>this fall, DC’s launching two new series under its Black Label imprint from writer Jeff Lemire and artists Andrea Sorrentino, Denys Cowan, and Bill Sienkiewicz that are squarely focused on Joker and the Question. >At first, The Question: The Deaths of Vic Sage comes across like a classic, hardboiled detective series, but the series opens with an existential twist: For reasons the Question doesn’t understand, he’s been living and dying in Hub City, seemingly trapped in a loop of reincarnation that spans from the Old West into the 1930s.
Cowan and Sienkiewicz drawing Question again. Fucking YES.
Have Joker and Question ever interacted? I never thought about it, but they seem like they would have an interesting dynamic
Zachary Howard
Lemire sucks ass, boring melodramatic Canadian meme
Kayden Jenkins
Sounds interesting, I'm in. But I can already tell it's gonna be in that oversized format that doesn't fit into anything like Batman Damned and Superman Year One.
>Lemire/Sorrentino return to DC >don't finish their GA run Its bittersweet
Bentley James
They're not going to be together, these are two separate books.
Eli Hill
>For reasons the Question doesn’t understand, he’s been living and dying in Hub City, seemingly trapped in a loop of reincarnation that spans from the Old West into the 1930s. I've seen this premise before but I'll support The Question anyway I can
Owen Allen
Ah, that's shame, but them together would be really cool
>seemingly trapped in a loop of reincarnation that spans from the Old West into the 1930s. Isn't that Resurrection Man?
Aaron Cruz
This is the most retarded decision they have made. Getting those two to finish GA could net them a whole bunch of tpbs/omnibuses that'll sell like hotcakes. Instead whatever project they are on will get cancelled in less than 20 issues. Where are their priorities? Does DC hate money or something?
Jason Bennett
No Resurrection Man is Highlander with Superpowers.
Jack Cruz
>Making the Question mystical again ehhh...
Jaxson Carter
wow this really says a lot about our society
John Butler
You speak of that run like it was selling 80,000+ monthly.
Jaxon Rodriguez
They already sell the Lemire/AS run as am "essential edition" complete trade. They seem to be happy with one thick trade to sell. There's always a chance that Lemire doesn't want to continue it. He said he retired from capes a few months ago, barring a couple unannounced titles. >Inferior Five was announced back in 2017, but is only starting now >JL and Black Hammer counts as Black Hammer indie work >This was the secret Black Label projects he was working on
Evan Campbell
Mason Bell
>Cowan and Sienkiewicz drawing Question again Nice >some bullshitbstory about mystuival ressurection and time loops with the Joker involved Modern DC is a fucking monkey paw.
Lincoln Cooper
I'm with you on the mystical part, but this has nothing to do with the Joker. These are two different series.
Landon Gomez
So what is the Question Detective Hawkman now with this reincarnation gimmick?
Tyler Walker
>People think the Joker is going to be involved with the Question story even though the announcement mentions two separate creative teams and the thread has the cover of the Joker book in it I know Yea Forums doesn't read comics, but I figured they'd at least read Yea Forums
Liam Edwards
People even shitpost on autopilot nowadays. It's the same lazy bait and lazy responses too
Gavin Hill
I knew I kept that gap in my pull list for a reason! >mystical Question Oh... Eh, I'll still give it a shot. Maybe.
Hunter Baker
Ah. Didn't click on the actual article, misread that one part quoted.
Robert Wright
>mystical Question Why can't they just let it go?
Evan Martin
>Lemire Nah. Why don't DC give a Black Label title to their top writers? Do they hate money or something? Tomasi, Jurgens, Tynion and Venditti would kill it on Black Label.
Ryan Taylor
Lemire is lame on capeshit. He's still better than the usual schlock the big two put out, but he's still decent to good at his best, and not great. Even the Black Hammer spin offs where he tried to do straight up capeshit were bland as fuck.
Michael Mitchell
>>At first, The Question: The Deaths of Vic Sage comes across like a classic, hardboiled detective series, but the series opens with an existential twist: For reasons the Question doesn’t understand, he’s been living and dying in Hub City, seemingly trapped in a loop of reincarnation that spans from the Old West into the 1930s.
Sounds like King's Mr Miracle series.
Nolan Torres
Denys Cowan is doing the art cool.
John Davis
Except not.
Juan Brown
This doesn't feel the same as that bullshit from the beginning of the new 52. What I think and hope it is, is using that idea to deeply explore Vic's character and his ties to Hub City. I don't think there's anything wrong with him exploring the supernatural, he's had brushes with it for a long time since O'Neil, being quite close to people like Lady Shiva and Richard Dragon, not to mention the 2005 mini by Veitch I like quite a bit.
Jose Kelly
Will we ever get an Objectivist Question back? Since the crisis, DC has decided to make him into a Zen guy, an urban Prophet and a female. Why are they so incapable of portraying a Randian hero in positive light?
Ryder Morgan
Looking fucking forward 2 it. It's been a while I was actually looking forward to something
Gavin Wilson
Razerfist is a fag
Hunter Brown
Nobody wants to read about Vic Sage fighting to lower the age of consent.
Samuel Fisher
It's actually kind of brilliant for each incarnation of The Question to embody different philosophical concepts. Morrison did him based on the theory of spiral dynamics. Each incarnation takes a different turn, and that's kind of unique to him. Embrace it.
Also, Rand was a fucking hack
Elijah Fisher
Maybe because Objectivism isn't a very appealing philosophy for a hero when it revolves around being selfish.
Michael Sullivan
Objectivist Question is autistic and stupid.
Gabriel Morris
This is true, as a metalhead in particular I hate him for making us all look bad. However, my hope for this is that Question has a different philosophy to explore each time he is resurrected. Sophism, Absurdism, etc etc
Matthew Harris
Reminder that Rorschach is more famous than the Zen Question will ever be. Even the most famous version of Rorschach is the crazy conspiracy theorist from JLU, who was based on the objectivist version. Nobody cares about some Chinese knockoff philosopher or some Butch lesbian.
Nathaniel Butler
>Even the most famous version of Rorschach is the crazy conspiracy theorist from JLU, who was based on the objectivist version.
He's famous for that because he was in the cartoon, not because the conspiracy theorist version is better. I'm sure the old ugly version of Shade from JLU is more well known than the Robinson version, but that doesn't make it better.
user, Jorgens is not a top writer since the 90s, and as much of a "fan favorite" people seem to think he is, Tomasi is a B tier writer for DC.
Liam Evans
I'd read that
Benjamin Thomas
Based Bendis
Noah Thompson
You're not wrong, I know that The Question and Shade are vastly different comics wise from the JLU, but when I think of them I think of the JLU version. Even when I went out of my way to read a few Question comics, I heard Combs voice.
Jaxson Wood
I'm not even certain how anybody expects the superheroism, an inherently altruistic profession, to gel with the concept of rational egoism. Even Rorschach was more of a simple moral absolutist than anything we would recognize as an objectivist.
Alexander Ortiz
he is...cause he only writes ONE DAY A WEEK. the other 4 he spends drawing instead. How the fuck he can write so much in one day is beyond me
Lincoln James
>I heard Combs voice I want him to voice all the characters I read
Jordan Campbell
I want them to do an actual TV show based on The Question like the anons idea above, where he changes philosophical outlooks every week and talks about them while dealing with THE CONSPIRACY while being played as Combs and never taking off the mask.