How much space is on her fucking phone

How much space is on her fucking phone.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-07-23 at 11.24.07 PM.png (1157x579, 643K)

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I forget, does she somehow have internet or not?

An entire season of Suspicion Island downloaded overnight, presumably having been queued before she got zap'd to Pepeland.

I think she was just a cinephile and torrentfag

I love her even more now



Can we actually talk about how Anne is written for a moment?

There's something oddly relatable about her, for older viewers moreso than the preteens/adolescents this show was made for. That's not a bad thing, though.

If you're able to relate to the character, what's the problem?

Usually kid/teen characters aren't this relatable for an adult viewer

Because she acts like a real person instead of what adults think kids act and talk like, and she doesnt talk with that god awful kray kray slang man I'm glad Matt isnt into that

Imagine if Mabel or a Mabel-esque character was the MC instead

Attached: large.jpg (500x500, 254K)

Then we'd have star

If anons can relate to this character, they're more like teen schoolgirls than they'd like to admit.

Kids can relate to SpongeBob without being fast food employees

>Actually improves the town she lives in with her efforts instead of making any area she occupies immediately worse
Rare for about any MC these days

Turns out having the main theme for your show be about personal growth and becoming a better person makes for some good characters. Anne really has come a long way and she's a great main character because of it.

Attached: ourgirl.png (828x806, 1.11M)

I think I would shoot up something. I may not have a gun, but I'm pretty sure it would materialize out of thin air because I would be so mad.

surprised there's no clown-anne pictures somewhere. porn or not.

>gets face painted at fair
>isn’t clown print
Maybe her fetish is for clowns but not being one herself


It's not just the storage space on that phone that's impressive.

Just think of the battery life. She was using it for weeks. Then it had enough power to watch a full season of a TV show before the battery drained.

My phone can barely manage a few days with it sitting in my pocket, with the screen off, most of that time.

They've got good tech in their world apparently
Shit survived getting charged to like 10,000 percent by fucking bugs

>using tired old simp memes

I'd hate to be you right now.

Attached: whew grimsey2.png (969x765, 19K)

That, and it's durable as fuck.
That things been dropped, tossed around, submerged in water for an extended period of time, and it's still doing just fine.

10,000% of the normal full charge without the battery exploding. Their battery tech has exceeded what consumer level charges can fill.

>submerged in water for an extended period of time
I've seen articles of a few phones doing that in real life and still working. Plus most smartphones (except the really cheap ones) are IP68 these days:

Add on a case and surviving submerged isn't that surprising.

I think the main reason is how she adapted to the world instead of trying to adapt the world to her.
Think about star and how she basically brought her own room to Marco's house without even trying to sleep in a normal room.
Being able to acommodate yourself in any place and still enjoy yourself show a certain level of maturity

Also social invalids like us appreciate that unlike Star who everyone except for designated rich bitch (and best girl) loves her automatically, Anne gets a lot of shit from the town long after she busts ass (and arms) to try to win them over. And of course that just showcases how pure the Plantars are for welcoming her right off the bat when they see she's a good egg

you can purchase 500gb SD cards and most movie files are like 5gb max