Character is universally hated by entire fandom

>character is universally hated by entire fandom
>still gets ton of high quality fanart and cosplay


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Where's Ember poster?

You don't have to like someone to want to fuck them.

The goth aesthetic is cute.

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that's why no one likes you

For me, it's 4


they're all fine except the sidecut one

He must be swimming in pussy then.

>girl wears her boyfriend’s clothes

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> character is universally hated by entire fandom
What? Your circlejerk is not an entire fandom.


Grow up.

The only one I don't like is 3

First Girl and one of the first gothicfus

Honestly, I thought Sam and Tucker were fine. Really all three of them can be assholes, and so they felt more dynamic than most other cartoon teen friend groups. It wasn’t constantly Danny needing the lesson, nor were his friends always perfect. Like the first time Tucker got power and had it immediately go to his head. Or the times where Sam’s activism really did hurt the situation (I feel like though she needed to be called out on that a bit more for not thinking through the consequences of said things). I think everyone got a negative opinion of them after the Reality Trip special because they started to seriously rehash some of the morals, undoing some previous work on them. Also the general quality of the series I feel started to dip around that time. Leaving a negative impression.

They didn’t always get along, and sometimes they held contrary opinions to the other, but they seem to enjoy each other’s company. And with Danny being the glue, it felt more believable.

To be honest, I can see why people are attracted to Sam’s aesthetic even if they don’t like her personality. I kind of miss the goth aesthetic and the whole rainbows everywhere is starting to get to me. Especially all these goddamn pastels.

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I thought she was fine. She was just as flawed as the other two.

Danny is an arrogant incompetent dickwad who uses his powers to goof off and pick on loser ghosts

Tucker is an envious little prick with a major inferiority complex

Sam is a self-righteous hypocrite and both her and Tucker manipulate Danny constantly

They're teenagers, so them being shitty makes sense.

>Especially all these goddamn pastels.
/ )

her aesthetic doesn't even match her personality, she feels more like a hippie wearing black than a goth

Goths aren't all gloom and mood. Hell, goths I knew in high school were some of the perkiest people I knew at the time.

>>character is universally hated by entire fandom
Completely wrong on every possible level,

Why can't this be a cartoon?

Because we can't have nice things user.

I love Sam and so do most people who like the show

slim pickings

Goth gf wont be denied

because girls identify themslves with her

>character is universally hated by entire fandom
It always seemed that only butthurt Valeriefags hated her that badly

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Because she’s a hot goth girl and #1 has a zoomer haircut

It's cute until she starts dropping her food on your favorite TShirt and stealing your socks.

>posting watermarked facebook memes on Yea Forums

fucking tacos

3 for me.

I like these better

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Attached: sam_outfits_part_1_by_amethyst_ocean-d9b1ges.png (800x585, 256K)

Was Butch Hartman the Nickelodeon Bruce Timm?

who dislikes sam?

who doesn't?

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>Do you want lies with that burger?


got ya covered

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that was from taco bell though, autist broke the story to the local news.

Because its not the entire fandom. I liked sam and im sure many others did too.

>Main girl character

I'd have to wonder why you ask in the first place. Those alone is going to cause her to get the most fan art out of all the girls.

That question can be answered by knowing WHO hates her and WHO are making fanarts.

The goths I knew had clear cut personalities with a gender split. The guys were normally modestly dressed and cheerful, but the girls were very insecure and angry at the world.
My sister was a goth in middle school/high school, and I think it's because the girl oriented goth stuff is/was pretty fucking expensive. Hot Topic merchandise, hair dye, the constant hair maintanence, the cosmetics, and jewelry (is that the right word for a stainless finger claw thing?) is costly as singular items, but the whole kit was an initial investment of $250-300, plus the running expense of like $50-100 a week. The guys just wore black clothes from Kmart and, semi-expensive, military surplus gear.
So, it looked like (most of) the guys were having fun with it, but the girls were using the whole goth thing as a mask or a permission slip to be assholes. it was a weird, shitty scene that didn't match the media representation at all.

>the fanart in this thread
Bless the creator's soul

I wish more fan artists stayed loyal to the series art style instead of inserting their own shitty art style to it

I have lost at least 800 dollars in stealed jackets and hoodies.