Name a better Amazonian couple

Name a better Amazonian couple

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Ryan and Doris

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Ryan wants some ice puss now

Anyone know what issue this is from?

I can't but I can come up with #2.

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Not as great, because DC hates it, but this is my vote.

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Poor Jason. Even when he scores, everything blows up on his face.

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I can't trump it, but I do want to post more of the same.

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>based on Kirby's actual relationship with his wife
fucking BASED gentle femdom loving Kirby

Didn't Stan the Man cuck him or it was just a rumor?
Please tell me it was just a rumor.

Not even a rumor, just a dumb joke.

I like how the recent issue explored their relationship a little and showed Diana with some insecurity about it.

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>Wondy screeching about fidelity

Bitch weren’t you thot over Batman in Kings run? Don’t be a hypocrite

>Kings run
There's your problem


You're cringe.

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nah wonderbats is garbage, was garbage and will be garbage

What is even happening in the final page?

Which is unfortunately everyone’s problem because we all know Batman continuity trumps everything else at DC headquarters

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Implying Batgod and WW is even remotely a similar dynamic to Big Barda and little Scott. Pay attention next time dumbass

Well, you're wrong, but tastes vary and you're entitled to your opinion.
Wonder Woman was going through a simulated scenario based on her dreams and nightmares, and so the comic had this gimmick of the page being ripped at end of every scenario by the actions of following one.

Batman's allowed to be more humanized and ordinary without losing any of his cool factor when paired to Wonder Woman, which is the main appeal for me.

It’s canon in my head.

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so this was a nightmare right

Literally impossible DCs Golden Boy isn’t going to be ordinary and hasn’t been since the 90s. For fuckssakes they made him stronger/better than Superman. It’s precisely the opposite of Barda and Scott.

Plus Barda and Scott are there for each other. With Batman she’d just be some shitty hurt/comfort fodder for his “craaawling in my skiiin!” moments

Not exactly, it was showing all these possible futures for them, some more tragic than others, and afterwards it lead to them deciding to just be friends.

It's more complex than that.
She was worried about her budding relationship with Batman, and so used Martian Manhunter's Martian technology for therapy, where the patient can go under and lived their dreams and nightmares with the company of a physician - Martian Manhunter -, and go through the stuffs troubling them. She wanted to investigate her fears about their future together.
So the comic are filled with scenarios that scare her and are good reasons for why they shouldn't be together, but at the same time in each of the scenarios she goes through there's always a silver-lining that makes it all worthy it.

Still it ended with her deciding for them to stay as it is, with them just as good friends.

I was making a joke retards

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You seem to hate Batman and have issues with him being more popular than Superman, so i can see where you're coming from. But you're still wrong about their dynamic.

Batman is never shown upstaging Wonder Woman, if anything he takes a step back and let her have the role of the hero of the stories. She's also not portrayal as a blood-thirsty cunt, which as a Wonder Woman fan is a big plus for me. Wonder Woman can remain her wholesome self and even gets to be funny to counter-balance Batman dourness and grumpiness.

And why are you implying that Mister Miracle isn't cool as fuck? He's the man capable of doing the impossible. He's pretty much Batman on steroids. Just because Scott and Barda are able to have comfy moments where they get to be just chill husband and wife that doesn't mean that they don't kick some serious ass when in costume.

If you've ever get princess carried as a man, and it feels right. That is because it is alright. Have faith bros. There is your amazon out there somewhere.


> DCs Golden Boy isn’t going to be ordinary and hasn’t been since the 90s.

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Hard to top Barda, but I'm a major fan of Liberty Belle and Hourman. I assume they no longer exist in DC continuity, unfortunately.

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>Hard to top Barda

tell me about it

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A "joke". Calling it a joke implies it was funny. Cheer up though, comedy isn't for everyone.

i want to ______ Big Barda!

"Get an autograph from"

more like based

Next page, user?

>I didn’t find your joke to be funny

That user was hilarious tho. And right too. It’s a nightmare considering WonderBat is shit

>Wonder Woman can remain her wholesome self and even gets to be funny to counter-balance Batman dourness and grumpiness.
You mean like how she tried to seduce Bruce while he was married?

>tall woman/short man

This is the best and cutest combination on the planet.

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King's a terrible writer and i hate him, but that was still better than Action Comics arc "For a Thousand Years". Wonder Woman at least backed off in this instance with her moral integrity ultimately prevailing.

>Batman is never shown upstaging Wonder Woman,

>WW gets beaten by Fodder, Batman flips his shit

So Superman upstaged Batman there, since Batman was just stalling Kalibak by escaping his attacks until Superman could show up to deal with him?

So Jack had left to work for DC. That little backstabbing turncoat made a character to make fun of me. So I went over to his house, bust down the door, and banged his wife right in front of him and his family. And I said to Kirby "Happy Thanksgiving you bastard!" And then I ejaculated inside of his wife, pulled out, and showered the others with dribbles of semen.

His New Gods is some of the greatest work he ever produced.

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>Wonder Woman at least backed off in this instance with her moral integrity ultimately prevailing.
Wonder Woman never made a move on Clark. Their tension was unspoken and neither made the first move. That’s the whole point.

>King's a terrible writer and i hate him, but that was still better than Action Comics arc "For a Thousand Years".
This is honestly cognitive dissonance on your part. WW’s potrayal was much more damaged in King’s Book than in Kelly’s book. The entire point of the story was to establish both their virtues in contrast with Lois’s guilt over working with Luthor (or maybe somebody else) over something. I can’t remember exactly what she did.

A lot of SMWW shoppers think this was about the OTP, when in reality it was about Lois’ insecurities over her actions during Kelly’s run. It’s hilarious that they all misinterpreted that.

Batman never got his ass beat, Wonder Woman did. Batman got showed up by nobody. Wonder Woman is the only one who suffered from this. Stop deflecting.

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IT IS THE SAME ARC. That's why i hate Tom King so much. He was aping Joe Kelly's AC arc.
>Wonder Woman never made a move on Clark.
She approached him wanting to fuck. This is what happens in "For a Thousand Years". Superman told her that even if he it took him a thousand years or if her saw Lois again, he'd never be able to betray his wife or the memory of her. That's when Wonder Woman backs off.
The same happened in King's run, because he was ripping the off of Kelly, but this time both Bruce and Diana decide the whole situation is silly and they've people special to them back home waiting.

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>rejected homewrecking stalker
>two cheating cunts
To be honest, both examples are bad.

A solid second place

>She approached him wanting to fuck
Literally wrong. She was in his camp. Their unspoken attraction never materialized with words. They were both unsure of what to do and later came silence. This was more subtle than King’s piece and relied more on implication. Wonder Woman never “temps” Clark. She’s just as unsure as he is.

>but this time both Bruce and Diana decide the whole situation is silly
Kelly’s was better because his WW doesn’t come off as a temptress. WW said it was perfect that they simply continued with their friendship. This isn’t a pro-SMWW moment. They both come off fine.

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She didn’t make a move on him. She wasn’t an aggressor here. Neither of them were.

I'm sorry, user, but that:
>--is our last night together... yes.
It's a clear invite for sex. Anyone, man or woman, would catch the meaning of those words, and the text supports said view by Superman rejecting her.
>This isn’t a pro-SMWW moment
Of course it isn't, just as what King wrote wasn't a pro-WWBM moment.
>They both come off fine
No, they don't.

Ol’ Bruce will fuck any and every woman alive and you better embrace it.

Oh. I figured someone just blew up the bridge, killing old man Bruce and enraging Diana to the point of Maxwell Lording a mutha fucka

You do know that Diana never said "i want to fuck you, Bruce" in the King's writing either, right? She and Bruce just got very close, same as in those pics you're posting.

>merely pretending to be retetarded

Nah, man. Why would you kill an old man in last days? Bruce simple exploded from inside out threw guts, blood, and shit everywhere. It was horrible. Years of Venom, Lazarus pits, and METALS all taking a heavy toll in his heart and gut.

What are they good in? I might enjoy reading something that features them

To be fair, they were pretty much devouring each other's faces. If anything, Batman was the one gunning for it.

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>It's a clear invite for sex.
In what way is Diana inciting him for sex? Superman is the one who started the conversation on that route. They both acknowledged the fact that it could be their last night together. That doesn’t mean they’re inviting the other. That’s why they both looked at each other, but didn’t lean in. It’s unspoken.

>You do know that Diana never said "i want to fuck you, Bruce" in the King's writing either, right? She and Bruce just got very close, same as in those pics you're posting.
They both leaned in to kiss. Superman and Wonder Woman just looked at each other tensely and unsure. One was much more on the brink than the other.
>No, they don't.
Maybe to someone who’s arguing in favor of King’s work in this case, but they both came off mature and vulnerable. They don’t come off succumbing to whatever tension they have. The notion passed, and it was rejected.

She does exist, it’s just that she is relatively unknown and DC decides not to publish anything related to her.

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Didn’t she an Johnny Quick have a thing?

oh god barda's perfect

Superman clearly rejects Wonder Woman because of Lois, and if you read into her pauses it can be interpret as she being hurt by the rejection but putting on a front. Not to mention that she clearly invited him for sex.

And nobody is arguing in favor of King. King's a terrible writer. It's just that both arcs are the same, with King's arc being an obvious copy of Kelly's. I just think that in Kelly's arc Wonder Woman came off worse than Superman, while in King's both Batman and Wonder Woman come off bad.

If your only liking of the character extends to her being on the receiving end of your favorite male heroes dick then you by definition are no Wonder Woman fan. Same goes for SMWW fans who claim to be Wonder Woman fans.

I'm a bigger Wonder Woman fan, than a Batman fan, though. I just find her pairing with Batman more entertaining, and less damaging.

It's an illusory Steve that's a manifestation of Diana's fears about the relationship

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Is the current run of WW any good?

He’s her dad user.

It's okay Diana. You and Clark will get hitched in about a century, once he is over his 'human' phase, and both of you are over your long dead human lovers. Hell, I don't even like Superman and Wonder Woman together particularly, I'm WonderBats all the way, but they do need eachother long-term. Hell, isn't it generally implied that even Diana dies eventually (maybe once the Amazonians perish with the Earth her blessings dissipate?) and it's just old man Clark or Superman One Gadzillion depending?

Being Clark is suffering.

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I liked the potential future where somehow Bruce has longevity too and they are both wearing labcoats. It would make sense that somehow he would stick around for her, and her fight to keep him around, all said and done. Even Clark throws DKR3 Bruce into the Laz Pit rather than letting the world lose the Batman/his friend.

This almost feels like sort of a bad end, if a happy one. Bruce clearly got his back broken again from the dialog, but never recovered, almost like 'victory has defeated him'. Or happiness in this case.

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Hah. Yeah, 'just friends'. They just bottled the feelings up and tried to ignore them. She is the one cradling his body when he comes back form his time hijinx, as well as image related. I honestly miss the old JLA/DCAU "Bruce" "Princess" dynamic they used to have. It existed through my entire youth and young adulthood.

Then N52 turned Diana into a raging bitch and Bruce into... well, and they practically hate eachother at times. Rebirth kind of fixed Diana, and I stress kinda, but it's also doubling down on Steve.

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Huh. So WonderBats isn't technically dead even in Rebirth, just not going to happen due to circumstances? I thought this Diana and Bruce didn't get on well?

>Comfy Barda thread
>Devolves into Bat-drama
Stay miserable Yea Forums.

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>This almost feels like sort of a bad end, if a happy one. Bruce clearly got his back broken again from the dialog, but never recovered, almost like 'victory has defeated him'. Or happiness in this case.
It is. The scenarios she dreamed up are all terrible ones. Is that even in the worst of cases they're still somewhat happy together. That's the take-way of the issue.

>I thought this Diana and Bruce didn't get on well?
New 52 Batman and Wonder Woman were the ones that didn't get along, mostly because Wonder Woman hated Batman and didn't like his friendship with Superman, going as far as blaming Batman for every problem in her relationship with Superman. But even then Geoff Johns tried to hint something had "happened" between the two in a romantic sense, with Batman maybe still be hung up on her.

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They were so bloody adorable in JSA.

But aren't they technically the same Batman and Wonder Woman? What *did* turn Diana from the brutal bitch she was in N52 back into the generally sweet Diana recently? More time fuckery?

Also, dat image. Why so salty Batman?

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>What *did* turn Diana from the brutal bitch she was in N52 back into the generally sweet Diana recently? More time fuckery?
New 52 Superman was merged with pre-Flashpoint Superman, changing the universe's time-line by combining their histories. That erased her relationship with the New 52 Superman. She also learned that her entire past life and background was a fabrication created by the gods to keep her from the real Paradise Island. Something that almost mentally broke her, but she's better now. Still no close to finding her REAL island.

So yeah, more time-fuckery.

My biggest question has always been what is Barda doing when Scott isn't around the house? Does she chat with her neighbhours? Does she go to the supermarket? Does she knit? I know Scott is probably praying and crying out of happyness that he's a free man and doesn't have to see Granny anymore.

Read JLI

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Fuck I agree. They'll salty Wonder Woman is more with Superman than Batman and spend their day attack that ship. Grow up and let people like what they like. Not all women like Batman and it pisses them off because they self insert as him. (I really think it's just that one BMWW poster that keeps posting though)

I'm a woman and i like Wonderbats. Stay mad.

I don't give a shit what others think but i fucking love Wondy and Steve as couple.

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No, it's horrible. Like almost every WW run.

Of course you are.

Wouldn't real Amazons find these guys to be a turn-off?