Steven Universe is coming back in 2020 retitled to Beyond Stevens Universe
The Movie served as a sort of backdoor pilot for the new part of the show
Expect a teaser at New York Comic Con in October
Some noteworthy things from the trailer:
>A new offscreen villian
>Steven asks "what is he?", Clearly using a male pronoun
>We hear pearl say she doesn't know, clearly intimidated and confused
>Shots of blue and yellow almost disgusted
>White seems to be the only one familiar with the new antagonist
>3 loud deep drum bangs during the logo reveal
The intro is also going to be shown but I know nothing about it.
Steven Universe is coming back in 2020 retitled to Beyond Stevens Universe
Other urls found in this thread:
Male metal men who were the reason White was building an army to fight off incoming, finally.
I was kind of hoping there wouldn’t be a villian and season 6 would be chill and would wrap up the narrative without introducing anything new
Not Metal Men, that’s stupid. Snake God makes more sense. Chaoskampfen.
Will it be the definitive version like DBZ or the soulless cashgrab like GT? Place your bets, ladies and gents
We're going to find out who created the Gems.
Whatever DBS is
>"Beyond" Steven Universe
>Male pronoun
>Diamonds disgusted at organic life
>Sugar was a fangirl of Invader Zim
>The movie just brought it back to popularity
>Source: My ass
Based if true.
Finally, the ultimate evil is revealed: White males who created the Gems as sex slaves
Ironically, only humans are immune to their power.
Enter: Chad Murdercock, savior of the universe
*Multicolored males
Well somebody had to create the first holographic rocks. In steps the Quintessons
Given that Pearls are basically sexy PDAs I can believe this now
I never doubt you.
I'm 99.827% doubtful but will go "holy shit" if you're actually right
Sneeple are best left as a one off joke because in a sea of conspiracies that Ronaldo believes in, he was right about the Diamond Authority and their plans for Earth. I think Metal Men could be cool IF they're not just male coded gems.
>Cybermen again
Fucking Moffat.
Metal Men feel way too cliche. Like those mainly female Smurfs from that animated movie. Title itself sounds like a door for Multiversal stuff.
>tfw I actually kinda miss moffat now
Nice numerals btw
Trailer link?
Steg will have to fuck the villains into submission.
Emperor be praised, the galaxy will be purged of these Abominable Intelligence
Eh, I hope not. Multiversal stuff is just catching on with normies and I'd like to see something a little different but definitely bigger than the previous seasons. Steven and the Crystal Gems exploring the galaxy and meeting other alien races would be fine enough for me.
>implying that Ronaldo isn't right about everything
steven universe world otsutsuki clan incoming?
i mean rebecca already ripped off kaguya with white diamond
Wacky sitcom tier situation but hear me out:
>/Sug/ comes to together to sue sugar for stealing our ideas
>We settle for some control over the series writing.
>We get to vote for shit going to season 2 of SUZ within reason
With all that power what you're going to wish for?
Outside of Jasper and spinel I want a suitcase Sam episode.
I have nothing to apologize for, because I always liked based Ronaldo
Sounds to me like the the creator/origin of the gems, not a competing race. Otherwise why wouldn't blue and yellow know about them?
I will be voting for Pink Steven as a Stand and/or a planet busting thing.
I want Steven to do lasers.
I will vote for many more pearl/greg episodes
nice fanfic, will it release a chapter 1 and then be promptly forgotten about?
>Steven learns to shape his new shield into a hard light copy of himself that he can control remotely
It isn't even that far-fetched.
Absolutely no one's been doubting him. Everything he fucking predicted has turned out true.
Everything except Sneeple so far, but it's fucking coming.
Constructs could be cool. His shield and bubble are nice but I still wanna see more like GLs.
so... more Spinel?
Doubt it, she’ll definitely appear since sheaves gotten such a good reception from the fans but there’s no way she’ll be anything more than a very minor character
She's voiced by a very expensive Broadway singer. I can't imagine her even getting more time than someone like centipedal
we need stevel episodes
>What is he?
So leak was real?
To be fair a good chunk of the cast if voiced by singers and such. She could also just do it for fun. I mean just look at Patrick Stewart
A king.
I was thinking they were never going to get to this. Clearly there is other sentient life out in the universe, but you don't need an army to fight spin dash platypi. Now we get to see the effects of Steven's demilitarization now that there's an actual enemy to fight. A compelling situation that I'm sure will disappoint somehow, assuming this isn't just bullshit.
That's probably a crock of shit but I kinda dig the name.
So a race of beings who practice rigid individualism and aggression because they see Steven's pacifism as an existential threat to the universe?
show started out as slice of life now it turns into gay shonen
>this thread
>We finally get the Ultimate Fusion
But, Garnet's Estelle..
I kinda like the crossover idea in a way
>zim trying to kill steven because hes a disgusting hybrid who wants to protect the earth
>steven just thinks hes adorable
Just because Estelle was in one Kanye song doesn't mean she's expensive
Have Steven master shapeshifting. And you know, not risk becoming cats.
>Jasper redemption focus
>More Spinel
>An episode with all the Pearls and acknowledgement of what happened to Pink Pearl
Do all that next season and I'm happy.
She's been invested in the show since the beginning and I think her and sugar are friends. Everyone else is going to see it as a paycheck.
/sug/ confirmed this fake and gay
Polymorphic sentient rocks here to hollow out the earth all part of The Great Diamond Authority?
Isn't Yellow Diamond's actress a Broadway performer?
So is White Diamond I think?
People thought Blue was too but I think the consensus is that she's not?
Maybe now that Nicki is retired she'll cost less and we can see Sugilite again.
She retired? Damn.
Now we have Cardi
It's probably a stunt but that's the latest news about her.
Friendly reminder if you watch this shit and you are over the age of 12 you are a faggot and all hope is lost for you
Believe In Steven
It’s the patriarchy
It's another alien race called Metals, just a ripoff of Transformers like anons have theorized for many years now.
Also fuck I can't stand that the spinoff will still focus on Steven. We get it, Sugar. You really want to fuck your brother. Can we get a new protag already?
Most of the diamonds are expensive singers. People parroting the thing about Spinel not showing up again because the VA is a broadway singer are dumb.
that wasn't friendly at all
>We hear pearl say she doesn't know, clearly intimidated and confused
Wtf it's not another problem cause by Pink Diamond? Skipped.
i want the new villains to be weird sentient cosmic horror like nebulas , and steven to go full gurren lagann with the diamons and obsidian to make a huge mecha like fusion and pierce the fucking heavens with steven finally becoming a man and the ultimate protector of the gems and humanity
Na that's gay. He's going to talk it over.
>the true purpose of the gem empire's cruel pragmatism was ultimate energy efficiency in the name of stopping the oncoming threat of entropy
he's literally never been wrong
I don't believe text-only leak on a principle, but you know what? This is actually vague and non-autistic enough to be reasonably realistic.
Good stuff, user. You have a bit of my respect for making this up.
He bludgeon a child with a potato because he thought he was a talking snake.
prove the child wasn't a snake person
Steven is the only competent character in the show. No one else deserves the spotlight.
I want revenge seeking Aliens to attack earth
Steg's aura impregnated all of Beach City during the concert, that night the biomass of all those feti crawl out of the snatches of town and gather in the woods to form one singular blob, growing slowly. Steg's true son is on the way.
Where are you getting this info? Anyway I can verify this shit?
Like some kind of anime-style incarnation of entropy, or the actual heat death of the universe? Cause I thought that wasn't scheduled until billions and billions of years from now
I hope that's not the case because then certain meguca fags would start shitting up the threads.
>he doesn't diamond salute in public
Do you even believe in Steven
I'm sorry user.
and ur uncle at nintendo
i'll fucking hate if this is true
>who's He?
The new enemies are aliens called elementals they are based of chemical elements that naturally occur so the heaviest one is uranium. The leaders are Lord Hydrogen and Helium who have the power of nuclear fusion and matter manipulation. Hydrogen is male while Helium is female. Elementals can combine into compounds/alloys but not minerals like gems.
Really fucking dumb. You should be ashamed.
Yeah, but what's a billion years to an ancient immortal dictator?
I can see why it'd worry the Diamonds but why would anyone on Earth care, everyone will be long dead by then
Lisa Hannigan is an irish musician.
Hydrogen wants to control all stars in the galaxy to create synthesis where he replaces all matter in the galaxy with own. The elemental race are created by Hydrogen and Helium to deliver this idea.
They were keep the encroaching dark matter at bay. Mass Effect Original Ending style.
Maybe he is a dwarf. It would make sense.
Fuck all of you
You're getting Shadow people, and you're gonna like it
>beings of pure hard light against shadow people
feel kind of stupid for not thinking of this sooner, myself
doubtful seeing as how easily she gave it up just for pink's son to stay
5 seasons and a movie is plenty. it's not that they could make the best gem (pic rel) any better
>Small brain
Some other thematically gem-opposed space race, like metal men
>Normal brain
Whatever progenitor race created the gems, coming back to collect/destroy/whatever
>Big brain
Just a normal (advanced) conventional space faring enemy race, like Peridot's little green alien men
>the Tallest try to conquer the Gempire because they're convinced they're made of rock candy and are violently outraged when they find out they aren't
>Turns out they actually are edible, if not actually rock candy
I like the title a lot
But who was phone?
At least we're having fun in our hopeless existence. You are so miserable you're trying to make other people unhappy.
As long as we get a suffering, deep voiced teenage Steven I'll be okay with whatever
Is Connie dead in a freak launch accident because she's a shit astronaut?
Sounds pretty neat if this info. is legit. I choose to remain extremely skeptical though until the NYCC panel next month.
And we better see him let out all his power.
It's been in multiple threads before. It's not legit in the slightest, CNScoop never mentioned anything about a sequel series.
>offscreen villain
The name was. That's really the only thing the same as that other leak thread
Rick is the "bad guy." And Steven will have to make a "decision" of sorts.
Jokes on you i already lost all hope on myself years ago
If anything that makes it more legit too. The only thing that was absolutely rediculous in the other thread was that episodes would be 22 minutes.
Fake as fuck, but I wouldn´t be surprised if we finally get a male antagonist. Keep in mind gems are genderless, they´re only refered to as "she" because they look like women, and they don´t mind being called that. Anyone of them could change their form into a man if they wanted.
Forced Gem + Human/Alien hybrid experiment that White created long ago, calling it now.
They never explain why White is familiar with the concept of a mother or is unphased by Pink being part human. It's because she's seen it all before.
Hopefully. She’s the best gem so far behind blue diamond.
Yep. There has to be SOMETHING out there that building an army was necessary at one point.
That enemy probably hasn’t done anything in a while, given white dismantled the empire so quickly.
>They never explain why White is familiar with the concept of a mother or is unphased by Pink being part human. It's because she's seen it all before
It's because she thought pink was just bullshitting
He beat up Steven Universe. I don't see how this is wrong.
>The Florpus is a wormhole to the SU universe.
I am so sorry Lord Bloodstone!
I wonder what would happen if the Ferengi encountered the Gems... Probably economically dominate the gem society and turn them into second class debt peons.
And Kevin is the negus.
I liked the idea from I think it was /sug/ but using organics as an alternative to repairing gems. Since they can't mend damage to themselves and healing is apparently so rare, something special to Pink, the alternative is to create an organic hybrid since organics can heal themselves.
>Gem gets cracked doing whatever
>Can't normally or easily repair gem otherwise
>Instead, make a hybrid with some captive human
>Hybrid offspring, now half-organic can heal it's own gem overtime just as if it were healing any other injury to its body, like a cut or a broken bone
>Once the gem is healed, either just kill the hybrid in some "humane" way, or simply let the hybrid live out their life till dead of natural causes
>Either way, the whole process takes less than 100 years or so for natural death, or much shorter for killed-death
>Once dead, the gem itself just separates from the body and reforms to their original gem self, results vary from time/life/memories as a hybrid, but the main benefit of course being a repaired gem
>For gems who are ageless beings, this time spent as a hybrid is a drop in the ocean compared to a lifespan of who knows how many thousands of years, plus the benefit of having their gem restored to full
>Treated almost like a vacation or a trip to the hospital, a damaged gem just takes some time off to visit someplace like the human zoo, create a hybrid with a human there, and have the time for their gem to self-repair and live as a hybrid for awhile, before "dying" as a hybrid and then reforming as a gem once more
It's like a janky gem-repair alternative to Pink's healing ability. All the more feasible with the personality reset scythe type devices, to wipe any vestiges of the hybrid life if need be.
I like this
its him right?
Greetings from /biog/
>>Steven asks "what is he?", Clearly using a male pronoun
He always referenced to himself as a he, why do you point that out?
The beginning:
First episode:
>"Alright Steven, are you ready for an adventure?"
>They froze as they heard a microphone boom out, "this is the police. We have your house surrounded. Come out with your hands up and nobody gets hurt." They looked out the window and saw masses of police cars, a SWAT team, even a news helicopter circling over the shack.
>"Well girls," Pearl shook her head, "looks like we gotta scare them again."
>"Uh, guys-" Steven was nervous, "I don't think that's a good idea-"
>"Oh Steven, they're just little humans. What could they possibly do?" One by one the Gems left the shack with Steven watching nervously out the window.
>"You ready girls?"
>"She's got a gun, she's got a gun!" Before they could fuse, bullets ripped across the beach, tearing into the three like mince meat. "Go, go, go! Git da kid outta heah!" Officer Ruckus shouted, his gun still trained on Pearl or rather what was left of her: a vaguely humanoid shape with a torn mouth with little gem stones sprinkled around her.
>"No!" Steven cried, "WAAAHHH!"
First Contact:
>Greg got imprisoned for child neglect, his fortune seized by the IRS as numerous Fortune 500 companies laid claim to the Universe assets, citing corruption and the fact the money was probably stolen, leaving Steven pennyless. Ronaldo became Onion's buttboy. Peedee never got over his fear of mascots and choked on a cheeseburger in a birthday party gone horribly wrong. And Kevin became a model, but this isn't that story. Oh no.
>Homeworld was ablaze with activity when the newcomers came. They landed in Diamond City, the gems looking in awe as the new comers pranced out. In many ways they resembled a orangutan, with their orange frills. But take a closer look and you'd notice sharper teeth, and the cunning eyes of the merchant, all cackled with glee as they noticed the great dilitheum deposits sitting all around Homeworld.
>The Eldest among them snickered, holding his tribal totem like a scepter, even as Diamond herself approached. "ORGANICS, WHY DO YOU DARE DISTURB US?"
>"We've come with an offer." The leader nodded to his men, who brought cases. "There are mineral deposits all over your empire that we seek to invest in, and..." The cases opened, latinum spilling out, "we're prepared to pay you well."
>Diamond was amused, "oh? What percentage?"
>"Oh, only ten percent." The leader snickered, knowing he only wanted the dilitheum, the Gems evidently not realizing it's great value. In a month, his race will dominate local interstellar trade. In a year, they would be running this Empire. In a decade? The entire quadrant would belong to him, creating the greatest mercantile empire ever seen.
>"Very well. Let this agreement between the Gems and... Who are you people again..." Diamond knew these people from somewhere, but she just couldn't remember them.
>"The Ferengi!"
Just a reminder, we’re getting news on whatever S6 is gonna be at NYCC
fuck it, just bring thanos into SU. He'd sort this dumbass mentality Steven has going with the previous villains.
Thanos is a good boyo hough
I hope these two get to fuse eventually. I'd like to see them grow from their original experiences with fusion or see if they have any changes in it at all.
The Early Days:
>Diamond looked upon the Dilitheum mining facilities with amusement, the sun rise making them look downright magnificent, then at the strange little creature who looked upon them with glee. She was impressed the man didn't run away at the mere sight of her, instead standing his ground with fierce indomitable eyes which seemed to a be a rarity among his species. Dilitheum to her people was worthless, gravel really, which made her chuckle at the Negus's insistence in focusing on those deposits while spreading Latinum to Diamond's Gas Giant operations and building more kindergartens. "You're a curious species negus, out of all the gems you choose this."
>"Hmm... Oh yes. It's of a... Shall we say, economic interest to my people." The alien tsked, twirling around his scepter like a great hammer.
>"Like beads, huh?" Diamond cackled, remembering the records Peridot sent from earth. The Ferengi were clearly a inferior species despite holding superior interstellar travel methods, were pathetic in a fight. "Beads come before muskets and blankets." She chuckled.
>The Negus pretended not to hear her, "very fast beads. I'll tell you that much."
>"Very well," Diamond stood, watching the innumerable automated Ferengi transport craft that were seen all over Homeworld now, "I'll leave you to your business."
>The Negus snickered as she left, buying up more Gem transport businesses on his pad. They simply weren't able to compete with superior Ferengi transport drones and were selling out. And to who? Well... The Ferenginar Board of Commerce. "Sucker." Then he noticed something else on the market.
>"A Kindergarten..." The Ferengi smiled. "Perfect!" By the end of the year, the Ferengi owned 96% of all interstellar shipping around Homeworld, simply swarming the slower gem vessels with automated drones and Ferengi starships. The Latinum was booming all around Ferenginar and Diamond was the none the wiser.
I will be voting to cancel the show
Yeah, different shades of white.
The protectorate:
>Pearl clicked on the view screen, trying to talk: "frewseqfew."
>"What the hell is that!?" Screeched the strange ape creature.
>What the? An orangutan? "WHARAHTRA!" Pearl tried to yell, 'Organic! What are you doing!?' But sadly couldn't talk so well anymore. Panicking when the Kill-Sats turned towards her spacecraft, powering on.
>"Boss," a ruby came on, "I think it's a gem. Only... It's jaw has been blown off. Dear god, I can see it's tongue!" The Gem shrugged, "well, if she's going to hold out we could just blow her out of the sky."
>"REWSLWWQ!" Pearl screamed. 'Where's Diamond!'
>"Oh..." The ape grabbed what looked like a pager, "yeah? I'm kind of busy... Oh, ok Diamond." He rolled his eyes. "We'll send her there." He clicked off. "Alright, Diamond wants this thing. She's greasing our palms."
>"Heh," the nasty Gem chuckled, "didn't think she still had money."
>When Pearl flew in, she was amazed by how much Homeworld had changed. Gone were the crystal towers, only booming factories stood in their place. Kindergartens sat, producing Gems en masse that marched off towards the great dilitheum mines that were so expansive they cracked opened Homeworld like it was an egg. When she arrived at Diamond City, it was a wreck, filled to the bring with ragged gems falling at the knees of more ape things that mockingly laughed as they grew gold colored rocks, watching with glee as the gems fought.
>When she met Diamond, she was ailing. Parts of her had been cracked off, "Pearl..." She groaned.
>"WAHGTESAQ?!" 'What happened?'
>"I gave Homeworld to them. All of it. I had to break chunks of my body to pay my debt. The only valuable mineral was Dilitheum, I gave it to the Ferengi. Then they bought out everything else when the market crashed., Pearl-" she winced as a Ferengi cut off another chunk of Diamond, "they rooked me! They rooked all of us... I... I..."
>Pearl reflected on the future of the Gems. Destined to be a race of debt-peons.
Take away Steven´s POV, make Jasper the protagonist, introduce a group of villains who are unredeemed, make Peridot relevant again and kill Lapis.
Watch it be fucking Transformers and some shit.
Watch there be a Obsidian vs megamorph fight.
Watch the Diamonds fuse or use their giant robot to fight.
>Watch the Diamonds fuse or use their giant robot to fight.
Giant robot will be damaged and then the Diamonds will fuse, showing they've truly changed and embraced the love Steven wants them to. It's what the set up with the robot is. It's essentially their fusion, but artificial because they aren't really embracing that yet.
The Golden Age:
>Years had passed, and Keldar stretched in the nice morning sun, reflecting on the beautiful ocean his cliffside estate overlooked. His two gems moaning in the bed behind him, the Kindergartens having long been repurposed from producing miners to pleasure models. Grinning, Keldar put on his casual suit and set out for a casual stroll. Leaving his mansion, he walked by the terraformed world that had once been a world of rocks, now lush foilage lied all around, shipped in from Ferenginar, which fit the planet's name- Omag's Glory. In honor of the recently deceased Negus who led the Ferengi in becoming the Quadrant's dominant species.
>Walking over to a local fruit tree, Keldar plucked a juicy fruit. He considered going to a friend's party halfway across the planet later that day, every Ferengi man owned a hovercar after all. Or he'd watch some old gems fight to the death in the great arena. Maybe he'd view that xenological holofilm showcasing one of the recently acquired systems, detailing the primitive Vulcan, or the mechanical Autobots, all of whom now worked for Ferengi companies. In fact, speaking of work... A Vulcan female was stretching on a rock, naked as all civilized women were. Keldar smiled, "getting up early, I see."
>"Yes boss. It's only logical before another day of hard work. Yes, it's surprisingly exhausting serving you. But, I suppose I can start my shift early." The Vulcan leaned forward, her generous assets moving with the motions.
>"What can I say?" Keldar began unbuttoning his suit, business before pleasure?" As you can see, life for a Ferengi was truly great during this time of bliss. Profits were booming, the rules of acquisitions were followed and respected on thousands of worlds by countless species, and Omag's Glory was where it all started. Of course there was one loose end to this story, a loose end Keldar would find during his next assignment.
There's no way this isn't heading towards dubcon
>Lapis and Peri will never bully me with their feet
Fuck this gay Earth
They'll probably create a hideous fusion.
Are they going to throw in Jasper into season 6 when we will all just demand more Spinel?
It all comes together:
>Keldar looked at the planet called 'Earth' from the bridge, his crew looking unenthused." Keldar was already envisioning how he was going to carve this planet up. He expected the natives to be in awe of the Ferengi. Which is why when they landed in a city parking lot, they were surprised that nobody paid them any attention.
>Just then they saw some commotion, a big black angry human and a bunch of little clothed females were beating on a fat kid. "STOP HITTING ME! WAAH!"
>"Now le' meh tell ya something abou' rippin' off ol' Uncle Ruckus (no relation), Fatteh!" Another stomp. "Yous stealin' these precious white girl's cande' then refusin' to apologize!" Another.
>"Oh lay off him, Ruckus." The big man moved aside as the redhead took her turn. "Eat my turtles and ye' pay, SODAMACH!"
>Keldar looked on, deciding to open up, "hi? First contact team here?"
>"Ooch aye! Visitors!" The Red haired girl pranced up in her little green uniform, "want some choclate turtles? Care to support we Campfire Lasses of America!" She opened up a box, Keldar looking bemused. "They brighten anyone's day! If not that," she pointed at the fat kid behind her who stumbling forward with his mouth agape, "you can pilfer the fat kid for twenty five cents."
>"Ah," the Ferengi smiled, "rule of Acquisition 74: knowledge means profit." The female here showed considerably more business accumen than the males and was using this childish activity as a means to accumulate experience. "And rule 48, very impressive for someone your age."
>Just then the fat kid landed on Keldar's chest, "take... Me... to..."
>"Bleh, no." Pushing him off where Steven landed in a puddle, his eyes going wide as he saw two people walking down the street holding hands.
>"No..." Kevin put his arm around Connies shoulder, she kissing him on the lips. "WA-" Steven's eyes went to the back of his skull, lost control of his bowels, and died in a pile of his own blood, piss, and shit.
Requesting the Cardassians taking over Homeworld.
When will all the Diamonds fuse into Black Diamond?
>Evil dictator justified with evil because of preparation for impending enemy literally nobody knew about.
Sucrose really taking a page from Star Wars Legends huh?
Soulless cash grab it is then
>Beyond Stevens Universe
The only part of this I believe is that if the show got more seasons there'd be a name change. Unions are always to blame.
But memes though
Kevin VIP once again.
Requesting Darkseid attacking SU’s world and making Connie and/or the Diamonds into his sex slaves.
Some animation unions, I forget if it's the actual writers/animators, the voice actors or whoever, but the longer a show runs they have to keep getting raises. Changing the name of the show, even if it's as simple as "Stevens Universe" to "Beyond Stevens Universe" even if everything else remained the same, is technically considered a new show, so it's a loophole to get around the pay raise since they're hiring them to work on a new show, not more seasons of the previous.
I've heard about "unions" of voice actors, but I never knew what what was. Guess this answers my question. Thanks. I don't mind a name change by the way, it kind of keeps things fresh in a way.
I gotta finish up a writing project, but I am tempted to do something where Darkseid conquers Earth after destroying Homeworld, and Steven spends the rest of his life aboard a spacecraft stuffed full of refugees who blame him for everything. Going where no man has gone before. Commandeered by the heroic Captain Kevin of course.
Yay but only if Steven is the janitor
I've been saying this for years:
A parallel species of alien lifeform, the precursor to gemkind created by the same unknown elder entities for the same purpose and abandoned when the next generation manufactured species proved to be better at the job.
Getting really down into the nitty-gritty of how and why gems are made to order with specific purposes is mind would be fascinating, and this'll be a good opportunity to reflect.
>Captain Kevin
>Commander Jasper
>Lieutenant Lars
>Lieutenant Commander Uncle Ruckus (no relation)
>The Doctor hologram.
>Chief Science Officer Ronaldo
With Steven ranking on the very bottom.
And Connie as the Captain’s Cocksleeve
Do gems exist in Steven universe that aren’t Gems? Like, are non-sentient gems real? If not, then metal already existing in beach city and elsewhere kind of pushes against there being metal men.
There’s no jewelry at least.
Gems are always sentient, but they can be used to power things like tools
I vote for Lapis getting a good writer.
How much do you want to bet that they won't get a pussy pa- i mean redeemed?
>Spinel returns to homeworld with the Diamonds.
>Occasionally idly singing "Disobedient".
>Song catches on with the population and becomes popular.
>White Diamond somewhat irritated at the subversive lyrics.
>Time goes on.
>The creator of all gems returns, and demands that White Diamond resume the galactic conquest, "or else!".
>Steven later intervenes and demands that the conquest not resume.
>White stuck in the middle and forced to choose.
>She has to decide who she will follow.
>White stands there, thinking, and trying to remember something in the back of her mind.
>"...I stood awake... ... ... wondering where my summer’s went... ... I wanna be... disobedient... Disobedient! DISOBEDIENT!"
DBS gave us Jiren tho
Everything's edible once.
Sugar wants everyone working on this to be female other then the flaming gay people and her beard/human dildo/probably transexual life partner.
>Inb4 their leader is Black Diamond and he's basically The World Over Heaven
Metal Men are dumb as fuck. Only Will Magnus can make them worth something and you ain’t him.
I'm sceptical about this leak.
It sounds way too generic.
>metal men
wat a highly specific thing. Why would anyone assume that half-baked fan idea has to be exactly what the authors came up with?
>Steven Universe Beyond
Better not be schwarbage.
A Diamond fusion would be... kinda scary.
When a triple diamond fusion isn't enough to win, will they accept help from their pearls?
I got a personal project to finish, but here's my planned 'Steven meets Reality' list:
>Steven gets sent to Wuncler Orphanarium.
>Steven in boarding (possibly magic) school.
>Steven lives with a pastry themed serial killer.
>Rise of Dark Seid.
>Captain Kevin and the Search for a new home.
Feel free to make your own. There's a little formula I found:
>Find a way to screw Steven over, get him out of Beach City.
>Optionally negate Homeworld by having them meet anybody ever from science fiction.
>Steven's new caretakers are insanely abusive. Beatings commence.
>The other kids hate Steven. Beatings commence.
>More beatings, this time tied to SU's fucked morals and insane progressiveness.
>Have Kevin appear on and off with Kevin, make Steven watch.
>Finally have Steven die with his bowels exploding, making his last image that of Kevin and Connie.
Bruh, YD is Patti LuPone, and she's way more famous than Sarah Stiles.
Yay Boondocks.
You think Sugar will begin to openly rip off Houseki now?
I also find it stupid how many people just dance around it and avoid it.
>Bodies of dark matter
>Can drain light from gems like an energy vampire
>Indestructible, body can disperse into dust and reform at will
I like it but I also wanna go behind beyond Kevin into other characters that would make Steven cry with their presence.
user, it's multiple years and multiple gay kisses and offputting over the top amounts of sexuality much too late.
The cal arts mafia is out.
Netflix cleaned house a few weeks ago. Like holy shit just shitcanned and blackballed high level people in charge of their animation division and are just hiring the anime makers to make stuff now.
Western animation is all but done.
Who's ready to harvest some gems?
That idea was always dumb, and hasn't made sense in years.
>bismuth crystals arent crystals guyys it's A METAL SO ITS MEN it's MEN VS WOMEN
Besides I don't think the people who work on the show would even consider doing something like this.
With Chinball it's hard not to miss Moffat. At least he had ideas
I like the idea, but I would hate for the fact that they sing to be so deeply rooted in the canon it's actually affecting the plot. Like, I know it's canon and shit, and I'm okay with them drawing attention to it, but that seems a bit far
Is there ANY chance that i will get to see my little Dewrito waifu fuse in this new show?
Yes, actually. with Spinel, hopefully
Let's see, we've had:
>Steven as a foster kid in Mississippi. Best.
>Steven as Kevin's pet pig. Unfinished.
>Steven as a orphan in New York. Meh, not bad.
>Steven as a prole. Experimental but the short appearance of the Droogs was a wasted opportunity. Now Alex drugging Konnie only for her to like it and come back for more to spite Steven would've been more effective.
>Steven as a deadbeat thief. Second best. The end of Homeworld felt good bruh.
I would like to see:
>Lila manipulating everyone into hating Steven.
>Alex and the Droogs for obvious reasons.
>The Freeman family in general.
>Captain Beatty discovering Steven's book collection. Burn Fatty, burn!
>Pennwise the Clown.
Steven is a gay, so make him not gay by giving him a dude to fuck instead of Connie.
Yes more redemption incoming
Pet pig?
I used to resent you for attempting to murder Lars, but now I realize how based that was.
I must ask you. Have you read my mind? A few months ago I had the idea of Riley cucking Steven with the Gems and convincing the town he was racist.
I want to believe.
What if
>they steal gems and inhabit them like hermit crabs. Consuming the light within.
>Some CGs, not all because that's gay, get gem jacked in front of Steven
>Steven punches through their body and pulls something out of them. It's the gem's "soul."
>It flies into his gem, now he has their mind bouncing around in him.
>turns out Diamonds can manipulate raw gem light, which is how White made the other Diamonds. Stealing the heart of a star and crushing it into a Crystalline structure.
>Steven makes it his mission to track down the shadow people who ate his friends and rescue their souls
>Steven is protected by his complex human physiology, but still feels weak around the shadow people
>The Diamonds get eaten, except White who can exist as a light wisp and teaches Steven how to make Diamonds
>no proof
Make Lapidot canon
>Steven as a deadbeat thief. Second best. The end of Homeworld felt good bruh.
What's this, I'm intrigued
>Make Lapidot canon
Zuke completely killed all my interest in this.
I don't care about Zuke. They're cute.
>They're cute
Well you're completely correct there.
I don't get the butterfly
The Ferengi one. Steven tried stealing candy but Uncle Ruckus was on the scene.
Apologized and checked
Woah! Nice trips!
Jesus Christ you sick fucks. Steven as an Outer Party member in '1984'?
im shit at design
faker than pink diamond's innocence and gayer than pearl
Hey now. Don't forget the planned encounter between Dante and the Pilgrim in the third circle of Hell.
>He then encounters their leader, their king
>Steven's shadow begins to distort and warp in the direction of the king
>He can see the king's crown, and on it sits a very familiar-shaped black stone
Reminder that Rebecca mentioned bad things would happen to a Gem kept in the dark too long
What if a shadow person is a gem that has evolved into a more advanced state by losing its light?
Source on this?
All of it would've been avoided if Steven just learned.
I believe a charity livestream, don’t have it on me, but she mentioned they get their power from light.
Pearl and Greg have sweaty hard core sex on screen
Cool, make one of them punching Steven in the face.
Or doing a shadow drill because those are cool.
that would be cool. metal and water powers combined would be op.
>Gosh, I sure do regret dismantelling my empire without explaining why I built it, all for the sake of my small young nephew.
Bring me metal men to fight
>Steven lives with a pastry themed serial killer.
Oh god. I hope that's not who I think it is-
>"Time for cupcakes, lardass!"
Oh god! Poor Steven.
Hey now, she's just trying to make Steven learn. Papa did, the foster kids were trying to toughen him up, the Ferengi taught him a hard lesson in class difference, hell Kevin tries teaching him why oneitis isn't a good thing. But Steven won't learn.
Wrong! Steven will be Steven’s irredeemable villain
Is it worth it to get into this show now?
I tried watching the first couple episodes like five years ago and couldn't get into it but it seems like it picked up.
What’s going on here?
Eh, if you wanna, personally I’ve always enjoyed it, but I know my taste isn’t very good.
It's meh at best. I tapped out around S3 and am only here for Spinel. If singing and status quo are you thing, go for it.
it seems you also remember that post on here a few nights ago
wish i'd screencapped it
This was made years ago, near the beginning of season 2 iirc and while I know it's supposed to be Dark And Edgy Goth Steven, all I can see is Estaben Universado from da barillo, cabron, and his tres pinche culo putas.
Wait, I saved it! Hold on.
First episode:
>"Alright Steven, are you ready for an adventure?"
>They froze as they heard a microphone boom out, "this is the police. We have your house surrounded. Come out with your hands up and nobody gets hurt." They looked out the window and saw masses of police cars, a SWAT team, even a news helicopter circling over the shack.
>"Well girls," Pearl shook her head, "looks like we gotta scare them again."
>"Uh, guys-" Steven was nervous, "I don't think that's a good idea-"
>"Oh Steven, they're just little humans. What could they possibly do?" One by one the Gems left the shack with Steven watching nervously out the window.
>"You ready girls?"
>"She's got a gun, she's got a gun!" Before they could fuse, bullets ripped across the beach, tearing into the three like mince meat. "Go, go, go! Git da kid outta heah!" Officer Ruckus shouted, his gun still trained on Pearl or rather what was left of her: a vaguely humanoid shape with a torn mouth with little gem stones sprinkled around her.
>"No!" Steven cried, "WAAAHHH!"
It's exceptionally good and people who say otherwise have to do so because otherwise people will jump down their throats about how shit it is.
If you can still get the majority of the experience unspoiled, it's the best cartoon of the past 10 years. Just be aware that season 1 is a very slow burn before it establishes it's tone at the season finale
i'd love to see someone drawfag it
Second Episode:
>Greg had gotten arrested for child neglect and sentenced to seven years in prison. Onion continued his domination and takeover of Beach City, Ronaldo as his buttboy. Peedee never got over his fear of Mascots and killed himself after seeing a Ronald McDonald actor at a birthday party. Pearl tried to find Steven but gave up, eventually returning to homeworld.
>Steven meanwhile... "WAAAHHH!"
>"Boy, you're goin' work and you goin' ta work hard. Or," a lash hit the ground. Steven's back was already covered with scars and his eyesight was weak from being exiled to that hut the Dunbars had stashed away in the forest. He knew damn well what Roger had in store for him. Steven was unresponsive, the light still blinding. "Boy, what did I say?" As the lash hit the ground, Steven remembered the horrible man's left eye which had some kind of fungoid growth.
>"Yes Papa sah, dun whips me again!" Steven pleaded.
>"Gud, now get pickin' BOY!" Steven immediately fell to the ground and stated tending to the tomato patch. His fellow kids glaring at him, one even throwing a dirt clod at his face.
>"Das what ya get," Rahem snarled, "you gettin' us in trouble again."
>"Yeah!" Snarled Lila, her beauty doing little to hide her vile dark eyes, "Every time you fuck up, Papa fucks all of us!"
>Another dirt clod hit Steven, making him cry: "STOP!"
>"Eh boy," 'Papa' came riding on a horse, "what did ah say 'bout startin' a ruckus?"
Third Episode:
>Steven managed to make enemies of everyone at the farm. Becoming the victim of many practical jokes and forced to hold the worst pen in the entire farm. Nobody wanted Steven so he had been placed in foster care, ending up with the Dunbars who ran an ailing farm out in the county. So Steven went from the half Gem hero to a slave in all but name in backwoods Mississippi.
>One day while cleaning his mess, he saw something through the chain link fence. He blinked, his eyes still weak, vaguely making out Papa and his terrible junkyard dogs he turned out on any who tried escaping. The figure got closer and closer until, "Ronaldo!" Steven cried, "help! Connie help!"
>Connie stopped with Kevin and stared, "who is that?" The two watching the filthy kid with the torn striped shirt jumping up and down like a maniacal monkey.
>Kevin gave the wickedest grin, "I have no idea. C'mon Connie," Connie moved beside Kevin, "let's leave that psycho fuck."
>"No..." Kevin slowly moved his hand to Connie's behind and winked at Steven before entering Papa's farmhouse. "NO!"
>"Hey fatfuck," one of the other children who was knee deep in pig droppings snarled, "shut the hell up!"
>Later, the back door opened and out stepped Papa with rage in his eyes. "WHERE'S FATTEH!?" The two dogs barking and diving into the yard, Kevin's laughter echoing as the man bought his fruit and drove off with Connie. Steven tried to run but slid in the mud and didn't have time to react as the dogs ripped into his arms.
>"No-AAAAHHHH!" The Dogs were relentless, Steven shrieked as he felt the jaws rip into his skin. The dogs dragging him through the mudwater which was quickly getting mixed in with blood.
>Papa watched for a few minutes before whistling and calling his dogs off. "Let that be a lesson fatteh, Stinks? Drag this piece o' shit into tha barn."
>"Yes sir." The taller kid walked over and kicked Steven in the guts before hauling him to what passed for their infirmary.
Fourth Episode:
>Steven has to go to school. Papa did everything in his power to fight against it: claiming he was sick, claiming he was ill, claiming he was retarded and forcing Steven to get a low score on his IQ test as proof. However, the State of Mississippi eventually wins and Steven watches Papa in his dirt stained coveralls growing smaller and smaller in the rear view mirror. You would think that he felt relief but Steven didn't, still shivering at the image of his caretaker's disgusting left eye.
>But school wasn't great either, "hey fatshit!" One of the big fifth punched him right in the nose. "I hear you're in retard classes!" Steven had been thrown into special ed and the whole school knew about it. Making him the laughing stock of the entire student body. Not helped by Lila and Rahem telling everyone about Steven's fuckups.
>"Stop hitting me!" Steven cried, "WAAAHHH!"
>"Dah, look-" Steven felt the kneecap kick right into his chin, tasting blood as he fell onto the ground, "the little bitch is crying! AHAHAHAHA!" The school roared with laughter. Then the bully started stomping him, and the entire thing turned into a circus. A teacher stood watching, having gotten tired of Steven and needing someone to 'train' him into fitting in.
>Only stepping in when the bully started crushing Steven's left hand. Shouting, "THAT'S ENOUGH!" The kids backed away, "you had your fun. He's broken in now. GIT!" The bully gang left grumbling and the other kids snarled.
>"FUCK!" "I HATE THAT KID!" "Bro, we should throw rocks at him!" "Yeah, the little queer won't know what hit him. AHAHAHA!" Steven heard all of it, shivering in terror, knowing that these kids would tear him apart in a heartbeat if it meant even a brief respite from their shitty life. Or if they had that shiny 'white stuff' on the line, stuff they sniffed in the school bathroom during recess.
>Steven dusted himself and went to find a corner to cry in.
Fifth Episode:
>Steven overhears Lila and the girls talking about him in school and it's not pretty. "Hey, you know Steven?"
>"Yeah, the faggot?"
>"Yeah, did you know he was raised by a commune full of lesbos?"
>"No wonder he's so queer."
>"Not only that, they made him stick a dildo in his ass everyday, saying that it made him closer to Jesus?"
>"Oh shit!"
>"Damn, no wonder he's so queer. All he knows is cock. Cock sucking, cock riding, cock fucking, hell bet that cock lovin' sack of shit was a total slut."
>"And you know what they do to sluts?"
>Later that day the mean fifth graders cornered Steven with Lila in the forefront, her vile eyes looking down at Steven and smiling. "Hey slut, we hear you was pretty dirty."
>"Get 'im, boys!"
>"NO! AHHHH!!!" The fourth grades held him down, the girls grabbing tuffs of his hair and tearing. Steven screaming as he felt the girls ripping out of his, droplets of blood falling onto the cement. Then, RIP, it was over. "AAAHHH!" Steven felt like he was scalped, the kids looking down at him and laughing, their trophies held in their hand.
>"That'll teach you." Lila smiled as she walked away and threw her tuft of hair right into Steven's face.
holy shit user, keep posting
i haven't laughed this hard in weeks
Sixth Episode:
>Steven walks up to the chain link fence in the middle of the night, collapsing on his knees, and cries. His hands holding his head, weeping endlessly as he sees the stars in the great wide beyond. Twinkling, seeming so close yet so far, and all he wanted to do was go up there and leave this terrible world behind. One of his ears had bandages, having lost it from frostbite.
>He was missing three fingers, one on his right, two on his left, and somedays he woke up coughing blood. Apart of him knew his time was coming to an end. Papa refused to take him to the hospital, the other kids joined in the beatings, always blaming him for their fuckups, and his star shirt was gone. Instead of he was wearing a second hand rainbow fag shirt he had gotten from salvation army. But all he wanted was to see one person one more time, one person that he cared for...
>Then a car pulled up, out stepped Kevin and... Connie. "Kevin," she looked at her boyfriend, "I'm not entirely sure this is a good idea."
>"What do you mean, Fatima?"
>"Ya know..." Steven craned his last remaining ear to hear. "Farmer Dunbar might see us and..."
>"And..." Steven tried so hard to hear.
>"And... I'm not really good at this, ya know?"
>"Please," Kevin looked at Steven, smiling. "They called me the Pussy Slayer back in College."
>"Oh? Ok. Hahaha!" Connie giggled as she excitedly went back into the car.
>Kevin remained outside for a moment longer, grinning as he flipped off Steven before getting back in, the car turning off. Then it started rocking back and forth, Steven hearing Connie giggling, screaming, and giving sounds of absolute delight. "No..." What was left of Steven's spirit died, now his body...
>Blood started pouring from his mouth, "No..." Steven fell to the ground, sliding into the mud, coughing up more blood stuffed mucus. He felt his bowls give way. When they found in the morning, the Coroner decreed Steven died in a pile of his own blood, shit, and piss.
>It was a warm and sunny day when they found Steven, a terrible day to die. Papa could barely hold back tears, looking at the chubby boy, slowly getting zipped up in a bodybag. "I loved that boy as if he were mah own son," his eyes were watering, "poor kid. Ah gotta go..."
>Papa walked away, his head down, his two really friend dogs trailing after him. The other foster kids watched Steven leave the farm in silence, Rahem shaking his head. "Man, that Steven was like a brother to me. Like he was there in the streets but when the time came to get real, he just couldn't do it."
>"Yeah," Stinks agreed, staring dejectedly at the sky. "Poor Steven. The pigs loved that kid." Stinks noticed Lila crying her eyes out right next to him, the tall boy gently laying a hand on her shoulder. "There, there, Little Lady. I'm sure Steven is in a better place now."
>Lila looked up, her makeup washing down her cheeks and her nose completely stuffed. "He was so..." She started crying again.
>"There, there..." Stinks hugged her, then Rahem.
>Steven however saw one thing and one thing only: a flaming gate with devils whipping and tormenting the damned, shepherding them inside. One of them pranced up to Steven, it's genitalia replaced by a horrible face that went: "WELCOME TO HELL, FATTY!"
>"No... WHAAAAHHHH! I DON'T WANNA-I DON'T-" He turned and saw an image from the mortal world.
>Kevin and Connie sitting in bed together, Kevin inspecting Connie's rather volpatrous lingerie while Connie was barely able to keep her eyes off Kevin's well sculpted muscles. "Hey Kevin..." She tenderly moved his right cheek. "I'm open to experimentation. Wanna fuck my ass?"
>"Sure babe. But... Kind of feel like we're being watched ya know?"
>"Oh, but that's the thing..." Connie turned and looked directly at Steven. "We are." She then leaped upon Kevin.
>"No.... WAAAAHHHH!"
>The Demon picked up Steven, staring at him with it's horrible reptilian eyes, before tossing him through the gate.
Fatima? Hey you got the one where Kevin’s in a gang?
Yep. Unfortunately, my other pieces weren't as good but... Meh. It's SU.
Well, if all the cool kids are doing it
Part One
>Steven snorted in his sleep, his short chubby body jiggling in fear as the nightmares occurred.
>Kevin looming over him at his party, being so forceful with Stevonnie,having fused to fulfill his promise as he tried to protect Connie from him.
>Kevin just kept on seeming stronger as he grabbed Stevonnie and managed to defuse them.
>Steven plopped to the ground, tasting the tiles, as Connie was taken from him while he kept reaching out
> He could see Connie and figured she was so scared, being handled by a brute like Kevin, when his eyes grew wide.
>Connie was kissing Kevin, moaning and groaning as she kept humping his leg in front of everybody as all the onlookers gazed and cheered Kevin on.
>He could see Kevin lower Connie’s skirt, giving him a peek of her panties.
>Steven tried to get up but couldn’t, his porkish body feeling too heavy to even life, as he noticed Kevin pull his cock out and leaning towards Connie’s mouth and-
>Steven woke up. In his dark pen as he felt the cold air from the holes that allowed him to breathe . press against his fat naked body. He could feel the dirt on his ass and budged his arm with the shit and piss on the corner. He had wet himself again...
I don't have it, but I'll try to find the thread. These were a blast to make.
Part Two
>The morning had come, as Steven was forced to sleep in his piss. If he was very lucky, Kevin might allow him a minute or two with the cold hose.
>He crawled out of his personal pen and into the hot sun, hoping he could get into the mud to cool down as his meaty body was sweating up a storm.
>Just as he was about to reach his sanctuary, he felt a collar snap around his neck choke him, making him fall down on his back, exposing his belly and tiny genitals to the world.
>It was his master Kevin, armed with his leash and a cruel smirk on his face, Steven could only hope his punishments would be less severe this time.
>He was dragged to the larger area, always staring at the ground as Kevin opened the gate and introduced him into the area filled with pigs, each oinking and grunting as Steven came by.
>The pigs never much liked Steven, with the males usually jabbing him in the belly or the females biting him around his penis whenever he approached them for a kiss.
>As Kevin rounded up around the slip tray, he poured in the nectar, filled with fish and chicken guys, apple cores and milk.
>All the other pigs trampled over Steven to get to it, a sight Kevin smiled at, as the pigs would often hit him in his undersized testicles with Steven yelping or crying.
>Finally, after all the pigs had taken their chow, Steven went ahead, gorging himself so sloppily, even he could sense the other pigs disdain, he began licking the trough, not even stopping when Kevin began pressing his cigarette against Steven’s blubbery body, though yelps and little dribbles of piss were let out each time, as Steven’s sobs mixed with his oinking as his gluttony knew no limit
>By the time he finished, his body was covered with cigarette burns as he sobbed as all the male pigs began mounting the female pigs in a form of celebration as a sole female pig began chewing on his genitals before kicking them with her hoof.
Part Three
>Steven would lie there for what felt like forever until she appeared like an angel.
>Connie dressed in a shorter skirt and a tank top that ever so subtlety revealed her bra as she leaned in closed to her, he stared back as his cock began hardening.
>As she spat in his eye.
>Steven sat shocked, beginning to weep again, almost like a baby as he began squirming in the mud
>Connie smirked before walking towards Kevin, leaning back as he thrusted his tongue in her, her leaning back as his erection poked through his jeans.
>Steven could only sob as he began crying more, almost entirely like an infant as he threw a tantrum in the mud, splashing the pigs who seemed to leave in disgust.
>Connie seemed uninterested as she continue to make out with Kevin, humping his erection before he slapped her on the ass and motioned her to go inside
>As Steven defecated himself, hoping Connie would act as one of his fallen mothers, his cock grew hard again as he attempted to crawl after her before she slammed the door of the house ending with him plopping his belly on the mud, finally cooling off.
>Kevin only smiles as he entered the house, leaving Steven outside in the hot sun with nothing but mud and excrement to cool him down.
>He stayed there still, his sausage fingers reaching towards his cock to pleasure himself for the first time, having never done so before in his freedom, but no matter how many times he fantasizes about Connie saving him or making love to her for the first time, all he could so was have his fade into Kevin fucking her like a brute, not like a sweet sensitive boy he was. He was a nice guy, why did he love someone crass and selfish like him. Just because his cock was rather small.
Thank you. I might need that after this pig fucking. Like I’m living in Goddamn Black Mirror.
I couldn't find that one, but I did find this:
Second Episode:
>Steven had been placed in a Catholic orphanage in the big city, and the nuns were very unpleasant. "ADMIT IT!" The paddle hit Steven's rump, "ADMIT YOUR SIN!"
>Steven tried to ignore the tears slowly going down his pudgy, fatty face. "No, there's nothing wrong-"
>"SIN!" Sister Maria screeched. "SINNER! Say your forgiveness in the eyes of the lord, and he may forgive ye."
>"No-" another, "Owie! No, please I-" another swat, then another, before Steven finally broke down and screamed at the cross, "I STOLE! I STOLE! I'm sorry! Thievery is a sin!" The Lord Christ always forgave, looking upon Steven with pity, but his father wasn't entirely convinced of Steven's forgiveness.
>Maria stopped, her hard brown eyes bitter but pleased Steven learned his lesson. "Good, Sister Martha?" She turned at a young initiate who watched the debacle. "Clean his face and send him with the rest of the children."
>"Yes mam," she grabbed Steven by the wrist, trying to ignore his bloodied, scarred behind, and dragged him to the showers. "Clean up." She ordered the troublesome boy, not unkindly.
>"I only took salame!" Steven cried.
>"You took an entire ROLL! You're lucky the butcher was very understanding, considering your..." Martha hesitated, "background. Now clean up and get ready to go to school."
>"BUT I DON'T LIKE SCHOOL! WAAAAHHHH!" Steven stomped around like a spoiled brat, making Martha just shake her head and walk off.
>"Well Adam," Steven heard a voice behind him and saw two young kids watching him. One had a very doglike face with amber eyes that gleamed with mischief, and the other was a handsome blonde kid with strong blue eyes that had the weight of the world behind them. "Let's follow this one. He looks amusing. Plus the bully gangs should be fun."
>Adam looked upon Steven with pity, "very well Puck. As long as we go to that Cheese Fair."
Third Episode:
>Adam sat in the back of the bus, his new classmates looking upon him with pure unbridled hate or disgust. The two exceptions were the homely dog faced boy Puck and his handsome companion who were more mischievous and pitying respectively. "Hey Fatfuck," a nasty kid with red glasses leaned in, "you wanna know what I do for fun?" The kid flicked open a lighter and lit a cigarette.
>Steven was fearful, "No..."
>"Well..." The psychotic boy stubbed the lit cigarette in Steven's forehead.
>"OWIE!" Steven shrieked as he felt the burn, falling to the bus floor. It roared with laughter, even more so as his tormentor started kicking him.
>"Fucking fat shit! Making my seat even more crowded! Fucking fat piece of gay shit!" The bus driver ignoring the scene, having dealt with Steven before and knowing the kid had to get broken in or else the world would eat him alive. The torment only stopped when the bus came to a stop with a screeching halt, the outcasts stepping on Steven like he was a old wornout welcome mat. Puck laughing while Adam shook his head, watching Steven slowly get up and leaving the bus.
>"Looks like our subject isn't doing so well." Adam observed as three bullies immediately tackled and started beating on Steven. One putting him in a headlock as his two compatriots started hitting him. Steven's face getting black and blue, with blood mixed in with tears and piss.
>"What? You didn't complain at the Games!" Puck chuckled as Steven finally got the urge to cry for help. The three bullies looked around, seeing Puck who gave them a thumbs up... Slowly turning it downwards. The three got the message and grinned, the big tormentor crashing Steven to the ground, laughing as three little teeth popped out and slid across the sidewalk while Puck's eyes gleamed with amusement.
>"Come on," Adam looked on in disgust and pity, "this boy is no Marcus Attilus."
How do you think the gems being "treated" would act like as they're getting plowed by a 40 year old hairy ape?
How does the "doctor" even describe the process?
>Okay, so in order to fix your gem you're gonna need to be injected with Human Serum.
>>Okay, is it in my arm or something?
>No, first you'll need to shapeshift a moist cave in your lower plateau area, then we have Da-ave her insert his injector into the cave for a few minutes. Don't be alarmed if he starts grabbing your hard light head protrusions and screams your gem cut, thats just natural.
>Okaaaay. Then i'll be healed?
>>No no, then at the end of your cave, the human's serum and your gem's hard light will mix together to from an organic hybrid. We need you to direct it towards your gem and latch onto it.
>>Thats pretty gross, how long will this take?
>at least 8 months
>>I'm gonna be out of commission for 8 months?!
>No, thats just how long it takes to grow the hybrid, after its done growing it will burst froth from your form putting you in stasis until your gem is fully healed!
>>And what happens to the hybrid after i'm healed?
>Oh we just cut away the hybrid from your gem and throw the remains into the vacuum of space. After which you should arrive fully healed.
>I think i'd rather be shattered....
Fourth Episode:
>Steven was struggling to fit in class, the students targeting him for all manner of practical jokes. The big bully leading most of them, though little Sid got some of his anger out, and mischievous Puck couldn't help but join in from time to time. All with Adam looking disapprovingly at Steven, feeling both pity and disgust. Why?
>"Mr. Simmons! Mr. Simmons!"
>"What?" Simmons eyes were bloodshot from having to deal with Steven. "The hell you want?"
>"Gerald broke the rules! He's copied Arnold's homework!"
>"So?" Simmons rolled his eyes, "it's fucking Elementary School."
>"Who? The principal? He's even more sick of this shit than I am! God fucking damnit!" Simmons slammed a fist on the desk. "Learn how to deal with your own fucking problems!"
>"But you're an adult-"
>"Detention for a week. Now get out of my face."
>Puck burst out laughing, observing the scene from his desk. But outside the classroom Adam was negotiating with two people who very much disliked Steven. "We need to help that kid, he's obviously not accumuliating well."
>"Yo! You want us to help fatso?" Gerald had his arms crossed. "That's impossible! Dat shit iz like askin us to cure world hunga or sum shit."
>"Yeah, I don't know..." Arnold leaned forward at the tall blonde kid. "... Adam, he's like retarded or something."
>"But you're the one who always fixes everything!" Adam pressed Arnold, "everyone comes to you for help. Even Crackboy."
>"Fine, fine," Arnold sighed, "I'll do it. But you OWE ME!"
>Adam shrugged, "fair enough." All the while Steven had been given yet another beating, both his eyes pitch black.
>"Oh no Fatty." Puck shrugged, "this will all stop when you learn."
>"LEARN WHAT?!" Puck laughed and walked away, flipping the bird behind him.
Fifth Episode:
>Arnold had taken it upon himself to teach Steven how to interact with other human beings. "Steven, when somebody shows up, fist up in the air, you don't start singing. That doesn't fix anything."
>"Yes it does!"
>"No it doesn't. The guy will just beat you and steal everything you have. You also gotta stop crying every five minutes."
>"Boys can cry!"
>"Only in private. Actually, that goes for girl's too. It's annoying man. Steel your pain like the rest of us."
>Any other person would take in this wisdom, seeing the value inherent in it like it was written on a ancient epitaph recording the last works of Pharaoh. Thing is, this is Steven, not King Narmur or Osris. "Arnold, that's toxic masculinity!"
>"What the hell?" Arnold face palmed.
>"Get your transmiscogynistic reactionary neo-nazi face outta here!" Steven pointed to the playground.
>"Alright fatty," Arnold got up and glared.
>Just then the three bullies approached, "hey Fatfuck, I hear you've been saying shit. Time to teach ya' a lesson!"
>"Oh?" Steven took a step forward and began singing, "OH HOW MUCH I-" A punch, this time hitting Steven right in the nose, breaking it in a single motion.
>"The little bitch tried singing," Harold laughed, "what a fag! This deserves an extra beating." Harold started stomping Steven's face in with his engineer boots. Stinky kicking him in the guts. And Sid destroying his legs, trying his absolute best to break them.
>"STOP-" Crack, Steven screamed as he felt a sharp pain in one of his legs.
>"Ah dude," Sid giggled, "I broke one of the fag's legs."
>"Yeah, lets cripple dis he'ah sodomite." Stinky got started on Steven's right arm.
>All the while Arnold watched the scene and shook his head. "There's no helping this kid everybody. He's a lost cause. Do whatever you want to him." Sighing with disgust, Arnold turned and walked away.
>"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Puck howled with laughter.
Sixth Episode:
>The Cheese Festival had started. Steven wandering in, still smiling despite being the bruised rat and outcast that he was. Adam and Puck following him in, still amazed nobody noticed two new kids that just popped out of nowhere. Or the fact Puck's eyes glowed red on occasion. Or the fact Adam sometimes looked like a spectral being.
>They passed the ferris wheel, it's horses and unicorns turning into the four horsemen riding to bring about apocalypse and the end of the world as Steven walked by. Then the three came across a dance that was just starting, a mass of kids and adults dancing along.
>There Steven's eyes went wide, "CONNIE!" He cried, as Connie was indeed there but she was... Less than thrilled to see Steven.
>"Oh Steven," Connie tsked as the fat boy grabbed her arms and started dancing. "So strange to see you here." She looked around, making sure nobody noticed.
>"Let's DANCE!" Steven was excited, he hadn't seen his friend in months and wanted to forget anything had ever happened.
>"Yeah, but..."
>A shadow fell on Steven, it's face grinned. Steven craned his head, gasping, "Kevin-" a blow to the back of his head knocked him to the ground, then felt his face getting bashed in by Kevin's steel tow boot which was further supplemented by Kevin's very muscular, and well sculpted legs. When Kevin was done, Steven was a dada painting with broken teeth spread all over the ground.
>Kevin grinned, "was the fatass bothering you?"
>"Yeah..." Kevin grabbed Connie's hands. Connie still saw that there was a little breath coming out of what was left of Steven, "I want him to watch." Giggling as Kevin slowly slid his hand to her backside. Steven's one good eye saw it before it rolled back into his back of his skull before his bowels gave in, blood pouring from his mouth. He jerked, then expired in a pool of his own blood, piss, and shit. His last image that of Connie happily dancing along with Kevin, everyone with a date but him.
As always, Harold proves to be the hero
yes, please, ffs. is this the oldest hanging thread left, now? I guess there's earlier stuff like the 'power core' looking thing from the moon base, a lot of the earlier magical stuff that doesn't mesh as well with the scifi bent the show took, but nothing as potentially setting-redefining as that one line.
lightsaber v. darksaber
fuck i love this thread, i hope these tales of Steven are never forgotten
Ok, I laughed at the image of everyone dancing around Steven's fucked up body.
I hope more people do these. SU fags occasionally pop on to bitch about them, but that makes it all the better. Especially when they go off about SU's 'lore.'
Too robotic. I think you were mixing in the other user's "Metal Men" idea.
I’m gonna try to another but thinking of switching to somebody besides Steven, I don’t wanna put all my eggs in a basket.
Steven Universe Alien Force.
Fair enough. The Amphibia girl meets the droogs? Lars getting tortured by Gul Dukat?
Thinking Marco from Star vs, he’s had it too good for too long. Also Anne is for protection.
ouch, the edge
I implore you to describe what’s edgy for me to write a story where Steven’s rejected by a pig and bit in the balls by one while covered in shit.
>hehe, can't take a joke? I'm just a twisted little psycho!
Okay Hot Topic
Look if it makes you feel better, I’m working on my greentext where Princess Marco gets raped by Bud Buckwald from Bordertown. Does that help?
I was going with metal man but then I read the shadow thing and I wanted to mash it together somehow but it doesnt really work
>lel sufags are gonna freak!
Oh good god, I haven't laughed that hard in a week.
Been doing a rewatch lately. Just came to me.
>Male metal men
The shadow people I envisioned as similar to the antispirals or being of pure dark energy, like an inverted evil version of Ultraman
I want these tales of Steven to be immortalized. Someone needs to commemorate Steven getting beat down, losing his ear to frostbite, witnessing the Gem civilization collapsing to a business deal gone bad, getting turned into a pig, dying as he sees his hopes and dreams taken away from him by Kevin.
The twist is the bad guy who is the ancient enemy of the gems is actually Steven from the future. He realized that rose and the rest of the gems are the true evil of the universe and he goes back in time to undo their evil. He is locked away deep within the cluster until Spinels machine allows him to escape. He doesn't want to destroy the earth because it's his home, but he needs to end the gems now as in the near future he knows he will make a mistake and damns the rest of the universe.
Just needs some forced infantilization while Kevin fucks the Gems and Connie.
>Mom's gonna freak!
Steven and the gem homeworld will prosper, until the day that the dark one arrives and destroys all that doesn't please her.
any drawfags? this needs to be crudely drawn into a masterpiece comic
>Lars getting tortured by Gul Dukat?
this please
>Steven becomes Thanos in the future
nah he's not even vaguely resourceful enough to pull off something so calculated
>Beyond Steven's Universe
>main villain is "big mean gem benis"
>most OP character; immune to talk no jutsu
>voiced by Ron Perlman
so it's a 5 part mini-series "event" right?
>voiced by Ron Perlman
>not Billy Bob Thornton
You had one job, user
Could Mr Woodcock make Steven a man?
He was Bad Santa too
And those movies already featured a sidekick that was basically a ginger IRL Steven
Don’t forget that movie where he taught wimps to be confident. School For Scoundrels.
He's also already friends with Becky so it would be a no-brainer
he's in
Damn he is.
We already know
But did you know that he's in charge of Mars?
Seriously, it has to be Black Diamond.
>but what about the shots of blue and yellow being almost disgusted
They obviously don't know who Black Diamond is, since only White seems to be familiar with him. It's only natural they'd react that way to what would otherwise be considered a defective/mutated gem, at least until White explains what he really is: The progenitor of all gemkind, father of White Diamond, grandfather of Blue & Yellow, great-grandfather of Pink and all other gems
>You've still never seen Steven fuse with a human and a gem simultaneously.
>You're unsure and somewhat doubtful that he can.
>You're slightly curious if he could exit the fusion while leaving the other participants fused.
Pearl and Connie?
I'm not sure that would be very healthy. Pearl would control Connie and Connie would allow it.
Maybe Greg, Pearl and Steven? He sang that song, there is Steg, probably make a male fusion since RQ2.0 is male.
>Post yfw he can stop time
>Post yfw colorshifting powers
>Post yfw he can crystalize a gem's entire body and keep them locked in a paralysis state inside of their statue body.
Reprogrammed Peal would be into it. Normal Pearl would react to it the same way she reacts to the idea of eating.
Steven’s just gonna move in stopped time.
Literally just make it Dragon Ball Z, but with significantly less aesthetic characters.
>Steven cleans up Pink's messes.
>Dies of old ace.
>Pink returns and enjoys the result.
>Runs into Spinel on homeworld.
>"Hey! You moved. That means I win!"
>entire season finale is just a giant jojo reference
>"Hey! You moved. That means I win!"
>If you can still get the majority of the experience unspoiled, it's the best cartoon of the past 10 years.
That honor easily goes to the Mickey Mouse shorts. Steven Universe isn't bad, but by no means is it the best cartoon of the decade.
Steven Universe: Shippûden
>Goes to talk-fu BlkD
>Gets BTFO by nihilism and being told everything he's said and done is meaningless
Spinel turns around to see pink reformed. And flips out
>"what is he?"
White's Son.
He's gonna be the one to take the sword to the reptilian menace.
>next seasons afterward star Steven's daughter
>season ends with Black Pearl, a male pearl that dresses like a priest, resets the universe
>"Hey! You moved. That means I win!"
My fuckin' sides
>Yfw Steven's daughter is basically a genderbent Giorno GIovanna
legit either steven or amethyst
this is sucrose's writing, so it'll be a son that identifies as genderfluid (because shapeshifting allowing for progression of mental illness) with no gem but all the powers of a gem
>Every story starts and ends the same
>Everyone is trying to teach him something
>Connie and Kevin always there to break him further
Steven is definitely in hell living this shit on loop or at least hooked up to some homeworld torture device.
I like to think he’s going through the Omega Effect. But that’s just me.
>You're getting Shadow people
>We’re getting beings born of negative emotion, feel and show no emotions, and harvest the emotional cores of sentient beings to join the greater darkness.
Called it.
Epic! Looks amazing. Giving me Iron Giant vibes which I love. Also Gurren Lagann.
>They are formed through the mobile fortress Kindergarten Omega
>Injection occurs through beams creating black holes that form their bodies from the absorbed matter, evaporating away like when they are full formed
*evaporating away when
Fuckin' Great
>Every story starts the same: Cops gun down the gems, Greg gets the 1% hounding him for money, everyone in Beach City who would care about Steven mysteriously turn up dead, Kevin ALWAYS ends up rich, Steven is put up for adoption-like it's forcing the thread along.
>Steven ends up getting adopted by horrible caretakers who 'teach' Steven vital lessons but go about it in such a harsh and brutal manner, it leaves one wondering. Papa wants Steven to face reality even if it's horrible, Sister Mariah wants Steven to become a mature adult the Ferengi gave Steven a lesson in class divisions and monetary gain,
>The other children are horrible to Steven, who seem to be toughening him up in a sick sort of way. Prepping him for a hard life.
>There's a few characters, or even just one, Steven focuses on. Only for said characters to start beating, terrorizing, or abandoning him in his hour of need out of disgust or pity. This breaks Steven down.
>Notice how each one of these people are noticeable? Lilia is really pretty but manipulative, Puck is vile and cruel while Adam is kind and gentle, Arnold is the voice of wisdom, the Campfire Lass is fiery and angry, Uncle Ruckus harsh but oddly protective and caring. They symbolize facets of Steven and are teaching him lessons.
>Connie, the one true friend he's ever had, and Kevin, a person who makes him feel feelings of jealousy and inferiority, always appear. Always together, and they both torment Steven in the climax. They appear out of nowhere, like out of fog, even when it makes no sense at all. All for the sole purpose of destroying Steven.
>Steven dies in the most humiliating way, failing to learn, and it all begins again.
I actually drew a Black Diamond head ages ago but whenever I've posted it on /trash/ I get shat on for it.
Drill really works well with the swirling darkness
>Implying it wouldn't be Steven Universe Zeta
what is this tardation
I can't believe the anti-spiral is the final Steven Universe villain
>yfw white is the absence of all colors but black is all colors in one.
White LIGHT is all colors
Black PIGMENT is all colors
Will Samuel Jackson be Black Diamond?
To go a bit further:
>The Ferengi represent Steven's worldview getting systematically destroyed, showcasing that it's not infallible. The Ferengi are very conservative, have a very decentralized kleptocratic government, and have strict gender roles, yet it works.They force Steven to face his worldview and mature, accepting other belief systems and that his beliefs aren't necessarily right. But he fails.
>Papa represents the harsh, stern father figure Steven never had but truly needed. He's over the top with his punishments but Steven always brings them upon himself. He tries to get Connie's attention to escape-potentially giving Papa legal trouble, and tries to get out of doing work. In short, Steven is a spoiled brat and his refusal to mature and accept Papa's discipline makes him unable to grow up.
>Lila and the foster children know their lives are not going to be easy but they're trying to prepare Steven for what's on the horizon. People aren't going to be inherently good, people can't be fixed with a song, sometimes they don't want to be helped and that you have to lookout for yourself first. Steven fails to accept that hard lesson and suffers for it.
>Sister Mariah is a mother figure Steven needed. She instills discipline upon a spoiled kid who refuses to follow the rules and grow up, assuming some authority figure will save him. Notice how the Nuns even treat Steven rather well? They know he's struggling and are trying to help but once again, Steven assumes he knows right above all.
>The PS118 kids try to make Steven assimilate and to interact with other humans. Steven refuses once again, assuming they're homophobes, and gets torn apart.
>Uncle Ruckus and the Campfire Lass are symbols of justice, beating down Steven for crimes against them. Crimes that never would've happened if Steven matured.
Steven also had the potential to befriend all of them but he fucked up. I'm thinking a Purgatory like realm prepping Steven for the next life.
Kevin and Connie, likewise, represent Steven's old life. Steven refuses to let go and get reincarnated, so hanging onto what was even as it grinds him to dust. That's an adult lesson and a sign of maturity: moving on. Steven should accept that Connie is growing up while he's still an autistic seven year old. Kevin, likewise, represents Steven's old fears about being abandoned due to his stagnant age and that he's a lesser man. When Steven finally ignores Connie, or just accepts her being with Kevin, Steven will move on.
Also, I didn't mean 'purgatory-purgatory.' More like a realm that's in hell but still gives Steven a chance to redeem himself and 'grow up,' experiencing the adulthood he was rejected in life.
Why the hell would being in Star Trek invalidate Steven's world view? The Federation of Planets pretty much have the exact same ideology of acceptance and tolerance and have developed a galactic wide Utopian civilization based on those principles.
Pick a different franchise for your perverted fantasies.
Cause the gems fucked mankind and allowed for the time of the Ferengi. Which again, plays into the 'your beliefs aren't necessarily right Steven' theme.
Ayy yo hol Here me out
How bout [/spolier]
The Ferengi's systematic destruction of Gem society even represents Steven's worldview slowly getting obliterated:
>Diamond essentially giving the Ferengi the Gem economy on a silver platter represents his faith in authority figures getting shattered as they're not infallible.
>The Kindergarten's getting repurposed represent the end of childhood and the beginning of maturity, where man has to work instead of playing around like autistic seven year olds.
>The cracking of Homeworld represents Steven's belief system beginning to fail as he faces new information, forcing him to accept new information.
>New information can also be seen as the superior Ferengi technology that quickly supplants Diamond Authority. Giving the Ferengi complete economic control over the quadrant and changes society forever. Representing Steven straining under the weight of puberty.
>The beach scene represents puberty, with the Ferengi viewpoint character largely being Steven's ideal. Homeworld has been terraformed, it has 'grown up' and now in place of fairly static rock you have lush oceans and foliage. This all plays into Steven adopting a new identity as he grows up, helped by the Vulcan woman and the pleasure model gems who show that he's becoming more comfortable with being a straight male.
But Steven still wants to be a kid, fucking up the process and sending him right back to the very beginning. There's a lot of symbolism here and I'm actually fairly impressed.
Okay now you got me wanting some Blackest Night shit.
>Sing again.
>I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker!
>Sing one more time.
>Implying "Sheeple" wouldn't have evolved so their gem placement is on the INSIDE of their body instead of outside
Someone needs to draw this. It's a systematic deconstruction of SU that covers a lot of ground with Steven behaving disturbingly in character.
Billy Bob
Connie's voiced by a whitey, too
Already featured, but only voice and comments by Pearl and Amethyst
its not a gem, its just an empty socket
Isaac Asimov's 'Homeworld's End.'
>all these anons setting themselves up for disappointment
Here we go again.
What's inevitable is Rebecca having a full-on breakdown or psychotic fit from the stress of working on the show.
She needs to retire for the sake of her own mental health
Will the new villian be Yuuzhan Vong or First Order?
It's on a release schedule of like four 11-minute episodes a year. How much work could it be?
3 words my dude:
Cutting room floor
36 episodes
35 episodes
20 episodes
14 episodes
21 episodes (1 episode + 1 episode that's as long as 4 episodes + 1 movie that's as long as 7 episodes)
>The main villain will be Black Diamond and the theme of this season will be interracial. White and Black had a falling out millions of years prior which caused them to split the empire and their children/soldiers/citizens in half. White lives in our universe and black lives in the adjacent one with his half of the children.
Screen cap this.
>steven universe
>black villian
i really doubt it.
Probably a resistance made from planets hurt by the gems. Steven will have to deal with aliens that are victims and arguably in the right for wanting to yeet the gems.
You should know by now that villians in SU aren't even "villains" by the end of the arc.
>Implying Rebecca wouldn't claim that it's a deconstruction of gang culture
>Post yfw there's a episode where we travel to Era Zero Homeworld
Is there a download link for the movie?
>The Movie served as a sort of backdoor pilot for the new part of the show
>Expect a teaser at New York Comic Con in October
>Some noteworthy things from the trailer:
The unreleased trailer that won't be released until October?
Yes, a hyperlink. An URL, if you will.
You're obviously avoiding the answer
what im hoping for is for steven to face off against a character similar to 40k orks. some one who fights because fighting is fun. it would be fun when he finds out that there is no pacifist and he just breaks down
She's a big strong lesbian, why would I?
I'm better off ignoring you and look for the movie myself
Now you're getting it.
I can't say you're wrong!
I feel someone more similar to Goku would work better
>irken get posessed by the gem he eaten
Reminds me of that copy pasta where Kamala Khan gets fucked in the ear
Can Pearl say "fuck" now?
It's being retitled to Steven and the Crystal Gems.
Based and Comparative Theology Pilled!
>two fatties fuse
>make a buff chad
explain this
It’s called cultivating mass
why does he have four arms but only two legs?
"He" is the original timeline Steven who went bad.
Leaked pic of the villain
he taunts the crystal gems by "fusing" with them, in reality just poofing them and wearing their gem and calling himself a fusion.
gotta decypher everything Ronaldp's ever said. there has to be a hint in there somewhere
On mobile but has an amethyst formation in his room above the couch.
Nah, he's gone soft, no more drawing loli and stuff, he's only drawing milfs and traps, and then when traps become offensive just milfs.
Very boring.
fusion is combining your existing elements and making a composite individual. those two had absolutely no "tall dark and handsome" qualities in them. but rather, the opposite
Gem forms are mostly how they imagine themselves appearing. Greg is Steven's personal rock-star superhero.
Christ that animation is awful.
A new season might be nice, if executives stay out of it.
This but it's going to be a Rule63 parallel universe (Many Worlds) thing.
Nora and the Metal Men will be a major antagonistic force, they're the opposite of Steven and Gems in many ways. Metal Men had an anarchic society of fairly isolated individuals engaged in philosophy, leisure, pure-science, varying artistic or lower-life benevolence works (and some engaging in destructive activities), etc. 'enlightened' activities, which was slowly dying due to their general rejection of self-propagation on ethical and moral grounds (they have a similar collective life-consuming reproductive process to the Gems, requiring some relatively large number of them to come together in mutual intent). Nora is a headstrong and violent wild-child who doesn't get along very well with anyone, including her human mother or adoptive metal fathers. In her world she forcibly united the Metal Men under a philosophy asserting the need for an appropriate degree of selfishness (resuming at least limited colonization, to maintain their population), defying her sacrificial fathers intent (in creating her) to escape the cruelty of his species reproductive method.
They clash over specific circumstances demonstrating their ideological differences, provided by a continual procession of yet other alternate worlds which sequentially intersect both of their own. It's pretty clear that this is not a natural circumstance, and rather engineered by some higher power, which is acknowledged by the end but never fully resolved.
so all of this sounds plausible, but It is on this website so there is probably is some bullshit
Fusion is a crapshoot on combined qualities. Some like Stevonnie are perfect, but more often than not will have some aberration like multiple limbs or eyes.
a literal nobody
If innocent Spinel had to team up with punished Spinel, what comedy duo would their act most resemble?
>no more daily SU mini marathons (which were just glorified hour-long blocks but still)
>SU gets 1 episode in the 6am slot
It's technically airing regularly but it might as well not be airing at all. New Looney Tunes has a better time slot.
Dunno about unions. But I like the name change. Kinda gives me db/dbz vibes.
No worries. Friendship will prevail!
For holographic eye-patch Connie to escape the holodeck, who's gem should she steal?
That's dumb.
But the answer is Peridot.
The marathon was nice. It was good seeing anons appreciate the later seasons for a change.
You know I have always wondered whats its like to fuck a brain.
Hiatuses just cloud judgement
She already said Heck, the natural next step should be Fuck
>Pearls get progressively vulgar with age.
>Spinel's weapon is known as a "Pearl Reset" and is a common tool for resetting one's Pearl when it starts to get a sailor's mouth.
The marathon made me realize just how bad Season 4 was. I didn't notice it before due to the long waits between episodes. I was just happy for more SU at the time.
>Steven Universe is coming back in 2020 retitled to Beyond Stevens Universe
>The Movie served as a sort of backdoor pilot for the new part of the show
>Expect a teaser at New York Comic Con in October
>Some noteworthy things from the trailer:
So are we going to get a aged up Steven?
Steven is dead.
Single mother Connie with Steven's gem-bearing child.
And then bend over for his Martian masters
I Pray Steven and Connie are endgame
Connie just needs more spark in her. She's has mellowed out too much in the series.
So will the sneople be the true villains?
She doesn't seem to be the solution to any of the problems that the gems encounter. Her role in most senses would be the token smart girl, but in every situation they haven't needed that kind of help, and certainly not from some human. Fights are between gargantuan monsters. The final solution to everything is the strategic guilt trip.
so if the enemy is male this time, lets consider our options. either he is male because his species has two sexes and there are some females with him. or he is male and his species are all male and men are bad. or its a gem who is male and is fighting back against the diamonds. or its a gem who is "male" but its full on tranny shit.
on any of these i honestly think that steven will refuse to try to redeem them or try to sway them except for the case of tranny gem. any time he has had male opponents, they have always been 100% in the wrong and irredeemable in his mind even if they literally have done nothing wrong
I can't help but feel like it will be the creator of white
Is there more inbetween? Or an uncensored version?
What about Andy?
>Implying the makers of the gems are not The Elder Things
>But they themselves are just trying to defend themselves against their other creation: the Shaggoths
he was also treated like he was wrong for being upset that two hobos broke into his barn and starting breaking all his shit
Yeah but Steven still wanted him around and really had no issues with him. The Gems were bitches to him though.
Why is anyone taking this seriously without a single link? CNScoop said they haven't heard of it, why is this being humored?
Because retarded newfags and/or memes
steven wanted him around because it was the first human relative he had, but was wholly with the gems in their takeover of his stuff. the message of the episode was to just give up and accept the changes even if you hate them. andy was wrong in their eyes 100% and he only became good when he gave up and just took their bullshit instead of fighting it.
speaking of the message, i dont know how i would deal with that. if some cunts flip turned upside down my life and they represented everything i dont like and they look at me like im crazy for not being okay with it, i dont know what i would do. on one hand its good to forget the petty stuff and be with your family, but on the other hand theyre doing nothing for you and actively destroying your soul and mind. maybe id be the type to just leave
Does anybody have that leak from last year that confirmed the movie, it being musical, and there being 9 seasons?
Here it is. Latest is that he doesn't know what's happening and with the new art book next year going into detail about each character's completed arc I don't think nine seasons is true anymore.
What do you mean by "latest"?
For context, Steven's VA currently is on vacation but they're still recording and doing stuff so I dunno what the deal is.
Oh, yeah, I know of that, but it's just speculation on his part as far as I can tell. I don't remember Zach saying that his trip was a year long though.
Maybe they dropped the Steven only perspective.
Doubt it. This was from a pre-CYM AMA on that other site that will not be named
Whatever is next might not be titled "Steven Universe".
I know about the Beyond Steven's Universe thing, but if the movie didn't change the POV thing I doubt "season 6" or whatever comes next does. I'd love a sequel series but I'm just being realistic here.
The movie is still titled Steven Universe though
> 1 + 4 + 7 = 21
Yup, I'm THAT bad at math.
I mean character development or regression
>so if the enemy is male this time, lets consider our options. either he is male because his species has two sexes and there are some females with him. or he is male and his species are all male and men are bad. or its a gem who is male and is fighting back against the diamonds. or its a gem who is "male" but its full on tranny shit.
>on any of these i honestly think that steven will refuse to try to redeem them or try to sway them except for the case of tranny gem. any time he has had male opponents, they have always been 100% in the wrong and irredeemable in his mind even if they literally have done nothing wrong
Steven is a Beta male
Men or Boys are becoming more diverse is what scaring the shit out of you Men no longer have to be masculine to be boys and men, they no longer have to do everything for the name of masculinity. For the men and boys who don't care for it their still men boys.
Now it's still possible Steven could fuse with a female and become both genders and stay that way.
if this shit's really coming in 2020 then there's no way in hell any part of it has anything to do with the way people have reacted to the movie, the whole season would have been written for a while now.
Spongebob and Squidward
I think you got the wrong impression of the show.
>Men or Boys are becoming more diverse is what scaring the shit out of you
the opposite is true. men as a whole scare the shit out of twitter warriors and men as a whole get deleted. i know there can be different kinds of men. i like that.
netflix got some korean guy to do saint seiya. in saint seiya theres a character i like who represents my zodiac sign and represents a different kind of man. a gentle man, a sensitive man. the kind of man whos strengths are caring and love. in the netflix adaptation he was deleted and turned into a woman in the name of "progression". men like those dont exist, different kinds of men dont exist is the message there. i dont exist. it made me so angry i was almost brought to tears.
dont assume that im some kind of macho man who hates the gays and wants only big strong manly men on his cartoons. what i hate is this modern toxic climate towards men. THEY delete other kinds of men and demonize the kind who fit the mold of standard masculinity. what scares me is how these people are in charge of most kinds of media and their ideology is fought against but still trickles in. like how a kid picks up and absorbs your biases, im scared about the future of boys.
none of this has any bearing or anything to do with my post thought so i dont know why you brought it up. simple observation is all i used to see that guys drew the short end of the stick in the show.
read more of my blog at
In the wedding Bismuth acknowledges that wedding rings are supposed to have diamonds but didn't put any on Garnets because it would seem inappropriate.
Bismuth never mentions anything like that. It was a comment about the rings being handy wedding presents.
I like you, but I'm confused about your previous post. Steven Universe has a boy as the protagonist. Most of the show's villains are female because the whole species is female. I was fine with how they treated Andy, and the only other male "antagonist" so far has been Kevin, who's treatment was questionable, but at least it got a bit better in the party episode. It also has other important male characters like Greg and Lars. Steg recently showed that they're not afraid of over the top stereotypical masculinity. If Steven Universe was to have an alien male villain, I don't think they would picture him as bad.
>simple observation is all i used to see that guys drew the short end of the stick in the show.
Not him but which guy? Dewey only got his position from nepotism and lost it when someone more competent came along. He found something else that he was good at and just as fulfilling.
Jamie got rejected but got advice in following his dreams in exchange.
Andy wanted to feel connected to his family so he traded the barn received family and friends in return.
I'm probably missing a couple but I'm trying to say that the men in the show didn't get fucked over, they just had less spotlight and their development was less interesting and shiny than the gems and women got.
>than the gems and women
Just the gems, I can think of even less female human characters than males. It's just Connie and Sadie, and Connie didn't have much development, just spotlight.
if steven masturbates does he lose his gem?
Unlikely. Creating Steven probably required some concentrated intentional effort from Rose to make it work.
Modeseven is chad. You lose your right to be afraid of degeneracy when you become one yourself.
dont take it to that extreme. i just noticed that in general, guys dont really get the treatment gems do. steven is quick to sympathize and try to reason and befriend gems who try to kill him. but he ranges from blasé to hostile to guys. he doesnt try to understand andy, he disregards ronaldo entirely (and he was turned into a misogynist idiot just so steven could disregard him), dewey got shafted for no real reason as now grandma fish pizza does literally the same shit he did, kevin got it real bad also for no real reason, and lars got kidnapped and raped by sadie.
none of this really matters, but its just a small trend thats enough of a trend for me to put money on a male villain getting 0 love from steven and being irredeemably bad without them even trying to change his mind. i cant shake it. i know they memed in murdercock and had steg make pearl, the biggest of gays, cum with just a look. maybe cause if theres a continuation, itll be like the show and not the movie, so i expect the shitty tumblr writers to pull another kevin. hes the only real "antagonist" and if hes anything to go by, any male villain will get the same treatment.
to make it clear, i dont care. what ill do if this happens is simply roll my eyes. i hope they dont pull a kevin but i cant help but expect it to happen.
i realize i may be pulling a tumblr by jumping to conclusions and making my mind up over something that hasnt happened and probably wont, but that just means im fitting in doesnt it
Checked and i never doubted him. /pol/ is always right after all.
I understand now. I don't think the way they treated the male characters is bad (Kevin aside), but it's clear that you do which helps me understand your view.
Again, he's gone soft, he's desperately clinging onto a false persona at this point for the clicks, instead of rebranding himself and shitposting about it.
>Shadman didn't become NormMan, going full normalfag and talking about drinking water and how salt irritates his stomach and being so absurdly incredibly bland
He had his chance, he's nothing but flavorless oatmeal and he knows it, yes ModeSeven is a Chad, he draw delicious chocolate grils.
Reason I doubt they would go with a clear male-coded villain is that it would be too obvious. But also because frankly I'm starting to suspect Sucrose either doesnt feel comfortable handling standard male point of view characters or simply doesnt know how to. It comes off less as bias or misandry, and more like dealing with female coded characters is just easier and works with her mental map of how all the characters should act.
>the only thing that can defeat Shadman is a teamup between Karbo and Modeseven
Post it here
First episode:
>"Alright Steven, are you ready for an adventure?"
>They froze as they heard a microphone boom out, "this is the police. We have your house surrounded. Come out with your hands up and nobody gets hurt." They looked out the window and saw masses of police cars, a SWAT team, even a news helicopter circling over the shack.
>"Well girls," Pearl shook her head, "looks like we gotta scare them again."
>"Uh, guys-" Steven was nervous, "I don't think that's a good idea-"
>"Oh Steven, they're just little humans. What could they possibly do?" One by one the Gems left the shack with Steven watching nervously out the window.
>"You ready girls?"
>"She's got a gun, she's got a gun!" Before they could fuse, bullets ripped across the beach, tearing into the three like mince meat. "Go, go, go! Git da kid outta heah!" Officer Ruckus shouted, his gun still trained on Pearl or rather what was left of her: a vaguely humanoid shape with a torn mouth with little gem stones sprinkled around her.
>"No!" Steven cried, "WAAAHHH!"
calling it, their weapon is going to be a fucking water cannon that can blast stuff or increase pressure and cut stuff like a water cutting tool...
Blastoise reference?
yeah, whatever it's called will also have something stupid to fly with, like a water jetpack or some stupid shit like that...
As if the name Metal Men didn't sound copyright infringing enough on it's own.
>Things proceeded as they normally would. Greg got imprisoned, their funds frozen and redistributed to the one percent, anyone who cared about Steven died, and Kevin became a millionaire as much of the Universe fortune rightfully belonged to him. Steven failed to fit in at the orphanage, everyone beat on him, Empire City turned out to be very grimy and unpleasant, and he got beat on by a myriad of characters. But then, one sunny morning in front of the metro station, as the local kids beat Steven, something happened.
>"Eh, ahm gettin' this message-" the tall ugly one pulled out a cell phone- "whats an 'icbm?"
>"A what?" Harold shouted, bludgeoning Steven's nose, breaking it.
>"A warning for a icbm. Garsh. Hope that's nothin' dangerous-" Stinky wasn't able to finish as alarms sounded all over the city. People in a instant froze, then panicked, and a great stampede ensued. "What the hell-" Stinky got pushed out of the way as a whole mass of people stomped into the metro, Steven quickly following.
>The bullies shrieking as they got trampled, Steven piling in-BOOM! The fire of machine guns overtook the Metro station. "Say back!" A riot cop snarled. "STAY BACK-AAHH-" A fireman hacked into him with a fireaxe. A set of police officers tried setting up a checkpoint but to no avail, people were swarming in like rats fleeing a sinking ship. Among them Steven.
>The police retreated, the crowd cheering as they stepped over the mangled remains of their comrades only- "ain't no darkies allowed!" The police had set up a chokepoint at bottom of the escalators. The people were ripped into by bullets as flashbangs rang out all around them. SWAT officers quickly retook control, storming the promenade and beating the people into submission with Sergeant Jasper and Uncle Ruckus quickly taking charge, deciding who could get into the station.
>Steven himself only getting into the metro after slinking around them during the chaos, destined to live a life underground.
he hasn't lost it so far, I mean he's got tissues right next to his bed.
Bullshit. If this is true, I will eat my fucking belt.
No, Blastoise doesn't shoot water from its cannons, it shoots water from a not well defined spot in front of its head.
>Even in the cold subway, Steven was an outcast. "Eh fatteh!" The New Yorker slugged a fist into his fface, "You stole his sausage!"
>"Pl-Please! I had no green stuff and-"
>"That ain't no excuse!" Another, "they used to cut off the arms of thieves!"
>"Enough," Kevin chuckled from his throne. Before the apocalypse, Kevin had money and his own healthy stockpile of anti-rads, making him the equivalent of their Bill Clinton. It had only been a few months but he had already accumulated so much power and influence, Jasper herself had to take heed when dealing with him.
>Steven though, "ah, what the hell." Kevin got up out of his throne, his men making way, "suppose I can be merciful." Kevin lifted Steven by the collar, impressively showing his well sculpted muscles, "just don't steal from me again, Fatty!" With a single thrust, Kevin threw Steven out of the subway window, Steven screaming as he landed on the ground with a THUD. Steven cried and cried, the people avoiding him out of disgust.
>His few bullets falling out of his pocket. Steven had no money, begging off the street, still fat from weak gem genetics so people assuming he was hogging and hoarding away food. Finally one of the guards showed up, "hey Fatty, we've been getting reports about you." Steven shrieked as they picked him up, dragging him away to his hovel which was full of anime memorabilia, and started trashing the place.
>"STAH-" Steven got hit with the butt of the soldier's rifle, as he fell the man then knee cocked his chin, making Steven spit out blood. Then as he rolled around on the ground, the entire squad joined in stomping him. "STO-BLAH-WAAAAHHH!"
>"Eh Vlad, this kid don't got shit."
>"Right," Vlad slung his kalash over his shoulder, "you got lucky. Hahahaha! Taught you a lesson." Steven lay on the ground for what felt like hours, unable to look at the dumpster that was his home-somehow looking shittier than before.
>Years passed and Steven was still a short fat kid, getting stared down and beaten by the bigger citizens. Hell, even the slaves sometimes beat on him, the Guards assuming 'Steven' was asking for it. But the tubby boy did find an effective use of his abilities. "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls!" Connie called from the microphone. "Take your seats and watch kick the autist!"
>The arena was bloodstained as there had been others before Steven, but they all expired. Only he was left-forced into it due to his outstanding debt to Kevin. Steven tried to run as the gates opened, and a Watchman popped out, roaring with range. "AAAHHH-" Steven screamed as the monster bit into his arm, shaking him, blood spreading all over the stadium and even into the crowd.
>"YEAH!" The crowd cheered, throwing bottles and rocks at Steven. Steven crying for them to stop but to no avail, having suffered years of Steven and wanting revenge. Finally the Nosalis left and went back into the cage as the next round of festivities began.
>"Ladies and gentlemen," the spotlight illuminated a familiar face, "STELIO KONTOS!" The song started playing as the big man picked up and bodyslammed Steven, making him shriek-spitting out blood and teeth.
>"AAAHH-" Steven tried to run but this only angered Stelio, who grabbed Steven's right arm behind his back and twisted. Steven felt his left arm tear out of his socket and screamed, "AAHAAAAAHHH!" Barely able to hold back tears, then CRUNCH, he couldn't feel it anymore. Sastified, Stelios then grabbed Steven's right leg and slung him right into the cement wall, cracking Steven's nose and leaving a stain of blood, mucus, and mangled teeth.
>The crowd was cheering, throwing in choclate turtles, bullets, and love letters. Stelios flung up his arms to their great delight, smiling.
>"Now for the finale," Connie pecked Kevin's right cheek as Stelios got ready. Holding Steven up above him.
>"No-" Stelios slammed Steven's spine right on his knee.
It's more of a placeholder for a more original name to come.
>"Move Fatteh!" Steven felt his gasmask, it barely fit his fat face. Gerald and the other slaves occasionally slapping him upside the head. The veteran Stalker with his SWAT HAZMAT armor watching over them with a machine gun at his hip. "Ah know yous and dem darkies don' like each other, but ya GOTTA WORK!" Steven trudged more snow, the nuclear winter never letting up.
>The railways were clogged, and with the high radiation ensuring a high causality rate, the slaves were used, and unlucky nerdowells like Steven who Kevin lost in a card game. They were trying to make contact with one of the other stations, having been isolated for the better part of a decade, but to no avail. Gerald was shoveling away snow when, "AAAAHHHH!" A Gargoyle swooped in and took him away.
>The slave screaming with terror as the beast took him to a nearby roof and started tearing into him, guts even flying off."Looke like dat darkie ain't got luck. AAHAHAHAHA!" The Stalker roared with laughter. The slave's orange jumpsuits doing little to protect them from the monsters. But the monster that afflicted Steven was one that wasn't seen, oh no. And Steven only knew it got him later, after his shift ended and he went underground, his face bright red and throwing up all over the bathroom.
>"Yo whiteboi," one of the slaves snarled as he slammed Steven's fat face into the sink, "clean dat shit up!"
>It wasn't long before Steven was burning all over, made worse by him shitting blood, the Stalkers shaking their heads as they made Steven undertake more and more dangerous tasks. Figuring he was on his way out, "WAAAAHHH!" Steven cried as his hair started falling out, Stalker Uncle Ruckus slapping him across the head.
>"Oh quit yer cryin'. Man up fo' a change!"
The one unexplored thing left is seeing rose' last days and how she gave up her form. I think the last season will be all falling action.
>Steven resolved to see the sunrise one more time. He was on his way out, his body was bright red from the radiation, he had lost both ears from frostbite, his nose was permanently broken and he only had half his teeth left. Sneaking out past veteran Colonel Uncle Ruckus (no relation) who was training the Campfire Stalkers, he walked to the top of a snow covered hill. In a way the city seemed oddly beautiful even with the nuclear winter. In the distance he could even make out a strange dark creature, watching in the distance with long arms.
>Steven tried to wave, but then-a big train came. "No... Impossible!" Steven stared as it slowly chugged along, he fell to his knees as he saw who was driving it, "no..." Kevin, with his ingenious smile, his handsome olive skin, and his well toned muscles even a heavy duty hazmat suit struggled to fit, was at the controls. With Connie looking out the window longingly.
>Steven wanted to approach her, wanted to tell Connie how much he cared about her, but then... Kevin came up from behind her. Then it dawned on Steven that Connie wasn't wearing any clothes. "No..." Connie got a nasty look on her face and turned, then faced forward as Kevin began moving... Her moaning and her face in pure ecstasy. Her body pressing on the windows, Steven able to make out some very generous assets....
>And Kevin looking at him, smiling. Steven felt his spirit die, then he fell to his knees, his eyes craning into the back of his skull, his bowls letting loose and blood pouring out of his mouth. His body jerked once more, once twice, and then... Steven died. When the Campfire Stalkers found Steven, it was deduced Steven died in a pool of blood, piss, and shit.
What you did well:
>Kevin VIP
>Stalker Uncle Ruckus
What needed improvement:
>More world building
>More details about the later stages of radiation poisoning
>More Jasper and Ruckus
I do think it would've been more effective if you established Kevin restoring the railways as him saving humanity. That way the utter humiliation of Steven dying as a slave would've been deeper, having been outdone and cuckolded by Kevin in his last moments.
i think we can assume that at some point she realized steven would fucking die within her infinite lifespan so she decided to leave her gem to him. as to the birthing process with the gem, she probably morphed down into his baby body and went radio silent. probably why even after 14 years pearl still held hope rose was just acting like steven.
the REAL thing we need to see is pearl go straight for greg, poofing and coming back looking more human, and then coming to the same horrifying realization rose did. if you want to carry proof of your love, you gotta die or be heartbroken for eternity. hey, maybe it can be a parallel or a side by side of rose dealing with it in the past and someone else dealing with it in the present
It's Rebecca herself posting,
nah. shes too busy bullying stevens va into suicide
Maybe they'll pull an X-Files and have Steven gone missing for a season or he's off training or off planet.