>>Phase 4 might be 5 years long.
>>No plans for X-Men
>>Phase 4 might be 5 years long.
>>No plans for X-Men
Other urls found in this thread:
What about the Fantastic Four? Are those being put off too?
Good, give the X-Men a fucking break for a while and let other characters be introduced and stretch their legs out.
Exactly. Watching the outrage from everyone who "knew" Endgame would introduce mutants will just be a bonus.
Not mentioned
>Young Avengers confirmed meaning:
>Lesbian America Chavez
>Gay Hulkling
>Gay Wiccan
>Muslim Ms. Marvel confirmed
>Gay Eternal confirmed
>Pajeet Eternal confirmed
>More Captain Fungus
>More poor little white boy Spider-man
>RDJ's contract up, so probably Ironheart replacing him
>Female Hawkeye a.k.a. 'the real Hawkeye' confirmed
>post-wall ScarJo Black Widow movie confirmed
>All-female A-Force type movie confirmed as being in consideration
They might as well call this 'Phase Poz'.
I'm not angry, I'll save a lot of money and time avoiding the MCU now that it's as pozzed as the comics.
>America Chavez
That is what concern me the most, the rest will probably be sidekicks but this cunt always take the spotlight in comics and turn everything awful.
Good, now no one can smell your musty ass in the theaters.
Cool, enjoy the AIDS!
I will if you will, sweetie. :^)
Plans change all the time. And I'm sure there's nothing stopping them from putting a mutant or two in a TV series or one of the upcoming movies.
Is that really her name? It sounds like a fanfic OC name.
>mutant or two in a TV series
That went well for Inhumans
>deadpool is gonna be lumped in with this and can either make fun of only in a PC sense or will actively praise them
They will go hard on the 'pansexual Deadpool' meme.
find it hard to believe capeshit will still be in high demand after 5+ years
Oh good. I was worried they were going to draw to try me in.
It'll be the latter, Deadpool was already shipping Negasonic and the Asian girl hard in the sequel.
Colossus too
They are no different than other run of the mill action movies
Hope they eventually reboot Iron Fist, Daredevil and Luke Cage somewhere down the line. Netflix shows were trash.
t. guy who can't afford Netflix. The shows (except IF) were better than 90% of MCU movies
Normies love it and at this point they're all compelled to watch as much as possible.
I told you guys, the MCU is repeating the comics' mistakes.
They didn't have a plan for Spider-Man either at the start of phase 3, I wouldn't worry about it. If they really want or need to they will find a way, they just don't have any plans right this second.
>>Young Avengers confirmed meaning
But not even marvel fans liked young avengers. They are better off doing teenage x-men.
I call bullshit. Disney will be kissing the Chinese market goodbye. Even J.K Rowling don’t want to piss off the Chinese market.
This. At most Disney will make everyone bisexual. But everyone in the young avengers act straight on screen.
>But everyone in the young avengers act straight on screen.
That sounds so believable. Please let this happen. It will cause so much ass hurt!
Her name is Miss America. Comicsgate shitters call her by her full name because they can't let you forget that she's brown. She was fine in Ultimates.
America is an actual name some Latinos give to their daughters, see America Ferreira.
Her creators gave her that name because they wanted to make a modern Miss America but they nevt intended to make her what she is now. I mean the first thing they decided about her was that she didn't wear underwear, so they didn't have social justice in mind.
Being a contrarian doesn't make you cool
They'll just cut enough of it to make it ambiguous.
I don't really get this. Why would the atheist red Chinese be so against depictions of homosexuality?
It's hardly contrarian, the shows were popular and well-reviewed (again, except IF).
Why did the comics go full retard with SJW bullshit anyway? Why can't they just be normal like DC.
I watched them all. Apart from the first season of Daredevil, They all have huge pacing issues and extremely boring down times. I can say safely say the movies have a way different issue than that.
Marvel has always, always been retardedly progressive not moderately progressive like DC who make noble characters while Marvel makes damaged characters. That means that if WW is leading a team she's leading the team and if anyone asks questions she puts them in their place, if Wasp is leading a team and people ask questions she says why are you asking that question because I'm a woman you wouldn't question to Captain America.
That's the difference and it's been that way since the 60's and people are still falling for Marvel's hammy forced drama tripe.
user, not even Americans will watch Disney's latest attempt to shove ersatzmen man hating fuck ugly women and faggotry into the minds of impressionable youth.
Even the youth are screaming the emperor has no clothes with the gay stuff. And it's only going to get worse.
By the way, I would LOVE IT if the first brown person, and latina was full on man hating dyke America Chavez.
They won't even be able to hire a hot instathot thicc 20/10 latina to play her so they can sort of push the hatefuck/hasn't met the right dick yet thing through PR.
Even then AC is deep into "no matter how hot she is..." territory and no one will touch the character.
They have to hire average to ugly for her. Like they did with mary jane.
And that + AC's insuferable hateful dyke thing x mexicans christianity and latina's virulent hatred of lesbians = shit getting hilarious.
Holy shit no she wasn't. She was an insufferable muff diving bitch there too.
latino's don't fucking stand for ugly chicks in their media, at all, especially if they're latino, they have a huge machismo culture.
If the movies after endgame are shit, I will be happy knowing the universe ended with Thanos fucking them up.
No shit.
When I played ball in texas the mexican station over there was meat beat time.
Had to find a cute chica to fuck raw because that shit had so thoroughly turned me on to mexican women.
Can't wait for the Incel fallout
>no plans for x-men
Don't tell me you actually believe that?
Marvel's fault for just calling her solo 'America'.
You mean the outright hatred of the movie then the complete lack of interest from the public and virulent hatred from normies?
Cause the incels were the ones who were willing to buy tickets to see shit like this WITH the gays in there and what not.
They only wanted it to be entertaining, not insult them, and not push faggotry hardcore onto them.
They fucked up all three of those simple as fuck things and now they can't sell shit.
The incels and by extension the normies that listen too and are entertained by them are going to do worse then have a massive melt down over it.
They are going to deride it coldly then ignore it.
Look at Star Wars:Skywalkers.
>Gay Hulkling
Hey, i liked him.
Look at this rambling nonsense eagerly eating up such simple bait without an ounce of shame.
user. It's not a trap if you willing walk into it.
I chose to write that "rambling post" because I was inspired by it.
I stand by it as well.
The incels are the very people who keep this shit afloat.
mexican women are great their standards are rock bottom and they're hot as fuck
Can't wait for the shitstorm and the MCU fanbase finally fracturing.
Can't wait for Marvels first flop! Coming any day now.
I feel like after Endgame comes and goes and a lot of the original cast leaves the interest will die down
The two newest major characters solo movies both made over a billion dollars like $45 a year?
I think the MCU is going to run out of steam. After Endgame, superhero fatigue is going to set in. We had a great 11 year run but all good things come to an end. I don’t see Captain Marvel, Strange, and BP holding up the franchise as well as the original trio did.
Strange is the only 1 I am remotely interested in seeing after Endgame.
I'll be honest, the combo of how bland and uninspired Captain Marvel was compared to the epic scale of Aquaman (Something I never felt with the MCU), the greatness of Spider-Verse that made MCU seem redundant, and then the heart of SHAZAM really makes me question the direction of the MCU. Like, the MCU feels cheap and not directed as well as these past three films.
Daredevil S1 was better than 90 of the MCU
The rest were garbage
I don’t care for Spider-Man anymore because I’ve sat through 6 films about him in the past 17 years. Enough is enough.
I enjoyed Shazam because it actually embraces the source’s zaniness and the actors for young Billy and older Billy did a stellar job. And the scene with the mom hit me harder than I thought.
WB is starting to get its groove on while Disney is starting to falter. Honestly, I don’t think we’ll see cape movies do well in the next decade. It’s flooding the market.
I mean if superhero fatigue does set in and cape movies become uncool Feige might not have a choice...
If they can improve on their costume design, script and CGI, I wouldn't mind watching them after End Game. I've sorta gotten tired of their lazy shallow quips. I don't think Phase 1 and 2 had that issue, expect for the bad ones like The Dark World or Iron Man 2.