>this fall, DC’s launching two new series under its Black Label imprint from writer Jeff Lemire and artists Andrea Sorrentino, Denys Cowan, and Bill Sienkiewicz that are squarely focused on Joker and the Question. >At first, The Question: The Deaths of Vic Sage comes across like a classic, hardboiled detective series, but the series opens with an existential twist: For reasons the Question doesn’t understand, he’s been living and dying in Hub City, seemingly trapped in a loop of reincarnation that spans from the Old West into the 1930s.
Cowan and Sienkiewicz drawing Question again. Fucking YES.
Have Joker and Question ever interacted? I never thought about it, but they seem like they would have an interesting dynamic
Zachary Howard
Lemire sucks ass, boring melodramatic Canadian meme
Kayden Jenkins
Sounds interesting, I'm in. But I can already tell it's gonna be in that oversized format that doesn't fit into anything like Batman Damned and Superman Year One.