Imagine if Mabel or a Mabel-esque character was the MC instead
How much space is on her fucking phone
Then we'd have star
If anons can relate to this character, they're more like teen schoolgirls than they'd like to admit.
Kids can relate to SpongeBob without being fast food employees
>Actually improves the town she lives in with her efforts instead of making any area she occupies immediately worse
Rare for about any MC these days
Turns out having the main theme for your show be about personal growth and becoming a better person makes for some good characters. Anne really has come a long way and she's a great main character because of it.
I think I would shoot up something. I may not have a gun, but I'm pretty sure it would materialize out of thin air because I would be so mad.
surprised there's no clown-anne pictures somewhere. porn or not.
>gets face painted at fair
>isn’t clown print
Maybe her fetish is for clowns but not being one herself