>getting butthurt over the writer making distinctions between his works and the works of someone else
It's like you'd rather be chucking spears and shitting in the bushes rather than learn anything.
How salty do you have to be?
Carter Hill
Bentley Bailey
Less salty than OP
Brayden Phillips
Is he saying they were bestsellers also in Japan?
William Cook
>No...sorry this is not Knuckles! This is Lara Su....
Ethan Phillips
I don't think he can legally call it Ducktales
Jacob Reed
>very loosely based
>virtually no similarity
Can someone explain this? Is it really that different or is it just autist "not muh ducks" complaints? I don't read comics.
David Reyes
Connor Green
And the one with the chiles.
Leo Long
Angel Torres
Nu-ducktales is absolute garbage so I understand why it would get tiresome having drooling casuals come up to you asking for webby porn or whatnot