WHY do companies keep insisting on using CGI?
It ALWAYS ages terribly and looks literally unwatchable in 5 years,
WHY do companies keep insisting on using CGI?
It ALWAYS ages terribly and looks literally unwatchable in 5 years,
because it's cheaper and they don't care about longevity
Its cheaper than practical effects and is good enough for the time its being released.
please for the love of god tell me that wasn't actually on TV and this is just all on me not properly remembering the Iron Man fight from the PS2 Punisher Game
It was 90s tv
Because the common viewer has no taste and prefers it for some reason.
If you get the story good enough like AcceleRacers, nobody will care
or you could even make it look bad on purpose
or both, like Ratboy Genius
Serviceable and fast. If they actually cared about the CGI, It would age better though.
it was. sometimes the season 1 suit up sequence transitioned to cgi when he lifted and put on the helmet, and sometimes it stayed as traditional animation. i guess they only had enough money for one person getting cgi, because war marchine nor anyone else got it.
>after 5 years
I think the deterioration in 3D animation is slowing down. I still enjoy CGi from the early 2010s.
Oh it's even greater than you possibly imagine
CGI was cutting-edge shit in the 90s. People didn't anticipate how dated it would look, they were mesmerized by how it currently was.
You want some rough 90s CG
How long can you last
I probably would've dig the crap out of that if I was a kid in the 90s. Remember that pic related blew people's minds.
>Toy Story
The only things that looks dated in Toy Story are Sid and his dog because they were intended to be as unlikable as possible within artistic integrity.
As a child your mind fills in a lot of details even though your eyes are (supposedly) fully developed while your brain is still developing. Its why children have a harder time distinguishing real from their own imagination.
Just as Toy Story gets older, so does the attention to detail. You can't watch Toy Story 1 as an adult if you watched it as a child. I guarantee you any adult that watched Toy Story 1 when it came out knew exactly which scenes wouldn't age well and which would.
Remember that that ain't working.
Yeah, but stuff like Toy Story and Reboot had decent stories. Plus while the rendering is dated, the camera work and scene direction aren't bad.
Meanwhile, some cheaper more slapped together shows like this age far far worse because they are crudely shot on top of badly aged CGI.
Now I remember why I don't want to go back to watch the Iron Man and Hulk and FF toons like I want to rewatch the X-men ones. Even the bad CG swinging in Spider-man was better than those.
Then again, weren't X-men and Spider-man properly on Fox Kids while Iron Man, Hulk, and FF were syndicated? Even as a kid I noticed how those were cheaper productions.
>Why not a dummy in the white house?
Somewhat related, here's a couple clips from an intro to The Marvel Action Hour:
Cartoon CGI should aim at creating its own unique style, instead of realism
but I'm rewatching Beast Wars and it's great
No, all of the humans looked pretty bad. That's why The Incredibles was a bit of a game-changer when it came out.
The power rangers one looked like shit even on release.
ReBoot/Beast Wars/Shadow Raiders CGI was LEAGUES above most of the other CGI that was out at the time. It still looks great, and it looked a hell of lot better than shit like Voltron 3D.
To this day I think Toy Story and ReBoot still have this nice stylized look to them. They fit the aesthetic they were going for.
I actually like whatever you call this style. Feels futuristic yet dated at the same time. I also like the jankiness on Megabyte and the Transformers, it suits the fact they look like robots and/or action figures.
>I also like the jankiness on Megabyte and the Transformers
Thats how magic happens
They animation is perfectly flawed to portray the robotic nature of those characters, what else about the post did you not get?
First of all, Megabyte isn't a robot.
Second of all, "jankiness" does not inherently equal "robotic"
Third of all, I'm not seeing the "jankiness" to begin with.
Angry Primal is never to be messed with.
My favourite nonsensical complaint about ReBoot's animation is when people compare it to PS1 graphics, because there was A GODDAMN REBOOT PS1 GAME that shows you EXACTLY how shit the PS1's graphics are compared to TV production animation.
I mean, fuck, ReBoot had an episode where they deliberately lowered the quality of the animation and still knocks PS1 graphics out of the water.
Literally all of the 90s CGI is jerky and janky. None of them move in a human or natural way. There's a lot of sudden movement and floaty character motions that just don't feel right. I don't know how you can't see it, specifically on Beast Wars, all of the movements are very odd.
And excuse me if I don't remember ReBoot all that well, I have not watched it since like 20 years ago.
I feel the same about the Beast Wars game.
everything looks very nice
thanks for sharing
because it's stylized it looks timeless
Y'know it's too bad we never got a ReBoot or Beast Wars game for the PS2. Would've looked a whole hell of a lot better. Graphics similar to the actual shows wouldn't be possible until at least the PS3, but still better than PS1.
Those are some top-notch creative designs.
I don't remember that gake, but I remember when graphics like that were cutting edge. I assume this game came out a while after that was the case.
Gee. It is almost as if animation rendered on a machine for animation over days is better than animation for games rendered in real time.
Yeah. People who compare it to any real time rendering on old game systems are idiots.
Because you only see bad CGI. Good CGI is invisible to everyone.