called "Death Bringer"

Zoe Quinn is a cancer. Comics are already dying and DC pulls this garbage. It's time to boycott DC Comics.

Attached: DeathBringer1.jpg (1234x690, 446K)

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Attached: DeathBringer2.jpg (1020x680, 234K)

What if you used this anger and energy to like help feed needy people in your town or something.

Attached: DeathBringer3.jpg (1400x700, 669K)

have sex

Or better yet OP could spread it on social media or something. Posting this on a Japanese image board is a useless waste of time.

If i can feed the needy via posting then tell me how.

Attached: zq deathbringer.jpg (1400x700, 163K)

The autists who think she's not hot are delusional.

Who the hell is she? Googles not giving me anything. All I’m getting is a vertigo comic.