What is your opinion on Eris?

>gigantic got fucking cancelled

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Thank you for this. I know this movie but I don't have many webm's of the best scenes. Eris was sex in this film.

And while the movie wasn't great, I did really like the whole heroic self-sacrifice angle they used. Good ending.

Can anyone give Webm's of the best of Eris? This is all I have and it's pathetic.

Attached: tumblr_nbpxv6PwaU1qfcktfo1_250.gif (245x300, 691K)

She definitely gives Hades a run for his money in terms of being an incredibly detailed animated villain. For the most part, Hades' whole thing was just being wispy in parts of his body (namely his flaming hair and the edges of his clothes), while Eris is practically changing every 5 seconds, almost never staying in one constant state for long. Which is certainly fitting given her designation as a chaos god, but also the fact that they took so much time to make her animate that way when she could have just had fewer transitions in her shape/size.