>Phase 4 might be 5 years long

I think the MCU is going to run out of steam. After Endgame, superhero fatigue is going to set in. We had a great 11 year run but all good things come to an end. I don’t see Captain Marvel, Strange, and BP holding up the franchise as well as the original trio did.

Strange is the only 1 I am remotely interested in seeing after Endgame.

I'll be honest, the combo of how bland and uninspired Captain Marvel was compared to the epic scale of Aquaman (Something I never felt with the MCU), the greatness of Spider-Verse that made MCU seem redundant, and then the heart of SHAZAM really makes me question the direction of the MCU. Like, the MCU feels cheap and not directed as well as these past three films.

Daredevil S1 was better than 90 of the MCU

The rest were garbage

I don’t care for Spider-Man anymore because I’ve sat through 6 films about him in the past 17 years. Enough is enough.

I enjoyed Shazam because it actually embraces the source’s zaniness and the actors for young Billy and older Billy did a stellar job. And the scene with the mom hit me harder than I thought.

WB is starting to get its groove on while Disney is starting to falter. Honestly, I don’t think we’ll see cape movies do well in the next decade. It’s flooding the market.

I mean if superhero fatigue does set in and cape movies become uncool Feige might not have a choice...

If they can improve on their costume design, script and CGI, I wouldn't mind watching them after End Game. I've sorta gotten tired of their lazy shallow quips. I don't think Phase 1 and 2 had that issue, expect for the bad ones like The Dark World or Iron Man 2.